Spotlight 6, test 3
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Белая Марина Андреевна

Самостоятельная работа к учебному пособию Spotlight 6, Unit 3


Файл spotligh_6._module_3._check.docx436.01 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Fill in the gaps with CAN or CAN`T.


  1.    You _________ stop here.


  1.   Pedestrian ________ walk here.


  1.   You _________ drive at 40 mph.


  1.    You ________ turn right.


  1.    You _____ go there.

You can drive at.JPG6. You … drive at 50 mph.                                You can't turn left.JPG7. You … turn left.

You can't cross here.jpg8. You … cross here.                                    You can't park here.jpg9. You … park here

  1. Complete the sentences with these words.

        nickname       seat belt         pavement      lights       racing     ride

plane        bike      car       boat       lights        left      road

  1. Bob and Mary can ______ a bike.
  2. Stop at the traffic _____ .
  3. “What`s your ______ ?”-“Shumi!”
  4. Michael Schumacher is a ______ car driver.
  5. Always wear a __________  when you travel by car.
  6. Walk on the ____________, not the road.
  7. That man is a pilot. He can fly a _____________
  8. My little sister can't ride a ____________
  9. His brother is very young. He can't drive a __________
  10. Can your father sail a _________
  11. Always stop at the traffic  _________  when they're red.
  12. Turn _________ into Green street.
  13. Don't run onto the _________

  1. Fill in: ON, BY, IN
  1. I go to school ______ foot.
  2. She prefers travelling _____ plane.
  3. Be careful ____ the roads.
  4. Be careful when you cross the street  _____  foot.
  5. When you travel  ______  a bus, don't annoy others.
  6. It isn't dangerous to travel  _____ plane
  7. Always wear a seat belt when you travel  _____  a car.
  8. It's safe to travel  ____  train.

  1. Guess the words.
  1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sign
  2. lean out of the _ _ _ _ _ _
  3. double-decker _ _ _
  4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zone
  5. look both _ _ _ _

  1. Choose the correct response.

  1. Excuse me, how can I get to the sports centre?
  2. Thank you very much.
  3. Are you ready, Brian?
  4. I can`t find the way to the post office.
  5. Is there anything I can do for you?

  1. Oh, you`re very kind. I`ve got a problem you can help me with.
  2. Yes! Let`s go now!
  3. Go down Apple Street and turn right into Park Avenue
  4. Oh, that`s easy. The post office is round the corner.
  5. You`re welcome.

  1. Translate the words.

  • Водитель-
  • Пешеход-
  • Шлем-
  • Автошкола-
  • Будь осторожен-
  • Идти прямо-
  • Метро-
  • Такси в Лондоне-

G. Correct the sentences to make them true.

  • Don’t wear a seat belt when you are in the car!
  • ______________________________________
  • Run onto the road to cross it quickly!
  • ______________________________________
  • Talk to the driver, when in the bus!
  • ______________________________________
  • Don’t walk on the pavement! Walk on the road!
  • ______________________________________
  • Don’t look both ways before crossing!
  • ______________________________________

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