Театрализованное представление "Пиннокио" (на английском языке)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Губернаторова Татьяна Николаевна

данное мероприятие  представляет собой сценарий спектакля на английском языке и предназначено для 3-4 классов начальной школы и учащихся младшего среднего звена (5-6 класс)


Файл pinocio.docx129.27 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

«Средняя  школа № 1 им. М. Горького

с углублённым изучением английского языка»

Театрализованное представление


(на английском языке)

C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\ZOMRKu.jpg

                                                                                                                  Учитель английского

                                                                                                           языка высшей категории

                                                                                                                Губернаторова Т.Н.

г. Арзамас, 2018 год

        Данное мероприятие представляет собой сценарий театрализованного представления и  предназначено для учащихся 3-4 классов начальной школы, а также для учащихся младшего  среднего звена (5-6 класс) как общеобразовательных, так и специализированных школ.

Цель: совершенствование социокультурной и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.


  • образовательные:

- совершенствование фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков учащихся.

  • развивающие:

-  развитие памяти, логического мышления, языковой догадки учащихся;

- развитие познавательной активности, творческих способностей учащихся;

- развитие социокультурных навыков и умений

  • воспитательные:

- воспитание внимательности, самостоятельности, культуры языка;

- воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре и наследию.


- проектор

      - музыка из  фильма «Золотой ключик или волшебные приключения Буратино»

















1. Музыка «Буратино»

Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old carpenter. One day he worked in his shop.

Gepetto: I’ve got a very good wood. I think I can  make a puppet out of it. (берет топор и пытается делать куклу) What name shall I give him? I have some time to think. Oh, I am so tired.  Good night, little one.

Storyteller: When Gepetto fell asleep, Blue Fairy comes.

Fairy: Poor Geppetto. He is so lonely and so sad. He wants to make a wonderful puppet that can dance and sing. Shall I give Geppetto his wish? I think I shall. Now what shall I name this little puppet? May be Pinocchio? (To the puppet) Pinocchio? Little Puppet, open your eyes. Move your head. Now your arms. Now your legs. Speak. Pinocchio?

Pinocchio:  Pinocchio!

Fairy:Yes.That is your name.

Storyteller: In the morning  Gepetto got up and began to work.        

Gepetto:What a wonderful morning! Good morning, little one. Let’s put your hat on. (He does so.)  Let’s put a little more paint. And what name shall I give you?

Pinocchio: Pinocchio!

Gepetto: Who is talking?

Pinocchio: It’s me! Pinocchio! Hello Father!

Gepetto: Hello Pinocchio! I’ll teach you. (teaches Рinocchio to walk) Be careful!

Pinocchio: Look! I am walking!

 Gepetto: Now, go to school. Take a book.

Storyteller:Pinocchio is going to school and hears sounds of music, thinks, and sees the sign

“The Great Puppet Theatre”

Слайд «Театр Карабаса – Барабаса»

2. Музыка «Театр»

Boy: Hurry up! Hurry up! Candy! Ice Cream! Popcorn! Right this way, ladies and gentlemen.  See the world’s greatest puppet show. You are welcome!

Pinocchio:Oh, I want to see.

Boy: Pay a coin and you can see the show.

Pinocchio: I have no coins. Can you give me a coin?

Boy: No.

Pinocchio: Please, take my spelling book?

Boy: OK, I’ll give you a ticket for this book. Such a wonderful book! I can study now. I can start reading. May be, I will go to school.

Harlequin: How do you do, my little spectators? I`m glad to see you in our theatre.

Punchinello: Good afternoon, children! Our theatre shows sad tragedies. But today you`ll see the comedy «The Girl with the Blue Hair».

Pinocchio: The Girl with the Blue Hair? Who is she?

Punch:What was that?

Harlequin: I don’t know. It is not me.

Punchinello:Do I dream or am I awake? But surely that is Pinocchio!

Showman: Why aren’t you playing? Who are you?

