Презентация урока-интервью "Лондон-столица Великобритании"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Бурцева Марина Евгеньевна

Урок в формате интервью соответствует всем принципам коммуникативно ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам: ситуативность, коллективное взаимодействие, жизненная ориентация обучения, соответствие заданий речемыслительной деятельности, вовлечение в речемыслительную деятельность, личностно-ориентированная самостоятельная работа. Наиболее важными приемами, в которых данные принципы реализуются при подготовке и проведении интервью, являются прием ролевого общения, прием формирования ориентировочной способности учащихся и прием обучения речевому взаимодействию.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Лондон-столица Великобритании Урок – интервью в 9 классе Учитель: Бурцева М.Е .

Слайд 2

London is the capital of Great Britain

Слайд 3

Lesson-interview interview and get main ideas and details of the necessary information; participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today’s lesson.

Слайд 4

What is an interview?

Слайд 5

An interview is an occasion when a person is asked questions by one or more people to .

Слайд 6

There are five types of interview: The Information interview; The Persuasion interview; The Evaluation interview; The Counselling interview; The Employment (or Selection) interview.

Слайд 7

Look at this interview and try to restore questions to these answers. 1. - … - You are right. I have just arrived from London. I have been there for two months. 2. - … - Without a doubt all sights of London are worth visiting but I’d like to advise you to visit Madame Tussaud’s Waxwork Museum. It’s superb.

Слайд 8

3. - … - What is special?! Over two million people visit museum every year, making it Britain’s number one tourist attraction. It contains wax models of famous people, living and dead: kings and queens, film stars, pop idols and murderers.

Слайд 9

4. - … - Madame Tussaud is from Paris. She lived nearly 200 years ago and started making models in wax as a teenager, and came to London from Paris in 1802.

Слайд 10

5. - … - In the future with the use of computer technology, the museum is planning to show figures that can walk and talk. By the way, you may have your photo taken with any model you like.

Слайд 11

6. - … - I’ll certainly visit this museum if I have a chance.

Слайд 12

Proposed Topics: Education in Great Britain. British Customs and Traditions. Meals in Britain. Manners. Sports. Music.

Слайд 13

History of London. London began about A.D. 43, when armies of the Roman Empire started to conquer Britain. The Romans built a seaport on the Thames near present-day London Bridge. The Romans called the port Londinium (from Celtic “londin” – wild, bold). By the 200’s, the Romans had built a wall around London, which formed London’s boundaries for hundreds of years. In 410 the Roman troops in Britain were called home.

Слайд 14

The native Britons who had moved to London kept the settlement alive as a trading centre. After the Romans left, Germanic tribes repeatedly attacked London. The two powerful tribes, the Angles and Saxons, divided England into separate kingdoms. The Saxons controlled London. In 1066, William the Conqueror was crowned king in Westminster Abbey. He built a castle called the White Tower, to impress Londoners with his authority and power. The White Tower today forms the central part of the Tower of London.

Слайд 15

Task for rivals: You’ll have to get the information about: The place of the Royal Standard flag when the Queen is in her residence. The number of people who work in the palace. The number of rooms in the palace. The time of Changing the Guard. The appearance of the Grenadiers.

Слайд 16

Buckingham palace. Buckingham palace has been the official royal residence since 1837. When the Queen is staying in the palace the Royal Standard flag flies above the central balcony. The palace has its own post office. About 400 hundred people work at the palace. The Queen and Prince Philip have rooms on the first floor. Every morning during breakfast bagpipes are played outside the Queen’s private dining room. There are about 600 rooms at the Palace.

Слайд 17

There are about twenty Rolls-Royces with the royal coat of arms. Five regiments of Foot Guards mount regular guard outside the palace at 11.30. The Guards represent the various nationalities that form the United Kingdom. The Grenadiers originally were the tallest and the finest soldiers not less than 6 feet 4 inches (1,90 m ), and able to throw 5 pound grenades. The Grenadiers wear bear skin caps 30 cm high.

Слайд 18

Task for rivals: You’ll have to get the information about: The foundation of London (the time of foundation and its founders). The period of the Roman’s invasion. The native Britons and their contribution into the development of London. The division of London into separate kingdoms. William the Conqueror and his castle.

Слайд 19

Useful language 1. Позвольте представиться… 1. Let me introduce myself 2. Я … из… 2. I’m…from… 3. Мне хотелось бы спросить вас о … 3. I’d like to ask you about… 4. Прежде всего… 4. To begin with… 5. Итак, затем… 5. Well, then… 6. Хорошо, продолжим наш разговор… 6. Well, to continue… 7. Возвращаясь к … 7. Back to…

Слайд 20

8. Шутки в сторону… 8. Joking apart… 9. И, наконец… 9. To sum it up… 10. Короче говоря… 10. In short… 11. Откровенно говоря… 11. Frankly speaking… 12. Кроме того… 12. And besides… 13. К счастью… 13. Fortunately… 14. Вероятнее всего… 14. Most probably… 15. Между прочим… 15. By the way… 16. Говоря о… 16. Speaking about… 17. Ну хватит об этом… 17. But enough of this… 18. Благодарю. Надеюсь, я не утомил(а) Вас 18. Thank you. I hope you haven’t got tired.

Слайд 21

Homework. Using a dictionary and the list of useful expressions make up an interview with a person who has just visited Great Britain.

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