Повторение времен PAST CONTINUOUS и PAST SIMPLE с использованием средств мировой художественной культуры и поп-музыки (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ АРТ-ТЕХНОЛОГИИ)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Данная разработка представляет из себя вариант открытого занятия по повторению грамматической темы двух времен Past Simple и Past Continuous c использованием арт-педагогических технологий, а именно средств художественной наглядности и поп-музыки.
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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слухаМузыкальная академия
Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей
Современно, удобно, эффективно
Предварительный просмотр:
Титова Наталья Анверовна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ №446
Повторение времен PAST CONTINUOUS и PAST SIMPLE с использованием средств мировой художественной культуры и поп-музыки (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ АРТ-ТЕХНОЛОГИИ)
Титова Наталья Анверовна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназии №446 г. Санкт-Петербурга
| закрепление и активизация иноязычного материала текст песни, картины известных русских художников, речевые ситуации Компьютер, колонки, наглядность (картины Карла Брюллова «Последний день Помпеи», Бориса Кустодиева «Голубой домик», Ильи Репина «Не ждали», сюжетная картинка песни), дидактические материалы (текст песни, (речевые ситуации – дополнительный материал) урок продолжает учебную тему «Повторение времен английского глагола» |
WARM-UP (SPEAKING) (whole class, individual) Good morning, everyone! I am glad to see you at our lesson. Now you may take your seats. As you remember, at our last lesson we reviewed the tense Past Continuous. When is it used? What do you remember? How is it formed? (Вешаю на доску плакаты по Past Continuous) Well, I have three sentences. They all are in the Past Continuous. Can you match these sentences to their usage? (Ученики вешают примеры) But you know that we usually use the Past Continuous with the Past Simple in the same sentence.Let’s remember when the Past Simple is used. OK, I will give you three senetences and you will remember. (Примеры – предложения) (If they have difficulties in naming the usage, help them with the questions: 1. Did the actions go one after the other in the first sentence? So we use the Past Simple tense when the sctions happened one after the other. (Вешаю на доску правило употребления №1) 2. Do you know when the action took place? So we use the Past Simple with a complete action or event happened at a stated past time. (Вешаю на доску правило употребления №2)
3. Do you know when the action take place? Is the action connected with the present? How do you know that? So we use the Past Simple with the action which happened at a definite past time although the time is not mentioned. This action is not connected with the present. (Вешаю на доску правило употребления №3) Well, today we continue reviewing these two tenses. And we will do with the help of three well-known pictures and a pop song. | Good morning, teacher! (Give examples of using this tense) (Match the sentences.) (If they have some difficulties in remembering the use of this tense, help them) (3 sentences) We use the Past simple tense when the sctions happened one after the other. We use the Past Simple with a complete action or event happened at a stated past time. No, I / we don’t. No, it isn’t. Because Shakespeare is dead. We use the Past Simple with the action which happened at a definite past time although the time is not mentioned. This action is not connected with the present. |
DESCRIBING PICTURES (SPEAKING – развитие монологической речи) (group work/ individual) Let’s look at some well-known pictures of great painters. They are “The blue little house” by boris Kustodiev, “We didn’t wait” by Ilia Repin and “The last day of Pompeii”by Carl Brulov. (Вывешиваю плакаты с именами на доске под правилами строго под определенной группой.) Now you will work in groups of four or three students. You should describe the picture in 5 minutes. Use the useful key words from the paper. Look at picture 1 (B. Kustodiev “The blue little house.”) Imagine that it was Saturday. It was 5 o’clock in the evening. How do you think what were people doing at that time on Saturday? Please, group 1 begin working. Look at picture 2. (Ilia Repin “We didn’t wait.”) Who is the man in the picture? Did anybody wait for him? Where was he? Please, group 2 take this picture. Look at picture 3. (Carl Brulov “The last day of Pompeii”) What is the story described in the picture? Did it happen in real life? Describe this picture group 3. Now, take each picture in turn. Let’s begin with group 2. Can group 1 continue? And at last let’s listen to the third group. WORKING WITH A SONG (SPEAKING, LISTENING, READING, WRITING, SINGING) I Pre-listening activities (working with the picture and the questions) II Listening to the song III After-listening activities (answering the questions, making a short story) | (The students are working. The time for the task is 5 minutes.) The students are describing pictures. (Describe the picture and answer the questions) (listening) (answer the questions, make a short story Begin like this: This story is about the man who was walking down the street one day and saw a young girl. He was feeling down that day, but when he saw a girl he fell in love with her and remembered that day. Then the feelings of a young man are described. He didn’t know what to say but when it began to rain they went to a cafe together and stayed there all afternoon.) |
IV Writing (filling the gaps with the forms of English tenses, listening to the song – checking the answers (self-correcting)) V Pronounciation (find all the examples of words with the sound /w/) VI Vocabulary (activate the expressions from the lyric VII Singing a song (in groups) VIII Extension (Extra activity) You could ask the students to rewrite the song changing the situation. (give the students the words in Russian) For example: Я cдавалa свой экзамен (sit one’s exam) однажды, Когда я заснула (fall asleep) Да, мои глаза закрылись без моей помощи, Ничего я не смогла сделать. Я чувствовала себя подавленным, Ланч привел меня в чувство, И я запомнила в этот день, Булочку, которую они мне дали, Лимон с чаем . Когда я увидела моего учителя в тот день, Мое сердце стало безумным. Я пыталась найти слова, чтобы сказать Почему я спала хуже ночью. Мы разговаривали на воздухе Когда пошел дождь, Поэтому мы пошли в класс, Мы зашли в комнату И просидели весь день.
