Неделя иностранного языка
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Неделя иностранного языка, проводимая в школе, дает ребятам возможность на практике применить свои знания, независимо от их уровня, и дает возможность поверить в свои силы в изучении иностранного языка.
Предварительный просмотр:
Неделя иностранного языка
викторина “I know English”
Конкурс пословиц “English Proverbs”. Заранее пишутся пословицы на английском языке на листах ватмана, потом разрезаются на две половинки каждая. Половинки пословиц прикрепляются к дверям кабинетов по всей школе. Задача ребят – пройти по всей школе и записать пословицы, правильно соединив половинки, принести список пословиц своему учителю английского языка и получить балльную карточку.
В качестве изречений можно предложить следующие:
- The more we study, the more we know.
- If you never try, you will never know
- Beauty will save the world
- Actions speak louder than words
- When you have nothing to say, say nothing
- Who knows most, speaks least
- Even a polyglot may not find common language with some people.
- All languages are good if they are spoken in a human way
- All nations smile in the same language.
- A man needs only two years to learn to speak and all his life to keep his mouth shut.
- Several years are needed to learn a foreign language. It takes one’s whole life to master one’s native tongue.
Task 2.
Complete the gaps with letters in brackets & read the proverbs. Match every proverb with its Russian equivalent.
Task 3.
Give antonyms to the following words:
Task 5.
Say as many words as you can on the following topics:
1.School 2. Music 3. Food
Task 6.
Make up as many words as you can from the letters.You are not allowed to write names and verbs.
Task 7
Write ordinal numbers in words:
3, 5, 8, 13, 18, 60, 99, 100, 146
third,fifth,eighth,thirteenth,eighteenth,sixteenth,ninety-ninth,hundredth, hundredth,one hundred and forty-sixth
Task 8
Do you know.....
1.This transport is over 150 years old. It's in England. (Metro-the Tube)
2.What city are 'The Beatles' from? Liverpool
3.The week starts from this day in England. (Sunday)
4.Elizabeth 2 never appears in public without her bag. She carries in it..
a) cookies b) food for dogs c) cosmetics d)a ball of thread
5.An English town with the university where students should wear a robe and a hat after a sunset?(Cambridge)
6.What is the English for 'подводное плавание с аквалангом'?(Diving)
1. What soft drink under the name of 'black blood' was forbidden in England in 1676?(coffee)
2.The length of these skirts was designed by Mary Kent in 1963?(mini skirts)
3.What city represents the football club 'Chelsea' ?(London)
4.Is Covent Garden an opera or drama theatre?(Opera)
5.You may take pictures with famous people in this museum in London.(Madam Tuesso)
6.Soft drink that is translated from English as 'петушиный хвост'(cocktail)
1.There is a Tower Bridge over this river.(The Thames)
2.What country presents London a new year tree every year?(Norway)
3.The most terrible oath of The English people -to do 'it' with your hat.(eat it)
4.Hats of Queen's guards are made of the fur of these animals.(bears' fur)
5.The largest island of Europe.(Great Britain)
6.Skiing with the help of a kite.(kiting)
Task 9
The competition of captains
Answer the questions:
1.The capital of Great Britain(London)
2.The capital of the USA(Washington)
3.What countries are there in the UK?(Wales, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland)
4.The motherland of football (England)
5.The members of 'The Beatles' (John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney)
6.The highest mountain in Great Britain.(Ben Nevis)
7.Official residence of Queen of England (Buckingham Palace)
8.The currency of Great Britain(pounds)
9.What river is London on?(the Thames)
10.What river is Washington on?(the Potomac)
11.The most famous universities in Great Britain.9Cambridge,Oxford)
12.What country presented the statue of Liberty to America(France)
13.Why are there no skyscrapers in Washington?(The White house)
14.What city in America did the first skyscrapers appear?(New York)
15.Who wrote the book 'Tom Sowyer'?(Mark Twain)
16.What is the symbol of England?(a red rose)
17.What is the symbol of Wales?9a leek)
18.What is the symbol of Scotland?(a thistle)
19.Where are British kings and queens buried?(Westminster Abbey)
20.What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgаr square?(Admiral Nelson)
21.Where are famous tennis tours held in England?(Wimbledon)
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