Входной контроль по английскому языку 11 класс
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Входной контроль по английскому языку
11 класс
Вариант 3
2. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов.
He didn’t need advice
Once Mozart was approached by a young man, who was interested in Mozart’s advice on how to compose a symphony. Since he was still very young, Mozart recommended that he should start by 8________WRITE__________ballads. 9_________SURPRISE_________, the young man responded, “But you wrote symphonies when you were only ten years old.”
“But I 10_________NOT HAVE_________ to ask,” countered Mozart.
Why a zigzag?
Have you ever noticed that when we climb hills we create zigzags? We don’t go straight ahead but go in zigzags. It can mean walking 20 times as far, and still a zigzag is 11________FAST__________ than the shortest distance between two points.
Researchers developed a mathematical model 12________SHOW__________ that a zigzag provides the most efficient way for humans to go up or down steep slopes.
They explain that zig-zagging 13________REQUIRE__________ less effort.
Pronunciation is important
Some learners of English think that pronunciation is not very important. That is 14___ABSOLUTE_______ wrong. Even if you have an acceptable grasp of the English language, with good grammar and an 15___EXTEND_______ vocabulary, native English speakers may find you very difficult to understand you if you don't work on your pronunciation. Correct, clear pronunciation is 16______ESSENCE______ if you really want to improve your level of English. Pay particular attention to any sounds that you are 17___FAMILIAR____ with or that do not exist in your native tongue. For example, 18___RUSSIA______ have difficulty pronouncing the “th” sound, as it does not exist in their native language. Remember that the pronunciation of certain English words varies depending on the part of the world it's spoken in. For example, American English differs 19____GREAT_______ from British English.
3. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:
…Last weekend was my mom’s anniversary and we had a family gathering. We entertained more than 25 people and lived on leftovers for 2 days after the event. What do you usually cook for special occasions? How often do you entertain people in your family? Do you normally celebrate your family holidays at home, or go to a café or to a club? Why? Oh, before I forget, my middle brother won our school tennis tournament… |
Write a letter to Jane. In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her middle brother
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Входной контроль, английский язык, тест, 5 класс, ФГОС, учебник Вербицкой М.В. "Forward 5"...

Входной контроль по английскому языку (11 класс)
Материалы для входного контроля по английскому языку в 11 классе содержат задания базового уровня в формате ЕГЭ в 3 вариантах с ключами....