Сценарий проведения праздника « V I C T O R Y D A Y»
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Сценарий проведения праздника « V I C T O R Y D A Y»
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Сценарий проведения праздника
« V I C T O R Y D A Y»
(В рамках недели Английского языка)
Appeals - « Everything for the Front! »
« Everything for Victory! »
« Your name is unknown But your deed is immortal».
«Russia is immense, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is at our backs».
Звучит мелодия песни «Вставай страна огромная»
Ведущий 1.
Ведущий 2.
Тот самый длинный день в году
С его безоблачной погодой
Нам выдал общую беду
На всех, на все четыре года.
Она такой вдавила след
И стольких наземь положила,
Что 30 лет и 40 лет
Живым не верится, что живы.
Сорок первый! Июнь.
Год и месяц борьбы всенародной
Даже пылью времен
Затянуть эту дату нельзя.
Поднималась страна
И на фронт уходила поротно,
Кумачовые звезды
На полотнах знамен унося.
Ведущий 1 «Е»
The peaceful labour of the Soviet people was interrupted, on June22, 1941, by Nazi Germany’s treacherous attack. It was an exceptionally cruel war, and in it the USSR was defending not only its freedom and independence, but the freedom of many other nations and of world civilization.
The whole Soviet people rose like one to defend their Motherland. Millions fought against the Nazis.
Ведущий 1.
Орудийные залпы, рев бомбовозов, пронзительные пулеметные очереди взорвали утреннюю тишину 22 июня 1941 года.
Ведущий 2 «Е».
The enemy wanted to capture the Soviet capital at all costs. Having suffered tremendous losses, the Nazis reached the outskirts of Moscow by late autumn 1941.
On the outskirts people worked day and night, digging deep ditches. « The enemy will not pass! » - They said. Hitler announced to the world that on November 7, 1941, he would review a parade of his troops on Moscow’s Red Square.
There was a parade on November 7 in Red Square, but only of Red Army troops who marched through the square on their way to the front.
Ведущий 2
За лето и осень 1941 года 2 миллиона добровольцев образовали 60 дивизий на территории, занятой врагом.
Старики, женщины и дети ушли в партизаны и героически сражались против врага.
Ведущий1 «Е».
During the summer and autumn of 1941 two million volunteers formed sixty divisions.
On the areas, occupied by the enemy, a lot of women, old men, young people joined the partisan units and fought heroically against the enemy.
Ведущий 2 «Е».
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was a Moscow schoolgirl and a member of the Komsomol. The fascists were not far from Moscow and Zoya became a partisan. She crossed the front line and joined a group of partisans. Many people rose up at that time against the fascists and formed partisan groups.
The partisans were very fond of Zoya. She was brave and never afraid of the enemy. She was given the pseudonym « Tanya».
( Учащиеся исполняют песню « В землянке» на английском языке) The Dug-Out
Words by A. Surkov. Music by K.Listov. Translated by Tom Botting.
In our dug-out the brazier’s bright glow
On each log shows an amber-like fear,
The accordion now sings soft and low
To your eyes and your sweet smile, my dear.
In the snow-drifts near Moscow I lay
And each shrub whispered gently, my dear,
This same love song I’m singing today,
This sad love song I wish you could hear.
I shall come to you, darling, at last,
Thro’ the snow-fields that lie on the way,
Thro’ the distance between us is vast
And my death lurks but four steps away.
Ведущий 2 «Е»
One day a large group of German soldiers and officers stopped at the village of Petrishchevo. During the night Zoya made her way into the village and when she left, all telephone communication had been destroyed and the houses had been fired in which the enemy men were sleeping.
( Разыгрывается сцена « Партизаны»)
Ведущий 1 «Е»
Two days later she returned to Petrishchevo with another task, but this time the young partisan was captured.
- What is your name?
- I won’t answer that question.
- The houses that were fired- was that your work?
- That’s right.
- Your aim?
- To destroy you.
- Where did you come from?
- I won’t say.
- Who sent you?
- No, I won’t tell
Ведущий 2 «Е».
They began to torture Zoya wishing to get information about her friends, where she had come from and who had sent her.
In the morning again:
-Say, who you are, who sent you? Where did you come from?
- I won’t answer those questions. Friends! Have no fear. Be brave, struggle, destroy the fascists! I don’t fear death! I’m proud to die for my people.
