Контрольное Говорение 7 класс 1 четверть
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Марутян Соня Карленовна

Контрольное Говорение 7 класс УМК Matrix


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Предварительный просмотр:

Card 1

Give a  1-5 -2-minute talk on  School  

                 Remember to say:   - what is good and bad about your school

                                           -  why school years are so important for life

                                            -what subjects are you good at

                                          - what makes our school different from other schools

                                         - what school subjects are your favourite, why

Card 2

Give a 1,5- 2-minute talk on   Healthy way of life.

Remember to say: - why it is important to lead a healthy way of life

                              - which of the aspects of healthy way of life are the most important

                              - what you think about the importance of PE lessons for students’ health

                              - what you would change in your life style

                                 -what to do to keep fit

Card 3

Give a 1,5-2-minute talk on  Friends.

Remember to say: - what kind of person you can call a friend

                               - describe a friend of yours (his/her appearance, qualities)

                              - what are the things you and your friend argue about

                              - if you will keep your friendship after leaving school, why

Card 4

  Give a 1, 5-2-minute talk on  Family.

                    Remember to say:  - a typical Russian family is

                                                - what your ideal of a family is

                                            - whom of your relatives you are proud of and why

                                         - if you have any arguments with your relatives (what about)

Card 5

Give a 1,5-2-minute talk on   Sports.

  Remember to say: - what kind of sport  do you prefer doing, watching

                                - what is good and bad about professional sport

                                - why do you do sports

                               - what   is your favourite  kind of sports,why

                               -speak about your favourite sportsman

Card 6

Give a  1,5 - 2-minute talk  on Travelling

Remember to say-

                           -what are the means of travelling?

                             -why do people travel?

                             -what kind of travelling do you prefer,why?

                             -with who(m) do you like travelling?                                                        

Card 7

Give a  1,5 - 2-minute talk  on-TV

Remember to say- what are your  favourite TV progranmmes

                                -what do pupils like watching?

                                -what are good things about TV?

                                -what are bad things about TV?

                                 -is watching TV as interesting as going on the internet?                                

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