Christmas Party
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Рождество в Великобритании, план-конспект урока


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Предварительный просмотр:

«Рождество в Великобритании»


- организовать деятельность учащихся  в командной викторине, посвященной Рождеству в Европе

- способствовать развитию творческих способностей учащихся

- создать условия для восприятия, активизации и систематизации

тематического материала с использованием интерактивных форм работы




I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя

T.: Good morning, children! I am very happy to see you today, because our party is related to the most beautiful and favourite holiday in the world – Christmas!

I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and I wish you Merry Christmas! Today we’ll speak about Christmas in Great Britain.

Просмотр видеоролика. Ответить на вопросы:

1)When was Santa Claus created? (About 150 years ago)

2) How are homes decorated? (with evergreen wreaths , candles and the nativity scene)

3) What would include a typical Christmas dinner? (turkey, ham, stuffing, cranberries, mashes potatoes, and gravy, pies)

I. Основная часть.

Конкурс 1   «What do you know about Christmas? »

1) Повторение слов по теме «Рождество в Великобритании»

Santa Claus and reindeer

Christmas tree



Christmas wreath


3) Викторина содержит 15 вопросов и 3 варианта ответа.


1 When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?

a) on the 7th of January b) on the 25th of December c) on the 31st of December

2 Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?

a) Jesus Christ b) Santa Claus c) Queen Victoria

3 What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree?

a) Norway b) Italy c) Germany

4 Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?

a) in front of Buckingham Palace b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Parliament Square

5 What do people call Father Frost in the west?

a) Santa Claus b) Frost- Red Nose c) Grandfather Frost

6 What does Santa Claus look like?

a) is dressed in white b) fat and merry c) thin and unhappy

7 How does Santa Claus enter the houses to give children Christmas presents?

a) knock at the door b) through the window c) climb down the chimney

8 Where does Santa Claus put Christmas presents?

a) under the Christmas tree b) in long socks called “Christmas stockings” c) in

colourful boxes

9 What is the traditional Christmas food?

a) roast chicken b) vegetables c) roast turkey and Christmas pudding

10 How do British people decorate their houses at Christmas?

a) with tinsel and candles b) with angels c) with such plants as holly, mistletoe

and ivy

11 How does Santa Claus travel?

a) by horses b) on a sleigh pulled by reindeer c) on foot

12 What do British people put on the top of the fur tree?

a) an angel b) a star c) a figure of Santa Claus

13 What do British people traditionally do at the start of Christmas meal?

a) sing carols b) pull a cracker c) give presents to each other

14 How does Santa Claus spend most of the year?

a) in his workshop making toys b) in his ice palace reading children’s letters c) in

his sleigh visiting a lot of shops


Ключи к заданиям викторины:


1. b    8. b       

2. a     9. c

3. c     10. c

4. b    11. b

5. a    12. a

6 b     13. b

7. c    14. a

Конкурс 2   “Christmas words”

На карточках слова и словосочетания. Нужно найти те, которые относятся к Рождеству.

Let’s look at the cards and find Christmas words.

Presentdecorations, orange, puddingturkey, table, bag, starsleighstockingChristmas tree,sweettoywishcardcake, pen, book, Santa, ruler, reindeer, workbook, elfangelflower.

Конкурс 3    "Draw a line"






Santa Claus




Christmas tree








Санта Клаус





Снежная буря


Конкурс 4    " Put the missing letters"

Вставить пропущенные буквы(на листах  с заданием выполняют командой)

Sno __ man
Sn __ wball
Snowf __ ll
Chr __ stmas tree

S __nta Cla__s

Ch __istmas
Ic __ cle
R __ indeer
Snowfl __ kes
sl __ igh


Конкурс 5 «A poem» (предварительно разрезать)


1 Every little girl would like to be

   The fairy on the Christmas tree

   Up above the party, dressed in white,

   Shining in the candle light.

   Every little boy has lots of fun

   With his trumpet and his gun.

   Every little girl, you understand,

   Is really the queen of the fairy land.

