Достижение учащимися личностных, предметных и метапредметных результатов. Личностные результаты: осознавать возможность использования имеющихся знаний в новой языковой ситуации, проявлять интерес к новому содержанию, оценивать уровень собственной языковой компетенции и необходимость ее повышения; формировать эстетические потребности, ценности и чувства; развивать самостоятельность и личную ответственность за свои поступки, в том числе в информационной деятельности, на основе представлений о нравственных нормах. Предметные результаты: - догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по контексту (глагол “like”); - понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников при непосредственном общении и вербально/невербально реагировать на услышанное; - употреблять изученную лексику по теме «Цвета» в устной и письменной речи; - практически использовать грамматические умения (утвердительные предложения в Present Simple); - воспроизводить графически и каллиграфически корректно буквы английского алфавита, сравнивать такие языковые единицы как звук, буква, слово; - адекватно произносить и различать на слух звуки английского языка, соблюдать нормы произношения звуков. Метапредметные результаты: Регулятивные УУД: определять цели и задачи урока, устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом, планировать собственную деятельность, интересоваться чужим мнением, высказывать свое. Познавательные УУД: соотносить содержание текста с иллюстрацией, пользоваться изученными правилами чтения для уточнения произношения слов, сравнивать и анализировать грамматическую информацию, делать обобщения. Коммуникативные УУД: работать в парах, группе, участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблемы, слушать товарища и обосновывать свое мнение, выражать мысли и идеи.
Ход урока: Организационный момент: Good morning, children! How are you? How are you, Artur? How are you, Nikita? (опрашиваю всех детей) Речевая разминка: Let’s begin our lesson! Kirill, tell me, please, what day and date are today. Is the weather good? (No, it`s awful) Can you do any sport in such weather? (No, I can`t.) I agree with you. And you? What do you do usually in such weather? And when you have some free time? Answer me this questions, please. (Раздаю вопросы). Well, now say me, please. What is the theme of our lesson? Look at these pictures. I want you to guess it. Yes, we are going today to speak about free time activities and hobbies. And we will work in teams. Фонетическая разминка: But first of all, remember some sounds! Look at the slide and read these sounds after me: [ᴂ] [oi] [ɔ] [i:] [i] [ei] Please, read altogether! And you, you…And now the 1st team! The 2nd! Well done! I think we are ready for the work! Let’s begin our competition! Вводный этап: Look at the screen. Read please the new words and word combinations, well. Now, find these sounds in the given words. Let`s start our first task. Keeping fit [i:] [i] - держать форму Taking pictures [ei] [i] - снимать фотографии To be fond of something [ɔ] – увлекаться чем-либо To enjoy [oi] – получать радость, делать что-то с удовольствием To be keen on something [i:] - интересоваться чем-либо To be mad about something [ᴂ] – обожать что-либо, сходить от этого с ума To hang out with friends [ᴂ] – болтаться с друзьями, «зависать» Have you got some mistakes? You get 5 / 6 points Основной этап: Children, let’s match words and word combinations with their translations, o.k. Do you understand? Let`s start. Check your answers. One right answer is given two points for your team. Well, our next task. Match these words and their descriptions. Gardening is to work in the garden; Traveling is to go from one place or to different places; Taking pictures is to make a photo; Collecting things is to bring things together; Keeping fit is to be healthy and slim; Go by bike is to ride a bike; Going for a walk is to walk; To be fond of reading is to like reading. O.K. well done. To be fond of dancing is to like dancing. And you? Do you like dancing? Do you like doing exercises? I like too. Let`s a little moving. Музыкально-релаксационная минута. Thank you, sit down please. And your next task. British children write about their favourite after-school activities on the Internet. What do they prefer doing after school? Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. You can`t use some words more than once. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами. Вы можете использовать слова не более одного раза.
change * enjoyable * fond * free * keen * mad * relaxing * stamps * take * thrilling |
- In my………….. time I enjoy listening to music. It's…………..
- I am ……… of bowling. It's ………..
- I am ………….about climbing. I can't wait to go to the climbing club. It's a …………… sport!
- I am ……………..on field trips. They are …………. from school.
- I'd like to………………up collecting…………… . It's very interesting.
__________________________________________________________________ Check your answers. And this task is for your captains. Tell me please about your free time activities by this scheme. - что ты делаешь после уроков и почему;
- как часто ты проводишь так свое свободное время;
- где ты предпочитаешь проводить свое свободное время.
I like ……ing in my free time. It is ……… I … every day/once a week. I am … of …ing in/at ..... And the last task for you. Read the task and answer the question: What do they like doing in their free time? Tom: My favourite after-school activity is - playing sports! I took up tennis when I was 10 and now I go to a tennis club twice a week. Besides, I am mad about football. I'm in the school football team and we play against other schools every Tuesday. It's so thrilling to take part in football competitions and to win them! I also want to try something challenging, skateboarding for example. In the evening I usually watch TV, play computer games or read. I can't say that I read a lot, but I'm fond of funny stories.
Linda: Homework takes most of my free time on weekdays. If I am not doing my homework, I prefer listening to music. For me there is nothing more enjoyable and relaxing than listening to my favourite songs and joining in singing. At weekends I usually hang out with my friends in the park. Sometimes I go sightseeing with the history club. It's an exciting change from school and homework!
Robert: I am keen on collecting. I've got different collections. At primary school I collected car models, stickers of pop stars and sportsmen. Now I'm collecting stamps and coins from different countries. I don't understand why some children start collecting something and very soon give up this hobby. I think collecting is a fun and interesting hobby. I get a lot out of it. I keep a diary (дневник) and write interesting facts about each item of my collection. I often show my collections at our school club of collectors. Завершающий этап: Well my dear friends, our lesson is over but before you leave I want you to estimate our lesson and your work today. If you liked the lesson, and everything was clear and interesting for you, and you were very active and positive today hang on this smile the sign so, all is o.k. If you didn’t like the lesson, and there was something unclear, uninteresting for you hang on this smile the sign so upside down. Ok, I’m happy, you liked our lesson, I liked it very much too. You must at home mini-project, or slide-show, or crosswords by your choice about free time, free time activities, hobbies. O.k. Our lesson is over. Good bye!