THE LESSON IS OVER It is the time to stop for us. We have reviewed these two tenses very actively. Thank you for your work today. I was pleased with it very much. I hope you were pleased too. So I’m putting excellent marks to ...... . They described her picture well. (she was good at describing the picture). And ...... get good marks. They have some mistakes in the their speech. Well, now that’s the bell. Goodbye, everyone, see you all tomorrow. | (Write the forms of the English verbs , then listen to the song and correct the mistakes.) was, walking, one, when, away, was, way, way, when, wild, was, words,when, we, were, when, we, went, we, walked Singing in groups I was sitting my exam one day When I fell asleep. Yeah, my eyes closed without my help Nothing I could do. I was feeling down Lunch made me feel OK And I remember to this day The bun they gave to me, The lemon with the tea. When I saw my teacher that day My heart went wild I was trying to find the words to say Why I slept worse at night. We were talking in the air When it began to rain. So we went to the classroom We walked into that room And stayed all afternoon. |
Работа с картинами известных художников
BORIS KUSTODIEV (1878 – 1927)
Describe the picture using the key words and phrases.
This is a picture painted by a famous artist Boris Kustodiev.
The picture is called “...............”.
Who can you see in the picture?
What time of day was it?
What time of the year do you think it was?
What were the people and animals doing at 5 o’clock in the evening?
Tell some ideas about:
- the boy on the roof
- the pigeons
- the man and the woman on the balcony
- the children at the very edge of the picture on the right
- the dog
- the old woman in the kerchief
- the woman in a blue skirt
- the young man at the fence
- the young woman in the window
- the old man in glasses
- the man with a moustache and the man with a beard
- the man in a hat
What were they wearing?
What were they talking about?
ILYA REPIN (1844 – 1930)
Describe the picture using the key words and phrases.
This is a picture painted by a great artist Ilya Repin.
The picture is called “...............”.
Who can you see in the picture?
What time of day was it?
What time of the year do you think it was?
What were the people doing when the man came?
Tell some ideas about:
- the man
- the old woman (Who is she: a mother, a wife or a sister?)
- the children
- the woman at the door (What was she doing at that moment?)
What were they wearing?
Were they glad to see the man?
What did they say to him?
CARL BRULLOV (1799 – 1852)
Describe the picture using the key words and phrases.
This is the most famous picture painted by a famous artist Carl Brulov.
The picture is called “...............”.
Who can you see in the picture?
What time of day was it?
What country did it take place?
What were the people doing while Vesuvius was erupting?
Tell some ideas about:
- the statues
- the the woman with two daughters on the left
- the old man in the bottom left-hand corner
- the old man in white clothes in the centre of the picture
- the woman and the man in the centre (with the children)
- the woman with the child in the centre
- two young boys on the right (with an old man)
- the man on the horse
- the man with a box of paints (What can he be?)
What were they wearing?
Extra: What were they doing when the volcano began erupting?
Работа с песней
Put the verbs in brackets into the PAST CONTINUOUS AND PAST SIMPLE. Use your knowledge of grammar.
I (walk) down the street one day
When I (see) you
Yeah you really (take) my breath away
Nothing I (can) do
I (feel) down
You (make) me feel OK
And I remember to this day
The way you (look) at me
The way you (make) me feel
When I (see) you on the street that day
My heart (go) wild
I (try) to find the words to say
When you (turn) and (smile)
We (stand) there
When it (begin) to rain
So we (go) to a cafe
We (walk) into that room
And (stay) all afternoon
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