Презентация Present Simple
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Марутян Соня Карленовна

Present  Simple


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Present Simple Tense .

Слайд 2

Explanation We use the present simple tense to talk about: Habits E.g. I get up at 6 o’clock every day.

Слайд 3

Explanation We use the present simple tense to talk about: routines E.g. I brush my teeth twice a day.

Слайд 4

Explanation We use the present simple tense to talk about: things that are always true E.g. It snows in winter.

Слайд 5

Affirmative (Утвердительные предложения) I play You play We play They play He play s She play s It play s

Слайд 6

Use the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences . I …(play) football in the afternoon. He … (like) to go to school. We … (watch) TV in the evening. She … (want) to be a singer.

Слайд 7

Use the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences. ( Answers ) . I play football in the afternoon. He likes to go to school. We watch TV in the evening. She wants to be a singer.

Слайд 8

Negative (Отрицательные предложения) I don’t play You don’t play We don’t play They don’t play He doesn’t play She doesn’t play It doesn’t play

Слайд 9

Correct the sentences . You doesn’t play tennis at school. She doesn’t likes frogs. They don’t wants to be pilots. It don’t eat bananas.

Слайд 10

Correct the sentences. ( Answers ) . You don’t play tennis at school. She doesn’t like frogs. They don’t want to be pilots. It doesn’t eat bananas.

Слайд 11

Questions (Вопросительные предложения) Do I play ..? Do you play ..? Do we play ..? Do they play ..? Does he play ..? Does s he play ..? Does it play ..?

Слайд 12

Short answers ( Краткие ответы) Yes, I do . Yes, you do . Yes, we do . Yes, they do . Yes, he does . Yes, she does . Yes, it does .

Слайд 13

Short answers ( Краткие ответы) No, I don’t . No, you don’t . No, we don’t . No, they don’t . No, he doesn’t . No, she doesn’t . No, it doesn’t .

Слайд 14

Choose do,does,don’t or doesn’t to complete the sentences . … you go to school? – No, I … … he like reading? – Yes, he … … they want to be doctors? – Yes, they … … she have a shower in the morning? – No, she …

Слайд 15

Choose do,does,don’t or doesn’t to complete the sentences . (Answers). Do you go to school? – No, I don’t . Does he like reading? – Yes, he does . Do they want to be doctors? – Yes, they do . Does she have a shower in the morning? – No, she doesn’t .

Слайд 16

Everyday activities have a shower

Слайд 17

Everyday activities brush your teeth

Слайд 18

Everyday activities comb your hair

Слайд 19

Everyday activities go to school

Слайд 20

Everyday activities play outside

Слайд 21

Everyday activities wash your hands

Слайд 22

Everyday activities go to bed

Слайд 23

We use always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never + present simple to talk about how often we do things. These words go before the verb. I always play outside

Слайд 24

We use always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never + present simple to talk about how often we do things. These words go before the verb. I usually play outside.

Слайд 25

We use always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never + present simple to talk about how often we do things. These words go before the verb. I sometimes play outside.

Слайд 26

We use always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never + present simple to talk about how often we do things. These words go before the verb. I hardly ever play outside.

Слайд 27

We use always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never + present simple to talk about how often we do things. These words go before the verb. I never play outside.

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