презентация к параграфу 1.4 учебника Starlight 10
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Корнилов Николай Георгиевич

Презентация к параграфу 1.4 учебника Starlight 10.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The London Marathon Michael Scott – success story – sickly Heart defect – in and out of hospital – the only involvement Chris Brasher – 29 March 1981 – 7,747 – were involved – 46,500 participants – ultimate – challenge - mentally

Слайд 2

The London Marathon Well-trained athletes – 46,000 starters – 33,000 – finishing line – dropped out – 'hit the wall' – ran out of – by the time – the 30 to 35 km point – cramp – lungs – obtain Line up- 42,2 km route – Greenwich Park – the River Thames – Big Ben – Buckingham Palace

Слайд 3

The London Marathon Any chance – handle – e few minutes – 10 minutes – build muscles strength Progressed – running – thrilled with 19 – enter – chances – slim Set out – schedule – safely - entire 42,2 km – dehydration – four to five hours – essential – 710,000 bottles - consumed

Слайд 4

The London Marathon Race day – my family – support – six hours – amazing – barely – across the garden Volunteer – assist – try my best – have faith - anything

Слайд 5

Move on hands and knees

Слайд 6

Slip Lose balance

Слайд 7

Creep Move quietly

Слайд 8

Stagger Walk unsteadily

Слайд 9

Wander Walk aimlessly

Слайд 10

Stray Wander away from a place

Слайд 11

March Walk with regular steps as a group

Слайд 12

Sprint Run quickly

Слайд 13

Trip Knockone's foot against something and fall

Слайд 14

WIN / GAIN 1.____the election 5. ______ a competition 2. ____ weight 6. ____ one's freedom 3. ____ an argument 7. ____ experience 4. ____ speed 8. ____ a medal

Слайд 15

Planned / settled / fixed / agreed 1.The money has been invested for a _____ period. 2. A meeting has been __________ for early next year. 3. He ____________ with them about the need for change. 4._________weather; a ________ way of life

Слайд 16

Damaged / broken / injured / wounded 1. The fire badly _________ the town hall. 2. __________ soldiers 3. a ____ window / plate, a ____ leg / arm, pieces of _____ glass 4.Luckily, she isn’t _______. Carter is playing in place of the _____ O’Reilly.

Слайд 17

Ability / capability / capacity / skill 1.We need people with practical ______ like carpentry. 2. He was a man of extraordinary __________. 3.The theatre has a seating ________ of 2,000. 4. Animals in the zoo have lost the _________ to catch / of catching food for themselves.

Слайд 18

Opponent / contestant / foe / enemy 1. After just one day, she had already made a(n) ____of her manager. 2. The team’s __________ are unbeaten so far this season. 3. Please welcome our next ________.

Слайд 19

Faith / trust / belief / credit 1.He’s a player who rarely seems to get the __________ he deserves. 2.I have great _________ in you—I know you’ll do well. 3.I admire his passionate ________ in what he is doing. ______ in God / democracy 4. Her _____ in him was unfounded.

Слайд 20

Expressing interest They won the match. The match was fixed. He scored the winning goal. They are in the first place. I saw the match live.

Слайд 21

Translate into English: 1. вредная еда 2.сезон отпусков 3. ухудшать (ситуацию..) 4. центр по защите детей 5. новейшая продукция

Слайд 22

Translate into English: 6. творить чудеса 7. переполненный зрительный зал 8. любимые истории 9. очень быстро стать звездой 10. руководить мастерской

Слайд 23

1. Johnny Depp has a reputation / fame for being easy to work with. 2. The director wanted to fire / shoot some scenes for the film on an island. 3. She was hired to play a supporting / helping role in the film.

Слайд 24

3. He has won two awards for his screen adaption / version of Shakespeare's Hamlet. 4. They estamated / valued that the building would cost at least 5,000,000 pounds. 5. The part / portrayal of Superman will be played by a new actor.

Слайд 25

7. The Amazing Spider Man is set / placed in New York City. 8.The crowd greeted / enjoyed the pop group with great enthusiasm.

Слайд 26

1. on the warpath — principles — unhealthy diet of junk food 2. exited — highlight — dedicated 3. TipTop Children's Theatre — puppet shows — pantomime stories 4. childcare centres - premises

Слайд 27

1. on the warpath — principles — unhealthy diet of junk food 2. exited — highlight — dedicated 3. TipTop Children's Theatre — puppet shows — pantomime stories 4. childcare centres - premises

Слайд 28

5. hush — dimmed — trully 6. innovative concepts — scheduled — juggling — do wonders 7. Kate Daniels — typical — overnight

Слайд 29

TRANSPORT A charge for a service — - fee, Tinkling metalic sound - Jingling, Powerful - Mighty, Side by side - abreast

Слайд 30

TRANSPORT Articles to be sold- Goods, Noticed - Spotted, Ease of movement - Manoeuvrability, Arrival - advent

Слайд 31

TRANSPORT Rich in detail - Elaborately, Simple - Mere, Coping with - Negotiating, Enormous - vast

Слайд 32

Gondolas Venice — principal mode of transport — moon-lit — floating — countless canals — advent — maoeuvrability — both people and goods — private means — sort of taxi

Слайд 33

Burro taxis Spain — Malaga — Mijas — sights — 1960s — spotted — workers — for a ride — fee — tradition — 60 — four-legged — pleasant half-hour ride — reasonable price

Слайд 34

The Troika Carriage — sleigh — abreast — mighty Russia — vast — negotiating — great speed — 1860 — primary means of transport — wild — at a trot — gallop — jingling — elaborately-decorated — image — freedom — soul - spirit

Слайд 35

Pedicab Britain — come across — silent — London — Edinburgh — be hired — rickshaw — the Far East — tricycle — cyclist — 3 pounds — not cheap - popular

Слайд 36

Literature Again - Once more Tired - Weary Friends - Companions

Слайд 37

Literature Immediately - At once Big, huge - Gigantic Float - Drift Fright - horror

Слайд 38

Literature Deadly danger Brilliant light Stared fiercely Gigantic eyes Hideous jaws

Слайд 39

Literature Lost consciousness Wide-stretched mouth Strange noise

Слайд 40

Green Issues Categories — replace — remains — release — global warming — solar — supply — no pollution — wind turbines — cutting down on — reduce — conserve — we can help

Слайд 41

It’s changed the way I think about films. I used to be one of those people who were first in the queue when a new film was released and, okay, I still go to the cinema once in a while, but DVD is second to none. For one thing, the picture quality can’t be beaten. A film looks better on my TV at home than it does in the cinema. And let’s not forget the cost. I can rent a DVD for a few nights, see it as many times as I want, have all my friends over and it still costs less than the popcorn at the cinema.

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