Презентация по английскому языку "Что мы можем сделать, чтобы спасти наш мир?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Презентация предназначена для учащихся 8 класса при прохождении темы "Экология". Она включает в себя тестирование, которое позволяет узнать, насколько мы бережно относимся к окружающей среде. А также заставляет задуматься о проблемах, связанных с экологией на нашей планете. Презентация направлена на развитие устной речи.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Walk lightly on the Earth. See but don’t be seen. Hear, but don’t be heard. What you carry in, carry out. Take only memories, leave only footprints. Легко шагай по планете Земля. Смотри, но будь невидим. Слушай, но будь бесшумен. Что принёс, унеси с собой. Возьми только воспоминания и оставь только следы.(Надпись на входе в Канадский национальный природный парк)
Acid rain – when harmful gases from cars and power plants are released into the air and fall back to the Earth with rain or snow. Atmosphere – all the gases around the Earth Carbon dioxide – a gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe out. Ecology – the study of organisms and their environment. Ecosystem - a community of plants and animals living together. Global warming – an increase in the Earth’s temperature, caused by a build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Ozone (O ) – a type of oxygen Ozone layer – this is in the atmosphere, between 10km and 60km above the Earth. The ozone stops a lot of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Recycle – to use over and over again. Renewable resource. Solar energy – energy that comes from the sun. Smog - brown air pollution that comes from cars and factories; it makes the air unsafe for people, animals and plants to breathe. Toxic - another word for poisonous. Ultraviolet radiation – part of sunlight.
TEST 1.What does your family do with empty bottles? A) take them to a recycling centre; B) return them to the supermarket; C) throw them to the rubbish bin; 2.Do you use water-based cleaning products to clean your house? A) I don’t check; B) I try to; C) always; 3.How often do you use insect sprays? A) never; B) always; C) seldom; 4.If you were asked to contribute to save the animal project, you would A) give generously; B) give a small amount; C) refuse to give anything;
5.A local beach has been polluted with oil. You: A) donate money for the clean up project; B) do nothing; C) volunteer to help with the clean up project; 6.You eat a chocolate bar in the street. What do you do with the wrapper? A) drop it on the pavement; B) put it in a litter bin; C) save it for recycling; 7.Do you ever enjoy light meals that require little or no cooking like salad? A) not very often; B) often; C) sometimes; 8.When you clean your teeth, you: A) turn the tap on only when you need water; B) leave the tap running until you have finished; C) only use one glass of water ;
RESULTS 1. a) 3; b) 2; c) 0; 2. a) 0; b) 2; c) 3; 3. a) 3; b) 0; c) 2; 4. a) 3; b) 2; c) 0; 5. a) 2; b) 0; c) 3; 6. a) 0; b) 2; c) 3; 7. a) 0; b) 3; c) 2; 8. a) 2; b) 0; c) 3. 18-24 KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! YOU ARE DOING YOUR PART TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT. 13-17 THER E IS SOME ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. CHANGE YOUR HABITS AND SOON YOU WILL BE GREEN. 0-12 YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. YOU SHOULD TRY TO BECOME PART OF THE SOLUTION.
Answer the following questions : Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared ? What is the air polluted by? Are rivers polluted? Why are forests disappearing all over the world? Can you see pollution at the seaside? People are in danger, aren’t they? What are the most serious environmental problems now? How can we solve them? What do you think is the first step?
Let’s look at our planet once again. It’s so beautiful! Why should we take care of our planet? Our Earth is so beautiful. Nature gives people its riches to live and enjoy. We cannot live without fresh air, clean water, sunshine and a lot of things, which must take care of it. We must keep our rivers and lakes, forests and towns clean. We must plant flowers, feed birds and animals in winter. Then we’ll be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe.
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