презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Whatever your interests – the capital of the UK has something for you! Every year thousands of people come here! You are welcome! London.
Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is a geographical centre of London. It was so named to commemorate Admiral Nelson’s victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.
London is it the centre of Britains cultural life. There are many museums and galleries there, the National Gallery is well known as one of the leading museums of the world, containing a rich collection of drawings and paintings. National Gallery.
Piccadilly Circus. Piccadilly Cicus is the meeting point of six streets, the centre of entertainment: fine cafes, restaurants and theatres are situated here.
Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace, built in 1703, is in the very centre of London. It is two places, not one: a family house and it is also the place where presidents, kings, and politicians go to meet the Queen.
The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as Big Ben . Big Ben.
Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a symbol of London. It is an ancient church where a lot of kings and queens have been crowned and buried for nearly 1000 years. Many great men of the country were buried here too.
The Tower Bridge. Fourteen bridges cross the Thames, and the Tower Bridge is the finest. It was built in the 19-th century and links South and East London. It is a marvel of engineering skill.
The Tower of London. The Tower of London was built in the 11-th century. It has been a citadel, a prison, a mint, a royal palace, even a royal Zoo once and now – a museum.
You can see state pensioners here. There is a legend that as long as there are ravens at the Tower, Britain will continue to exist. The ravens.
The Yeomen. The are Yeomen of the Queen’sGuard. They are called “Beefeaters”. They are dressed in traditional medieval clothes.
Madam Tussauds museum. Madam Tussaud’s museum is a famous waxworks museum, which has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world.
MOMI. Everyone enjoys their visit to MOMI , where the history and magic of cinema and TV is explained.
Parks. London is very rich in parks and gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country – without leaving the city, taking part in many activities such as tennis, swimming and horse riding.
Zoo. The Royal parks include Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James Park, Regent’s Park (where ypu will find London Zoo) and Kensington Gardens.
Kensington Garden. The statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pan, can be seen in Kensington Gardens.
Square School. East Square School is not far from the centre of London, students wear uniforms there (like most pupils do) and have a lot of subjects to study, including Drama.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Урок по теме: "Мультимедийные интерактивные презентации. Дизайн презентации и макеты слайдов. "
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