Материал для внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Хэллуин"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8, 9 класс) на тему

Пахомова Наталья Петровна

Включение игрового момента разнообразит любой урок. Годится и для проведения самостоятельного мероприятия на английском языке во внеурочной деятельности, в летнем языковом лагере.


Предварительный просмотр:


Apple Bobbing

Playing a traditional English game.

•        Tell the class they are going to play a traditional English game, usually associated with Halloween.

•        They must follow your instructions:

        1        Fill a large bowl of water (to half way)

  1. Take five apples
  2. Put the apples into the water
  3. Get two players
  4. (The players must now follow these instructions)
  5. Put your hands behind your back
  6. Keep them there
  7. Put your head down towards the bowl
  8. Pick up an apple with your mouth or teeth!

Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Halloween Brainstorm Warm-Up

•        Write the word ‘Halloween’ in big letters in the middle of the board.

•         Say to the class: Tell me any words you know to do with Halloween.

•        Write all suggestions around the word on the board.

•        Ask for definitions of words which not all the class know.

•        Check and correct pronunciation of vocabulary.

Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Halloween Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives: To learn and practise vocabulary related to Halloween and to practise using imperatives.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Completion Time: 75 minutes

Skill/Grammar: Speaking/Imperatives

Age/Level: Adults/Elementary–Pre-Intermediate

Resources: A simple cardboard mask which you have already made, scissors, glue sticks, felt pens and thin elastic. Apples and a large bowl. Access to a water tap. Halloween Worksheet, Halloween Worksheet Key, Halloween Worksheet 2, Halloween Worksheet 2 Key, Apple Bobbing

Warm-Up (5 minutes)

•        Write the word ‘Halloween’ in big letters in the middle of the board.

•         Say to the class: Tell me any words you know to do with Halloween.

•        Write all suggestions around the word on the board.

•        Ask for definitions of words which not all the class know.

•        Check and correct pronunciation of vocabulary.

Presentation and practise of vocabulary (20 minutes)

•        Tell the class We will now look more at some Halloween words.

•        Give out Halloween Worksheet.

•        Check with Halloween Worksheet Key.

Answer Key:


pumpkins (h)        trick or treating (a)                costumes (b)

witches        (e)        scary stories (c)                bats (f)

apples (i)        black and orange (g)        candle (d)

a        foods for Halloween                5

b        what to wear for Halloween        3

c        other names for Halloween        1

d        things to do for Halloween        2

e        Halloween colours                4

•        Then tell them to read Halloween Worksheet 2 and complete the exercises.

•        Check with Halloween Worksheet 2 Key.        

Answer Key:

a        vi                

b        iv                        

c        xi                         

d        ii

e        i        

f        v                        

g        xii                        

h        iii                          

i                x                        

j        vii                        

k        viii          

l        ix        



        Food        Creature        Place

        sweets        ghost         cave

        pumpkin         werewolf         castle        

        toffee apple         black cat         haunted house        

                vampire         graveyard






Presentation of Grammar (20 minutes)

•        Tell the class they will now play a traditional English game which is associated with Halloween.

•        Use Apple Bobbing.

•        Then focus on the grammar you used in the game. Write on the board:

Put your hands behind your back.

Keep them there.

Put your head down.

•        Ask students: What was my aim when I said these things to you?

•        If possible elicit: To give instructions.

•        Ask students to give some more examples of things you said, e.g. Pick up an apple.

•        Write these on the board too.

•        Focus on the form: The same as infinitive without to.

Practice of Grammar (25 minutes)

•        Tell students they will now practise this language by instructing each other to make masks. Show them your mask first.

•        Teach them a few verbs such as cut, stick, draw, colour and tie. Leave these written on the board.

•        Now put the class into pairs and give one from each pair an A4 sheet of card.

•        Give out scissors, pens, glue and elastic too.

•        The other student in each pair must now give instructions on what to do, e.g. Cut a circle, draw a mouth, etc.

•        They can then swap roles.

Closure (5 minutes)

•        Students can wear the masks!  


Extension Activities

For more activities about Halloween see Halloween Brainstorm, Scary Consequences, Spooky Statements, Pumpkin Pie Dialogue.          

Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Halloween Worksheet

  1. Match the definition to a Halloween word.

a        special clothes to look like someone/something else                    i            vampire

b        a large orange vegetable                                            ii             werewolf

c        a woman with magical powers                                     iii            skeleton

d        In stories, a person who changes into a wolf at full moon            iv            pumpkin

e        In stories, a person who drinks blood                                    v            bat

f        a small black animal which flies at night                            vi            costume

g        a small animal with eight legs                                             vii            candle

h        the bones of a person or animal’s body                             viii            trick or treat

i                a large, outside fire                                                    ix            creature

j        made of wax and string, it burns slowly                            x            bonfire

k        tradition of children wearing costumes, visiting homes              xi            witch

        and asking for sweets

l        any living animal or person                                            xii            spider

2        Which group?

        Put the words below under the different group headings.