Pinocchio: I am Pinocchio.

Showman: What are you doing here?

Pinocchio: I only want to play with them.

Showman: Hurlequin, Punchinello, bring me this Puppet I`ll put him in the fire and make a good dinner.

Pinocchio: Father! Father! Help me!

Showman: Who is your Father?

Pinocchio: My Father is Gepetto! He is very poor! His fireplace is not real.It is drawn!

Showman:Really! I think he is a good man. I want to help him. Take these coins and give them to your father.

Storyteller: Pinocchio came out of the theatre very rich.  Suddenly he saw a Cat and a Fox. (Лиса хромала, а кот притворился слепым, Лиса вела Кота).

3. Музыка «Лиса Алиса»

Fox: Good day! Help poor!

Pinocchio: Oh! Hello! I have 5 gold coins, but I must give them to my Father

Cat: How foolish you are!You can double your coins.

Pinocchio: Where!

Fox: In the Field Of Miracles in the Land of Fools.

Pinocchio: How?

Cat: You must dig a hole, put your money into it, water it and wait till the next morning.

Pinocchio: Great! Let’s go!

Cat: We will show you the way.

Слайд «Поле чудес»

Storyteller: So, very cunning Fox and Cat decided to get Pinocchio’s money.

Storyteller:Silly Pinocchio put his money in the hole, watered it and went to bed. When Pinocchio fell asleep, Fox and Cat begin to share the money.

Cat: Give me the money!

Fox: Let’s share! This is mine! That is yours. This is mine! That is yours! This is mine!

Cat: You’ve deceived me!

Pinocchio: Give my coins back!

Слайд «Река»

Storyteller: So, very cunning Fox and Cat decided to pull little  Pinocchio into the river. That’s how he found himself in the river.  A Turtle saved him.

4. Музыка «Черепаха Тортилла»

Turtle: Poor little silly Pinocchio! You are so trustful!

Pinocchio: Why do you call me silly?

Turtle: I am 300 years, and I am very wise. But I want to help you. I will give you the Golden Key and  it is not only gold, it is magic too. An old man with a long beard lost it.

Pinocchio: May be, it was Showman!

Turtle: May be! He is a very bad man. He said that there is a magic door and you can open it with this golden key.

Pinocchio: Thank you very much!

Storyteller: So, our boy, who was very happy to have the golden key ran home, but there was a forest and he lost his way but suddenly he saw a very beautiful house.

Слайд «Домик Мальвины»

Pinocchio: Oh, such a nice house! May be, I’ll find  friends!

Storyteller: In this house Girl with the Blue Hair and her dog Artemon and Harlequin live.

Girl: Hello Pinocchio!

Hello, friends! I am very glad to see you!

Pinocchio: Girl: We are glad to see you too.

Pinocchio: I want to be an actor and I want to study. May be my magic golden key will help me!

Girl: What is it? Is it really magic?

Pinocchio: I don’t know, but a turtle said that an old angry man with a long beard lost it.

Punchinello:It is a golden key, which opens a magic door back from a drawing fireplace.

Pinocchio: I know where it is. In my Father’s room!

Girl: Is it true? Let’s go there as quickly as we can

Harlequin: Let’s go to Pinocchio’s Father

Artemon: Let’s find the magic fireplace.

Pinocchio: My dear Father! I am so glad to see you!

Father: My dear Pinocchio! You are alive!

Girl: Look here! Pinocchio has the golden key!

Punchinello: It can open the door back from a drawing fireplace.

Artemon: And it is a magic door!

Father: Let’s run and open the door.

Слайд «Театр Папы Карло»

5. Музыка «Явление Золотого Ключика»

Pinocchio: Father! Look! It is a theatre!

Harlequin: And we can act here!

Punchinello: Without our angry showman!

Girl: We can act good and funny plays.

All: We are so happy.

Boy: Hurry up! Hurry up! The Great Puppet Show begins!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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