Контрольная работа для учеников 9 класса.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Дронов Максим Николаевич

Контрольная работа для учеников 9 класса. 


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Контрольная работа № 1

Text I

Native Americans probably arrived from Asia in successive waves over several millennia, crossing a, plain hundreds of miles wide that now lies inundated by 160 feet of water released by melting glaciers. For several periods of time, the first beginning around 60,000 B.C. and the last ending around 7,000 B.C., this land bridge was open. The first people traveled in the dusty trails of the animals they hunted. They brought with them not only their families, weapons, and tools but also a broad metaphysical understanding, sprung from dreams and visions and articulated in myth and song, which complemented their scientific and historical knowledge of the lives of animals and of people. All this they shaped in a variety of languages, bringing into being oral literatures of power and beauty.

Contemporary readers, forgetting the origins of western epic, lyric, and dramatic forms, are easily disposed to think of''literature" only as something written. But on reflection it becomes clear thai the more critically useful as well as the more frequently employed sense of the term concerns the artfulness of the verbal   creation,   not   its   mode   of  presentation.   Ultimately,   literature   is aesthetically valued, regardless of language, cuLure. or mode of presenta ion, because some significant verbal achievement results from the struggle in v. irds between tradition and talent. Verbal art has the at ility to shape out a compe ling inner vision in some skillfully crafted public verb tl form.

Of course, the differences between the written and oral modes of expre: ;ion arc not without consequences for an underb anding of Native Ame: can literature. The essential difference is that a speech event is an evol 'ing communication, an "emergent form," the shape, functions, and aesthetic values of which become more clearly realized over the course of the performance in performing verbal art, the performer assumes responsibility for the mamu г as well as the content of the performance, whi e the audience assumes the responsibility for evaluating the performer's competence in both areas. It is this intense mutual engagement that elicits the display of skill and shapes the emerging performance. Where written literature provides us with a traditic.i of texts, oral literature offers a tradition of performances.

1.        According to the passage, why did the first people who came to North America leave their homeland?

  1. They were hoping to find a better climate.
  2. They were seeking freedom.        *
  3. They were following instructions given in г dream.
  4. They were looking for food.

2.        The phrase "are easily disposed" 11 is closet in meaning to
(A) demonstrate reluctance (B) readily encourage others

(C) have a tendency (D) often fail

3.        What can be inferred about the nature of the Native American iiten ure discussed in the passage?

(A) It reflects historical and contemporary life in Asia. (0) Its main focus is on daily activities.

  1. It is based primarily on scientific knowiede ;.
  2. it is reshaped each time it is experienced.

4.        According to the passage, what responsibility does the audience of a vt –bal art performance have?

  1. They provide financial support for performances.
  2. They judge the quality of the content and piesentation.
  3. They participate in the performance by chanting responses.

(D)        They   determine   the   length   of the   performance   by   request»! ;   a

5.        Which of the following is NOT true of the Native American liter; ,ure discussed in the passage?

(A) It involves acting. (8) It has ancient origins

(C) It lias a set form. (D) it expresses an inner \ ision.

6.        What can be inferred  from the passage about the difference between
written and oral literature?

  1. Written literature reflects social values belter than oral literature does.
  2. Written literature involves less interaction between audience and creator during the creative progress than oral literature does.
  3. Written literature usually is not based on historical events, whereas oral literature is.
  4. Written literature is not as highly respected as oral literature is.

7.        What is the author's altitude toward Native American literature?
(A) Admiring of its form (B) Critical of the cost of its production
(C) Amused by its content (D) Skeptical about its origins

Text 2

In 1903 the members of the governing board of the University of Washington in Seattle engaged a firm of landscape architects, specialists in the design of outdoor environments—Olmsted Brothers of Brookline, Massachusetts-to advise them on an appropriate layout for the university grounds. The plan impressed the university officials, and in time many of its recommendations were implemented. City officials in Seattle, the largest city in the northwestern United States, were also impressed, for they employed the same organization to study Seattle's public park needs. John Ohnsted did the investigation and subsequent report on Seattle's parks, lie and his brothers believed that parks should be adapted to the local topography, utilize the area's trees and shrubs, and be available to the entire community. They especially emphasized the need for natural, serene settings where hurried urban dwellers could periodically escape from the city. The essence of the Olmsted park plan was to develop a continuous driveway, twenty miles long, that would tie together a whole series of parks, playgrounds, and parkways. There would be local parks and squares, too, but all of this was meant to supplement the major driveway, which was to remain the unifying factor for the entire system.

