Контрольная работа №2 для 7 класса
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

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Контрольная работа № 2  7 класс

  1. Listen to Trevor and complete the sentences.

I earn ___________ a week at the RAP. I usually spend _________________ on CDs, sweets, and crisps, and I usually_____________ about five pounds.

  1. Read the following statements, then read the text and match its paragraphs with the statements. There is one extra statement.
  1. Studying is very important for Chinese students.
  2. Students stay in their classrooms for lunch.
  3. Students have all the classes in the same classroom.
  4. Maths and English are students’ favourite classes.
  5. Homework does not take too much time.

6. Chinese schools have their own typical features.

A In China education plays a very important role. Schools in China are very much like schools in Europe or America. There are, however, some differences.

В There are usually about 45 students in a classroom. Students stay in the same classrooms for all subjects, teachers travel from classroom to classroom to teach their subjects. Starting from the third grade, each subject is taught by a teacher who specialises only in that subject.

С School hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students have 10-minute breaks in between 40-minute classes. At noontime the students eat lunch, which is prepared by school kitchen staff and brought to their classrooms.

Chinese schools do not generally give much homework. Most students can complete it in about one hour, after that they do extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities for many students include weekend classes. The majority of kids prepare for the Olympiads in maths and English in their extracurricular weekend classes.

E The Chinese hold learning and education in the highest regard. Even when in hospital, they would do homework while receiving treatment. Teachers say that though children are smarter and more confident today, there is always room for improvement. Today students need to be taught discipline and teamwork.








  1. Complete the text with a, the or zero article.

____ Yaroslav _____ Wise used marriages of his children to strengthen international relationship. He married three of his daughters to foreign princes: Elizabeth to _____ Harald III of Norway, ____ Anastasia to _____ King of Hungary and his younger daughter, ___ Anne, to ____ Henry I of France. ____ Prince Yaroslav was connected to almost all European monarchs of his time.

  1. Describe the situation using the verb in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Simple

 1. John ________ (to play) football yesterday. 2. I just _________ (to open) the window. 3. Mary _________(not to speak) to the teacher yet. 4. Steve and Mark _________ ( to go) to London in 2009. 5. Jim __________ (to give) to his friend 5000 dollars six months ago. 6. – Alice, you just _________ (to break) my cup? – No, I _______ not. 7. You ever __________ (to be) to New York? 8. You ___________ (to dance) on parade last May? 9. Tanya _________ (cook) dinner yesterday. 10. Julia _______ (to watch) this film yet. 11. Patrick _______ (not to see) snow last winter. 12. I already ________ (to drink) hot tea. 13. Jim ________ (to go) to Oxford three weeks ago. 6. – Donny, you _________ (to take) my book? – No, I _______ not. 7. You ever _________ (to be) to Los Angeles? 8. You ________ (to work) in “Sberbank” in 2010?

  1. Read this list. Describe which things you must or mustn’t do.
  1. do homework _________________________________________________
  2. be late for school _______________________________________________
  3. go to bed earlier _______________________________________________
  4. be late for class ________________________________________________
  5. get up early ___________________________________________________

8. Add to where necessary. Complete the dialogues .

  1. — Would you like go to the cinema? — No, I’m sorry, I’m busy.
  2. — I have do the washing-up now. — ..._________________________________________
  3. — I can play the piano, but I can’t swim. —...______________________________
  4. — Could you lay the table, please? — ...________________________________________
  5. — Do you have do the shopping? — ..._________________________________________
  6. — Can you play tennis? — ..._______________________________________________
  7. — Do you like swimming? — ...______________________________________________
  8. — Could you take out the rubbish for me, please? — ..._____________________________

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