создание исследовательского проекта "Исчезающие животные Московской области"
проект по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данный материал включает аннотацию, общий текст и мультимедийную презентацию проекта учащихся 6 класса ГБОУ "Школа № 2065" г. Москвы по теме Исчезающие животные Московской области". Проект был представлен на Проектной конференции в школе и был отмечен грамотой.
Предварительный просмотр:
Wild Nature Wonders of Moscow Region
Students of Grade 6 “A”: Alexander Lebedev, Anita Gautam, Arthur Ivakhnenko, Julia Kozachenko, Roman Osipov, Roman Kashnikov, Vladislav Baranov, Leila Radjabova, Artem Lishenkov, Lola Azizova, Anastasia Antipova, Semen Gromov, Fedor Kobyzev
School 2065, Moscow
We studied in our English textbooks wild nature all around the world and decided to learn more about nature wonders in our region. We planned to find out the most interesting or rare species living in our region, choose the unique ones and present the result of our findings in a visual form.
The name of the project is “Wild Nature Wonders of Moscow Region”. The aim is to collect information about endangered species of the Moscow Region and create an album and a series of multimedia presentations.
To achieve this aim it was necessary to solve the following problems:
1. Read some books and search the internet to find information about rare species of the Moscow Region.
2. Choose the similar and distinct features.
3. Make up a text of the project.
4. Make up a multimedia presentation and an album.
The Project includes
Red Book of Moscow region
Specific threats to the environment
Environmental management issues
Some endangered species of Moscow Region
Online Resources
Album “Endangered Species of Moscow region”
Multimedia presentations
The methods used for carrying out the project are literature studying, analysis, comparison and summarizing.
We learned that the area of the Moscow Region is 45,800 square kilometres. According to the census of 2002, the population of the region is 6.6 million people, while 10.4 million live in the city of Moscow.
The Red Book of Moscow Region is maintained according to the Decree of the Regional Government from February 13, 1997 No. 11/4. The species included are banned from economic use, and their habitats are protected.
Included in the book are nine mammal species, 62 bird species, five reptile species, three amphibian species, one cyclostome species, 10 fish species, one roundworm species, 8 mollusc species, 13 crustacean species, one spider species, one myriapod species, 281 insect taxons, 207 species of vascular plants, 37 moss species, three algae species, 24 lichen species and 23 fungi species.
The animal species richness of Moscow Region identified so far includes:
• mammals — 60 species;
• birds — 292 species, including 194 species of breeding birds;
• reptiles — six species;
• amphibians — 10 species;
• fishes — 49 species;etc.
Here are some examples of rare species in the Moscow Region:
• Wolves. These large predators are actively hunted by humans and need large areas of habitat.
• Elk. These large herbivorous mammals also need large forest areas and are suffer heavily from illegal hunting.
• Emperor dragonfly. This dragonfly species, whose larva inhabit small cut-offs and bayou lakes in the floodplains of major rivers, are sensitive to water pollution.
• Freshwater jellyfish. This small jellyfish inhabits various freshwater bodies, but is rarely found even by regular hydrobiological studies in the Moscow Region.
There are Natural protected areas of Moscow Region
• Prioksko-Terrasny State Nature Biosphere Zapovednik;
• Losiny Ostrov National Park;
• Zavidovo Natural Complex • 156 zakazniks (150 for nature protection and five for hunting);
• 80 nature monuments
• 54 reserved forest areas.
Possible causes of the animals’ extinction
- Habitat destruction
- the allocation of "dacha" (cottage/gardening/subsidiary farming) plots in the remote areas of the region is harmful;
- the routing of modern highways and high-speed railroads results in the fragmentation of natural landscapes.
- Environmental pollution
- from 5 to 15 percent of the trees along highways are drying up or are weakened.
- acid precipitation causes the degradation of forests, particularly in the Istra and Shatura districts.
- among the species of the Moscow Region threatened by poaching are the Apollo butterfly and elk.
- Fires
Forest fires destroy around 150 hectares of forest annually, mainly in the east and the north of the region.