Zoya turned to the enemy soldiers and said:
-There are two hundred million of us. You can’t hang us all. Victory will be ours!
Ведущий 1 « Е»
The road to Minsk. Some eighty-five kilometers from Moscow. A monument to a heroine. People come to Zoya. She stands proudly in the bright sun. Green fields and forests around her. Flowers at her feet.
Hymn To The Russian Earth
/ Performed by Paul Winter/
1. If the people lived their lives
As if it were a song,
For singing out of light
Provides the music for the stars
To be dancing circles in the night.
2.If the people lived their lives
As if it were a song,
For singing out of light
Provides the music for the stars
To be dancing circles in the night.
3. If the people lived their lives
As if it were a song,
For singing out of light
Provides the music for the stars
To be dancing circles in the night.
To be dancing circles in the night.
To be dancing circles in the night.
Ведущий 1.
Вслед за днем первым было еще 1418 дней, суровых дней Великой Отечественной войны. И сколько бы не прошло времени с тех пор, в благодарной памяти людей, в их сердцах будет жить и не загладится та точка отсчета лет, месяцев, дней и часов бессмертия, подвига, несгибаемого мужества и героизма людей великого Советского Союза, ныне Содружества Независимых Государств.
Ведущий 2.
Опять война, опять блокада…
А может нам о них забыть?
Я слышу иногда: “ Не надо,
Не надо раны бередить”.
Ведь это правда, что устали
Мы от рассказов о войне,
И о блокаде пролистали
Стихов достаточно вполне.
И может показаться: правы
И убедительны слова.
Но даже если это правда,
Такая, правда, не права!
(Звучит соната Бетховена «Лунная»).
Ведущий 1.
Восьмого сентября 1941года фашисты захватили Шлиссельбург. Ленинград- город Петра Великого, город трех революций - был блокирован. Город подвергался самым жестоким лишениям. Враг был уверен, что голодающие, мерзнущие люди вцепятся друг в друга из-за куска хлеба, из-за глотка воды, возненавидят друг друга, перестанут работать, и вынуждены будут сами сдать город.
Но враг просчитался…
Ведущий 1 «Е».
The Nazis broke through to Leningrad in September1941. They formed a deep ring around the city. The terrible siege began. Leningraders worked hard to save the many palaces, monuments and other famous buildings in the city from destruction.
For 900 days the Nazis bombed Leningrad. There was no water, no electricity, no transport, and no bread. The women and girls showed great courage during the siege: they worked at factories and at hospitals. At last in January 1944, the Soviet troops switched to the offensive and broke through the siege.
Ведущий 2.
На ряду со взрослыми ужасы войны испытали на себе и дети. Девочка - ленинградка Таня Савичева в блокадном городе вела дневник о горе, постигшем и ее семью.
(Сцена – « Таня Савичева»)
Ведущий 2 «Е».
Tanya Savicheva was eleven years old, when the Great Patriotic War began. She lived happily together with her family in Leningrad. During the siege all her six relatives who lived in Leningrad- died of hunger and she was left alone.
From November 20, 1941, the industrial workers got 250 grammes, of heavy bread a day. The bread was baked together with oilcake [oilkeik]-жмых. Office workers, students, children got only 125 grammes of bread.
Day after day Tanya wrote in her diary:
-Jhenya died on December 28. 1941.
Granny died on January25. 1942.
Leka died on March 17, 1942.
Uncle Vasya died on April 13, 1942.
Uncle Lyosha died on May 10, 1942.
Mama died on May 13, 1942.
The Savichevs are dead.
Only Tanya is left.
Ведущий1 «Е».
Tanya was wrong. Not all the Savichevs were dead. Tanya didn’t remember that her elder sister, Nina, had been evacuated and, her elder brother, Mikhail, was with the partisans. Tanya was evacuated from Leningrad. The fight for her life lasted for many months, but the doctors could not save her.
She died on July 1.1944.
Ведущий 1.
Таня Савичева также стала жертвой войны. Она умерла от дистрофии на руках медсестры и была похоронена в городе Шатки, Горьковской области.
(хор –«We shall overcome»). We Shall Overcome.
1. We shall overcome,
We shall overcome,
We shall overcome some day!
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe,
We shall overcome some day.
2.We shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace some day!
3. We shall all be free,
We shall all be free,
We shall all be free some day!
4.We are not afraid,
We are not afraid,
We are not afraid today!