   There is little secret she must keep

10 That she can fly when she’s asleep.


Конкурс 6 "Find 13 Christmas words and write down them".

d          c          h          i           m         n          e          y          u

e          h          a          e          l           f          t           s          q

c          r           e          I          n          d          e          e          r

o          i           s          a          n          t           a          v          w

r           s          t           o          c          k          I          n          g

a          t           a          s          s          b          e          l           l

t           m         r           d          l           l           e          v          e

I          a          p          r           e          s          e          n          t

o          s          v          s          I          k          b          t           r

n          m         l           e          g          o          I          s          e

s          b          a          c          h          t           o          n          e


" Christmas songs". Все команды исполняют песни


Make the quiz

1 When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?                                 a) on the 7th of January b) on the 25th of December c) on the 31st of December

2 Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?                               a) Jesus Christ b) Santa Claus c) Queen Victoria

3 What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree?                                                                                  a) Norway b) Italy c) Germany

4 Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?                                                                                               a) in front of Buckingham Palace b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Parliament Square

5 What do people call Father Frost in the west?                            a) Santa Claus b) Frost- Red Nose c) Grandfather Frost

6 What does Santa Claus look like?                                                   a) is dressed in white b) fat and merry c) thin and unhappy

7 How does Santa Claus enter the houses to give children Christmas presents?                                                                           a) knock at the door b) through the window c) climb down the chimney

8 Where does Santa Claus put Christmas presents?                            a) under the Christmas tree b) in long socks called “Christmas stockings” c) in colourful boxes

9 What is the traditional Christmas food?                                       a) roast chicken b) vegetables c) roast turkey and Christmas pudding

10 How do British people decorate their houses at Christmas?                                                                                          a) with tinsel and candles b) with angels c) with such plants as holly, mistletoe and ivy

11 How does Santa Claus travel?                                                       a) by horses b) on a sleigh pulled by reindeer c) on foot

12 What do British people put on the top of the fur tree?                a) an angel b) a star c) a figure of Santa Claus                         13 What do British people traditionally do at the start of Christmas meal?                                                                                 a) sing carols b) pull a cracker c) give presents to each other                                                                                                 14 How does Santa Claus spend most of the year?                               a) in his workshop making toys b) in his ice palace reading children’s letters c) in his sleigh visiting a lot of shops

Make the quiz

1 When is Christmas celebrated in Europe?                                 a) on the 7th of January b) on the 25th of December c) on the 31st of December

2 Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas?                               a) Jesus Christ b) Santa Claus c) Queen Victoria

3 What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree?                                                                                  a) Norway b) Italy c) Germany

4 Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London?                                                                                               a) in front of Buckingham Palace b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Parliament Square

5 What do people call Father Frost in the west?                            a) Santa Claus b) Frost- Red Nose c) Grandfather Frost

6 What does Santa Claus look like?                                                   a) is dressed in white b) fat and merry c) thin and unhappy

7 How does Santa Claus enter the houses to give children Christmas presents?                                                                           a) knock at the door b) through the window c) climb down the chimney

8 Where does Santa Claus put Christmas presents?                            a) under the Christmas tree b) in long socks called “Christmas stockings” c) in colourful boxes

9 What is the traditional Christmas food?                                       a) roast chicken b) vegetables c) roast turkey and Christmas pudding

10 How do British people decorate their houses at Christmas?                                                                                          a) with tinsel and candles b) with angels c) with such plants as holly, mistletoe and ivy

11 How does Santa Claus travel?                                                       a) by horses b) on a sleigh pulled by reindeer c) on foot

12 What do British people put on the top of the fur tree?                a) an angel b) a star c) a figure of Santa Claus                         13 What do British people traditionally do at the start of Christmas meal?                                                                                 a) sing carols b) pull a cracker c) give presents to each other                                                                                           14 How does Santa Claus spend most of the year?                               a) in his workshop making toys b) in his ice palace reading children’s letters c) in his sleigh visiting a lot of shops

Конкурс 6 "Find 13 Christmas words and write down them".

d          c          h          i           m         n          e          y          u

e          h          a          e          l           f          t           s          q

c          r           e          I          n          d          e          e          r

o          i           s          a          n          t           a          v          w

r           s          t           o          c          k          I          n          g

a          t           a          s          s          b          e          l           l

t           m         r           d          l           l           e          v          e

I          a          p          r           e          s          e          n          t

o          s          v          s          I          k          b          t           r

n          m         l           e          g          o          I          s          e

s          b          a          c          h          t           o          n          e

Конкурс 6 "Find 13 Christmas words and write down them".

d          c          h          i           m         n          e          y          u

e          h          a          e          l           f          t           s          q

c          r           e          I          n          d          e          e          r

o          i           s          a          n          t           a          v          w

r           s          t           o          c          k          I          n          g

a          t           a          s          s          b          e          l           l

t           m         r           d          l           l           e          v          e

I          a          p          r           e          s          e          n          t

o          s          v          s          I          k          b          t           r

n          m         l           e          g          o          I          s          e

s          b          a          c          h          t           o          n          e

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