             Food             Creature             Place


        werewolf toffee apple ghost













haunted house

Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Halloween Worksheet 2

1      Read about Halloween below, and choose a word for each gap.

pumpkins         trick or treating                costumes

witches                scary stories                 bats

apples                black and orange                candle



Halloween is celebrated each year on 31 October. It is also known as All Hallows’ Eve and All Saints’ Eve. It has its origins in a Celtic festival called Samhain.


Traditional activities for the day include (a) __________, wearing

(b) __________, fancy-dress parties, bonfires, watching horror films and telling (c) __________. Parents also buy pumpkins for their children, who carve scary faces into them and then place a burning (d) __________ inside.


Usual costumes that children wear on the day are: ghosts, vampires, werewolves, (e) __________, skeletons, and animals such as black cats, spiders and (f) __________. The costumes are said to scare off demons.


Colours associated with the celebrations are (g) __________, probably because of the darkness of night and the colour of fire and (h) __________.


Traditional things to eat are pumpkin pie and toffee (i) __________. Children may also eat sweets shaped like worms, bats and spiders.

  1. Which paragraph is about?

a        foods for Halloween        _____

b        what to wear for Halloween        _____

c        other names for Halloween        _____

d        things to do for Halloween        _____

e        Halloween colours      _____

Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Halloween Worksheet Key

a        vi                

b        iv                                        

c        xi                                 

d        ii

e        i        

f        v                        

g        xii                                  

h        iii                          

i                x                                        

j        vii                        

k        viii          

l        ix                                        


        Food        Creature        Place

        sweets        ghost         cave

        pumpkin         werewolf         castle        

        toffee apple         black cat         haunted house        

                vampire         graveyard







Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Halloween Worksheet 2 Key


pumpkins (h)        trick or treating (a)                costumes (b)

witches        (e)        scary stories (c)                bats (f)

apples (i)        black and orange (g)        candle (d)

a        foods for Halloween                5

b        what to wear for Halloween        3

c        other names for Halloween        1

d        things to do for Halloween        2

e        Halloween colours                4

Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Pumpkin Pie Dialogue

James                Are your kids going to a Halloween party tonight?

Irene                Well, yes. Actually we are having one for them and their friends.

James                That will be nice for them.

Irene                Yes. They will all dress up and play games, and I am making a pumpkin pie for them to eat.

James                That sounds good.

Irene                Jenny is wearing a black cat costume and Bobby has a skeleton costume.


James                Children love dressing up like that, don’t they?

Irene                Yes. So do you have any plans?

James                Well, I won’t dress up, but I might watch a horror film.

Irene                Oh. Which one?

James                I’m not sure yet. Maybe something with vampires or werewolves.


Irene                I see. Well, have fun.

James                Thanks. You too. Bring me a piece of pumpkin pie if there’s any left.

Irene                Will do!


          •        Practise the dialogue with a partner. Swap roles.

•        Discuss with your partner: What do you think is the best thing to do on Halloween?


Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:


Scary Consequences

        A group storytelling activity.

        Explain the meaning of consequence, i.e. one thing happens as a result of another.

        Give each student a piece of A4 paper, and make sure they have a pen.

        Give the first instruction. You can write this on the board:

                        Write: A ____________________ (This must be a male ‘person’ or creature                 e.g. werewolf, bat, zombie, frog, etc.) at the top of your paper. Then fold it                 over so it can’t be seen and pass the paper to the next student.

        The give the second instruction:

                        Write: met a ____________________ (This must be a female person e.g.                         witch, or creature)

                                Again they must fold over the paper and pass to the next student.

        Thirdly they must write:

                        at ____________________. (A place) Fold and pass.

•        Next:

                        They were eating _____________________. Fold and pass.

•        Then:

                        He said to her “_____________________.” (A sentence spoken by the male                 to the female) Fold and pass.

•        Next:

                        She said to him “_____________________.” (A sentence spoken by the                         female to the male) Fold and pass.

•        Finally:

                        The consequence was ____________________. (Something that happened                 as a result of the meeting)

•        Once complete, the class can unfold the pieces of paper and read the stories. Ask them to read aloud any very funny ones.


Author: Louise Delahay                Page  of

r: Katie Jones.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spooky Statements  


Read the statements below and decide which number most closely matches your opinion.

Key:         1 = agree

        2 = it depends

        3 = disagree

a l love watching horror films.                                                1        2        3

b I really enjoy fancy dress parties.                                        1        2        3

c I’m afraid of spiders.                                                        1        2        3

d I think bats are beautiful animals.                                        1        2        3

e I like hearing and reading spooky stories.                                1        2        3

f I think trick-or-treating is a bad thing.                                        1        2        3

g I’m scared of caves.                                                        1        2        3

h I like eating sweets.                                                        1        2        3

i I think bonfires are fun.                                                1        2        3

j I enjoy going to castles.                                                1        2        3

Now compare your answers with a partner.


        Author: Louise Delahay                        

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