Ведущий 2 «Е».
The Government sent out an appeal: « Everything for the front! Everything for Victory»! Many factories and plants were moved east – to the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. There were actually only women, teenagers and old people who had to do most of the work at factories and plants, on the collective and state farms, but they did all they could for victory. Doctors and other medical personnel did their best to save the lives of the wounded.
(На сцене появляются “ раненные“ солдаты. Концерт в “ госпитале“.)
Первый номер:
«Жди меня» К. Симонов. «Wait for Me» Translated by A. Ewing
1. Wait for me and I’ll return
Dear one, only wait;
When the leaves of autumn burn
Round our garden gate;
Wait when winter winds blow free,
Wait through summer’s sun;
2. Others may forgotten be
Ere the fight is won;
But, when days that endless creep
Bring no word from me,
Still your lonely vigil keep,
Dear one, wait for me.
Второй номер: «Пусть всегда будет солнце». «May There Always Be Sunshine». в исполнении3’’ A ‘’
Bright blue the sky, sun up on high
That was the little boy’s picture.
He drew for you, wrote for you, too
Just to make clear what he drew.
May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue sky,
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be me.
Третий номер: Куклы (марионетки). Текст за кадром:
1) В сорок первом году
Я парадом пройду
И никто меня не удержит.
Я Москву покорю
Я Россию возьму
А народ-?
Половину сожгу.
2) Ах, Россия, Россия-
Ты Матушка Русь.
Ты подверглась жестоким лишениям.
Но не сломлен твой дух,
Это Гитлер – лопух
Что надеялся выиграть сражение.
Четвертый номер:
«Не ходите на Русь» В. Фирсов.
Не ходите на Русь!
Мономах обращался к соседям.
- Кто с мечом к нам придет,
От меча и погибнет!- сказал
Храбрый князь Александр.
И в немеркнущей вечно победе
Правоту этих слов
Справедливым мечом доказал.
Сколько ж пахарей
Ты потеряла, Россия,
Сколько лучших сынов
Отдала ты кровавым векам?
- Не ходите на Русь!-
Об одном ты просила,
Не к друзьям обращалась,
А только к врагам.
- Не ходите на Русь!
Но враги наступали кроваво…
И тогда нам вручила родная страна
Вместе с грозным оружием-
Поля нашей славы,
Наших предков великих
Святые для нас имена.
- Кто с мечом к нам придет,
От меча и погибнет!
Вся страна поднялась
На святую борьбу…
И Мамаев курган будет
Вечно гордиться сынами,
Что живыми и павшими
Родине были верны.
Над священным Кремлем
Ныне реет победное знамя,
На века осветив
Ратный подвиг патриотов страны.
Ведущий 1 «Е».
In our country Victory Day is celebrated by all people in every city, town, village. It is the most important holiday in our country because it brought peace not only for the Soviet people
but for the people of many European countries. It became a tradition for participants of World War II to meet with their war friends.
Many representatives from different countries come to Russia to celebrate Victory Day with our people. They sing their favourite war songs. They bring flowers and put them on the graves where heroes were are buried.
(На сцене – памятник павшим. У памятника – охрана – солдаты в форме. Идет возложение цветов.)
Ведущий 2 .
Так вот он - Победы торжественный час
Конец положивший огненным бурям.
Ради которого каждый из нас
Грудь открывал осколкам и пулям.
Каждый сегодня, как с братом брат,
Светлей и сердечней час от часа
И плачет от счастья старый солдат
Который в жизни не плакал ни разу.
День Победы - Day of Victory.
Words by Vladimir Kharitonov. Music by David Tukhmanov. Translated by Tom Botting.
1. Day of Victory! Oh, how far away it seemed!
Like a dying ember, hope once hardly gleamed
Scorched and choking, dusty, weary miles were those!
We all did our best to bring our Victory close.
Oh, that Day of Victory!
Cordite in the air.
Day so youthful,
Silver threads in golden hair.
Day of beauty,
Tears of joy gleamed everywhere.
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
2. Night and day your molten steel would light the skies,
You, our land, our Mother, never closed your eyes.
Nights and days of struggle, bitter days were those!
We all did our best to bring our Victory close.
3. Mother, darling, though not all returned to you,
Let us run barefooted, racing through the dew !
Half the roads of Europe every soldier knows –
We all did our best to bring our Victory close.
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