In November of 1903 the city council of Seattle adopted the Olmsted Report, and it automatically became the master plan for the city's park system. Prior to this report, Seattle's park development was very limited and funding meager. All ■ this changed after the report. Between 1907 and t9J3, city voters approved special funding measures amounting to 54,000,000. With such unparalleled sums at their disposal, with the Olmsted guidelines to follow, and with the added incentive of wanting to have the city at its best for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909, the Parks Board bought aggressively. By 1913 Seattle had 25 parks amounting to 1.400 acres, as well as 400 acres in playgrounds, pathways, boulevards, and triangles. More lands would be added in the future, but for all practical purposes it was the great land surge of !907-1913 that established Seattle's park system.

8.        What does the passage mainly discuss?

(Л) The planned development of Seattle's public park system

  1. The organization of the Seattle city government
  2. The history of the Olmsted Brothers architectural firm
  3. The design and building of the University о "Washington campus

9.        The word "engaged" is closest in meaning to
(A) trained (B) hired (C) described (D) evaluated

10.        Which of the following statements about parks does NOT reflect the views of the Olmsted Brothers firm?

  1. They should be planted with trees that grow locally.
  2. They should provide a quiet, restful environment.
  3. They should be protected by limiting the number of visitors from the community.
  4. They should be designed to conform to the ;opography of the area.

11.        Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about – ow citizens of Seattle received the Olmsted Report?

  1. They were hostile to the report's conclusion;.
  2. They ignored the Olmsteds' findings.
  3. They supported the Olmsteds' plans.
  4. They favored the city council's seeking advi :e from another firm.'

12.        According to the passage,  when was tie Olmsted  Report offic   iIy accepted as the master plan for the Seattle public park system?

(A) 1903 (B) 1907 (C) 1909 (D) 1913

13.        According to the passage, which of the following was most dia tly influenced by the Alaska-Yukon- Pacific Exposition?

(A) The University of Washington (B) Brookline, Massachusetts (C) The mayor of Seattle (D) The Seattle Parks Board

Grammar Tasks

14.        Toe

a) toes b) tos c) toe d) toe/.

15.        Goose

a) gooses b) geese c) geeses d) goose

16.        Room-mate

a) rooms-mates b) rooms-mate c) room-m'aies d) roomes-mates

17.        Physics

  1. единственное число
  2. множественное число
  3. ел. и мн.ч.

18.        Mice

а) единственное число Ь) множественное число с) ед. и мн.ч.

19. Kindness ... a good quality.
a) is b) are

20. His advice ... always good.
a) is b) are

21. His hair ... dark.
a) is b) are

22. Fortunately the news ... as bad as we expected,
a) wasn't b) weren't

23.        Three years ... a long time to be without a job.
a) are b) is

24.        The ball of the boys

a) the boy's ball b) the boys's ball c) the boys' ball d) the boys' ball's

25.        The theatres of Moscow

a) Moscows' theatres b) Moscow's theatres' c) Moscows' theatres" d) Moscow's theatres

  1. Have you been to ... United States of America0
    a) the b) a c) an d) -
  2. ... Atlantic Ocean washes the coasts of many countries,
    a) the b) a c) an dj -
  3. 28 Translate these sentences into ... English,
    a) the b) a c) an d) -
  4. My train leaves from ... Waterloo Station at 7.10 p.m.
    a) the b) a c) an d) -
  5. 30 ... sun was getting warmer,
    a) the b) a c) an d) -
  6. Pushkin is ... outstanding Russian poet.
    a) the b) a c) an d) -

32. About 85 percent of American students ...public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes, a) attended b) have attended c) attend

33.        She ... some chocolates to the party,
a) bringed b) brought c) broughted

34.        Stratford-on-Avon   ...   a   small   town   in   central   England   where
Shakespeare was born.

a) was b) is c) are d) were

35.        It ... since early morning

a) rained b) had rained c) has been raining

36. Have you finished the translation yet ? - I ...the translation by nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

a) shall have finished b) have finished c) had finished

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