Проверочная работа по английскому языку учащихся 7 класса.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

       Проверочная работа по английскому языку составлена на основе изученного грамматического и лексического материала и предназначена для учащихся 7 класса.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Check your grammar and vocabulary, for the 7th grade

I. Listen to the radio programme and write what it is about.

1. travelling to the future

2. sending things to the future

3. making a film about the future

II. Listen again and find five thing that are mentioned.

1. mobile phone

2. exercise book

3. poster

4. newspaper

5. magazine

6. photos

7. telephone

8. uniform

9. baseball bat

10. baseball glove

III. Write two sentences each of the objects, using the verbs in the box

spoons, books, pens, pencils, cameras, calculators.

to draw, to read, to take pictures,  to write, to eat, to do sums.

Example: Telephones are made of plastic and metal. It is used for talking.

1. …

2. …

3. …

4. …

5. …

6. …

IV. Match the phrases with the pictures.

a) shouldn’t put your elbows on the table;

b) shouldn’t lick your finger;

c) shouldn’t talk with your mouth full;

d) should sit up straight:

e) should say thank you when you finish your meal;

f) should wipe your fingers on the serviette.

V. Report what the people said about their childhood.

Example: I was a bad pupil. – He said (that) he was a bad pupil.

1. When she was a child, she had two cats. - … .

2. I didn’t like summer camp. - … .

3. My sister was my best friend. - … .

4. Max helped his parents. - … .

5. I and Alice were good students. - … .

6. I did my homework. - … .

Check your grammar and vocabulary, for the 7th grade

I. Listen to the radio programme and write what it is about.

1. travelling to the future

2. sending things to the future

3. making a film about the future

II. Listen again and find five thing that are mentioned.

1. mobile phone

2. exercise book

3. poster

4. newspaper

5. magazine

6. photos

7. telephone

8. uniform

9. baseball bat

10. baseball glove

III. Write two sentences each of the objects, using the verbs in the box

spoons, books, pens, pencils, cameras, calculators.

to draw, to read, to take pictures,  to write, to eat, to do sums.

Example: Telephones are made of plastic and metal. It is used for talking.

1. …

2. …

3. …

4. …

5. …

6. …

IV. Match the phrases with the pictures.

a) shouldn’t put your elbows on the table;

b) shouldn’t lick your finger;

c) shouldn’t talk with your mouth full;

d) should sit up straight:

e) should say thank you when you finish your meal;

f) should wipe your fingers on the serviette.

V. Report what the people said about their childhood.

Example: I was a bad pupil. – He said (that) he was a bad pupil.

1. When she was a child, she had two cats. - … .

2. I didn’t like summer camp. - … .

3. My sister was my best friend. - … .

4. Max helped his parents. - … .

5. I and Alice were good students. - … .

6. I did my homework. - … .

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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