Тема урока: Climate. Weather Forecast. Climatic Changes.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Конспект урока
Английский язык
6 класс
Тема урока: Climate. Weather Forecast. Climatic Changes.
Цель урока: Развитие навыков аудирования.
Сопутствующая задача: обучения монологической речи.
Речевой материал: фразы речевого этикета, рассказ «How Climate Can Influence Meal», упр. 34, стр. 18.
Оснащение урока: Карты Европы, США, Великобритании, ИРМ, учебник
О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева «English VI», доска.
Воспитательная задача: Умение высказать личное мнение о состоянии окружающей среды в условиях проживания людей в разных странах мира.
Развивающая цель: Развитие умения логично высказывать свое мнение по теме.
- Ход урока
- Сообщение цели урока
Do you agree that climate can influence people’s way of life? Today we are going to listen to the story and discuss it.
II. Речевая разминка
Imagine that you are people from different countries. Introduce yourself, please, and describe the climate in your country.
(на карточках)
Lena Ivanova Russia | Renato Cavalli Italy | Bill Robinson Great Britain |
III Беседа по теме How Can Climate Influence People
(упр. 24, с.30)
Some people say that those who live in cold climate differ from those who live in hot countries/ Do you believe it? Say in what way they can be different. Think of their appearance and their habits, likes and dislikes. First work in pairs, then I will ask you to share your ideas.
(на доске фразы речевого этикета)
Of course…
You are right…
I am afraid that is wrong…
On the contrary…
Surely not…
You are mistaken…
- Подготовка к аудированию текста
- Look at the blackboard and read the title of the story, please.
- Is it connected with your topic? Can you suggest what the story is about?
- Well, you will listen to the story about a man who opened the Italian restaurant in London. Before listening to the story I want you to learn some new words from the blackboard and remember the difficult words you can meet in the story.
Southern – южный
Generally –обычно
The Moon –луна
Romantic –романтический
Huge –огромный
Unfriendly –недружелюбный
By and by –вскоре
- Тренировка навыков аудирования
А) Первое прослушивание текста.
Now listen to the story and say why Mr. Jenkins had to drink his soup. You probably won’t understand every word. Don’t worry! This is to give you practice in listening for general idea.
Ученики слушают текст и отвечают на вопрос.
- Why do you think Mr. Jenkins had to drink his soup?
- He had to drink his soup because it rained all the time and his soup was full of water.
B) Второе прослушивание текста и выполнение теста.
- Let’s listen to the story again. Then you will do a test. You should be more careful this time.
Choose the right sentence, A or B.
- a. In many countries people like eating their meals in the fresh air.
b. In hot countries many people like eating their meals in the fresh air.
- a. In these areas people often eat under trees or big umbrellas because of the heat.
b. In these areas people often eat under trees or big umbrellas because of the rain.
- a. The moon and stars produce a romantic effect on people.
b. The sunlight produces a romantic effect on people.
- a. Renato was born in Italy and lived in a big city on the sea coast.
b. Renato was born in Italy and lived in a small town on the sea coast.
- a. Renato liked London as soon as he moved there.
b. At first, Renato didn’t like London.
- a. Renato put some of the tables out in the street because it was very hot.
b. Renato put some of the tables out in the street because it was often done in Italy.
- a. Renato’s idea was not really good and didn’t work.
b. Renato’s idea was really good.
- a. It took Mr. Jenkins twenty five minutes to drink his soup.
b. It took Mr. Jenkins five minutes to drink his soup.
Keys: 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8a
- Ответы на вопросы по прослушанному тексту
- Why do many people in southern countries like eating their meals in the fresh air?
- What produces a romantic effect on people?
- When did Renato move to london?
- Why did he not like London at first?
- Did he forget Italy?
- Did Renato's idea work in England?
- Тренировка монологической речи
- Imagine that you are Mr. Jenkins. What can you tell your wife about your lunch at Renato’s restaurant? Describe the people that were having lunch at the same time with you, the food they were eating and the clothes they were wearing.
Упр. 35, стр. 33
- Итоги урока и оценочная деятельность
Домашнее задание: (дифференцированное) упр.6, стр.10, упр. 7, стр. 11 или упр. 9, стр. 11-12 (из рабочей тетради)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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