Тест "Great Britain"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Морозова Ирина Николаевна

Тест по английскому языку "Great Britain"


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                         Тест по английскому языку.

Great Britain.

Choose the correct answer. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. The main parts of Great Britain are:

  1. Cambridge        b) Wales        c) Scotland        d) Glasgow        e) England

2. The longest river is:

  1. the Thames        b) the Clyde                c) the Severn

3. The English Channel separates Great Britain from:

  1. Sweden                b) France                c) the Netherlands

4. The capital of Northern Ireland is:

a)  Dublin         b) Cardiff          c) Belfast

5.  On the hole the climate of Great Britain is:

a) dry                b) frosty        c) mild        d) tropical

6.  The main nationalities are:

        a) the Scots        b) the French        c)  the English        d)  the Welsh

7.  The Union  Jack is a(n):

        a) mountain                b) street        c) flag        d) island

8.  Where is the coal-mining region situated?

        a) Scotland                b) South Wales        c) Northern Ireland

9.  The current British monarch is:

     a) Prince Charles b) Queen Elisabeth II         c) Queen Victoria d) Prince Albert

10. The Tower of London is:

      a) prison                b) a royal residence        c) a museum

11. A double-decker is:

     a) a bus                b) a train        c) a plane        d) a hotel room

12. The kilt is:

      a)  musical instrument        b) hat                c) short skirt

13. What is Piccadilly circus?

      a) a square        b) a circus        c) a disco

14.  Guy Fawkes was a:

       a) prime- minister                b) conspirator        c) general

15.   For Christmas dinner the English usually have:

       a) chicken        b) fish        c) turkey        d) roast beef

16.   What’s the name of the London underground?

        a) Metro        b) Tube        c) Subway

17. Stonehenge is a:

     a) theatre                b) town        c) place for religious rituals

18. Who wrote Winnie the Pooh?

      a) L. Carroll        b) O. Wild                c) A. Milne

19. Shakespeare’s birthplace is:

     a) London        b) Stratford-on- Avon        c) Edinburgh

20. What’s the name of the author of the Harry Potter books?

      a) Rowling        b) Alfred        c) Tolkien

21. What is the name of a man the monument to whom stands in Trafalgar Square?

      a) Nelson        b) Chaplin        c) Cromwell

22. What was the first famous British pop-group from Liverpool?

     a) the Beatles                b) Deep Purple        c) Queen

23. The oldest university in Britain is in:

     a)  London        b) Edinburgh        c) Oxford

24. Who is the first woman Prime Minister of Britain?

      a) Thatcher        b) Livingstone        c) Scott

25 What’s the name of a famous scientist who discovered laws of electricity?

      a) Chaucer        b) Faraday                c) Stevenson

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