Тест по теме Present Simple и Present Сontinuous
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

проверочная работа для 5 класса теме Present Simple и  Present Сontinuous


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Предварительный просмотр:

I вариант

Задание 1. Закончи предложения, выбрав глагол  в Present Simple или в Present Continuous

1. Listen! My friend …the song.

     a)sings  b) sing  c) is singing

2. She always … to school in the afternoon.

     a) is going       b) goes   c) go

3. They … to visit galleries and museums.

     a)  likes  b) are liking  c)  like

     4. Mum …dinner right now

  1. cooks  b) cooking  c) is cooking

5. His brother … the piano very well.

a)  don`t play  b) doesn`t play  c) isn`t playing

     6. He … his lunch now.                                                                

  1. cooks  b) is cooking  c) are cooking

7. Look! They … to school now.

a)  go  b) are going  c) is going

8. … Tom working on the computer?

a)  Do  b) Does  c) Is

9. My sister usually … up at eight o'clock.

a)  is getting  b) gets  c) get

10. … you speak English?

a)  Do  b) Does  c) Is

Задание 2. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. She … (dance) very well.

2. I … (play) a new computer game now.

3. He …(live) in Moscow.

4. I … (have) a cat at home. It’s name is Blacky.

5. She usually … (read) the newspaper in the morning.

Задание 3. Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.

1. I am  listen to  you now.

2. Little Roo don’t like to eat.

3. Rita watches TV at the moment.

4. She is  visiting her Granny now ?

5. Are you play basketball now?

II вариант

Задание 1. Закончи предложения, выбрав глагол  в Present Simple или в Present Continuous

1. We…. every day.                                                                    

 a) swim    b) are swimming  c) is swimming

2. I … now.                                                                                  

a)watch TV   b) am watching TV  c) is watching TV

3. He …  a letter to his friend every month.                                   

a)  write  b) is writing  c) writes

4. Look! Jack and Bill … football.                                                              

a) play   b) are playing  c) are plaiing

5. The children … at the moment.                                              

 a) is  sleeping       b) sleep   c)  are sleeping

6. …. Matt washing the car?

a)  Do  b) Does  c) Is

7. I… for Nina right now.                                                                     

 a) is  waiting       b) wait   c)  am waiting

8. Ann always… every morning.                                                            

a) is running       b) runs   c) run

9. … he go to bed late in the evening?

a)  Do  b) Does  c) Is

10. The pupils …   the classroom every Friday.                            

 a) are cleaning    b) clean   c) cleans

Задание 2. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. My Mum … (sing) very well.

2. I … (paint) a picture for my Granny now.

3. He …(live) in London.

4. I … (have)  a dog at home. It’s name is Rex.

5. I … (do) my homework now.

Задание 3. Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.

1. He often visit his friends in Omsk.

2. Diana is wash dishes now.

3. They is watching TV at the moment.

4. Where is he going every day?

5. He not listening to me.

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