We researched the resources and found information about some rare species
a bear, a lynx, a stork, a hedgehog, a golden eagle, a green woodpecker, a forest ferret, a viper, a speckled ground squirrel, a desman, a fox, a squirrel, a lesser noctule.
We spoke about them in class, made multimedia presentations, and a booklet. We want to present this information to younger children. We want them to know about these animals and be careful to them when they meet them in the forest and fields.
There are some special places in our region where people protect rare animals where they can breed. We have to behave well when we are these parks and areas.
We understand that it is very important to save our wild nature of the region so that we and our children could see the wonders of the wild nature and value it.
Online resources
Предварительный просмотр:
SCHOOL № 2065
Wild Nature Wonders of Moscow Region
6 grade A,
Gorbenko Z.P., the teacher
MOSCOW, 2018
1. Find some information about rare animals of Moscow region.
2. Collect the information and identify their common and different features.
3. Summarize the information and make up a comparison.
4. Make up a booklet and edit it.
5. Make up a multimedia presentation and a report.
We have been learning the topic Wild Nature in our English class. We decided to learn more about the animals of the region we live in. Our aim was to research the endangered or rare species of the wild nature. We wanted pupils to know more about our nature and be careful to fauna and flora of the region.
The aim of the project is to highlight the endangered species of Moscow region.
The theme of the project is “Wild Nature Wonders of Moscow Region”. The language of the project is English.
The methods used for carrying out the project are literature studying, analysis, comparison and summarizing.
The project consists of introduction, conclusion and 2 chapters, 2 multimedia presentations and a booklet.
To carry out the project each pupil has chosen an animal to describe it and present to the class.
We read Internet resources, learned some information about our region nature, found some information about its wild habitatants.
We discussed it in class and have selected the most interesting facts about our species. We made some tables to see the common and different features.
Then we summarized the information, edited it and make a small book and some presentations. We could show them to younger students and talk to them how to protect nature.
In the process of our research we learned
The area of the Moscow Region is about 46 000 square kilometres. According to the census of 2018, the population of the region is 7 504 339 million people, while 12,5 million live in the city of Moscow.
The Red Book of Moscow Region was maintained according to the Decree of the Regional Government from February 13, 1997. The species included are banned from economic use, and their habitats are protected.
Included in the book are nine mammal species, 62 bird species, five reptile species, three amphibian species and 10 fish species, etc.
Specific threats to the environment are
-Habitat destruction
-Environmental pollution
- Forest fires
What the government does to protect the animals of the region?
There are Natural protected areas in the Moscow Region
• Prioksko-Terrasny State Nature Biosphere Zapovednik (area: 4,945 hectares; protection zone: 4,710 hectares);
• Losiny Ostrov National Park (area: 11,816 hectares; protection zone: 6,645 hectares);
• Zavidovo Natural Complex (area: 125,000 hectares, including 56,700 hectares within the Moscow Region);
• 156 zakazniks (150 for nature protection and five for hunting);
• 80 nature monuments (62 natural features, 17 artificial, and one of combined origin);
• 54 reserved forest areas.
We researched the resources and found information about some rare species
a bear, a lynx, a stork, a hedgehog, a golden eagle, a green woodpecker, a forest ferret, a viper, a speckled ground squirrel, a desman, a fox, a squirrel, a lesser noctule.
We spoke about them in class, made multimedia presentations, and a booklet. We want to present this information to younger children. We want them to know about these animals and be careful to them when they meet them in the forest and fields.
There are some special places in our region where people protect rare animals where they can breed. We have to behave well when we are these parks and areas.
We understand that it is very important to save our wild nature of the region so that we and our children could see the wonders of the wild nature and value it.
Online resources
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/население москвы
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The aim of the project is To create an album of Moscow Region wild nature wonders.
Introduction We studied wild nature all around the world and decided to learn more about nature wonders in our region. We planned to find out the most interesting species living in our region, choose the unique ones and present the result of our findings in a visual form.
Firstly, we were going to choose some species living in the region and to compare some main characteristics to understand how they are different and similar. Secondly, we wanted to present the material to the classmates. Thirdly, we summarized the information, found out how they were special and created a presentation describing the main features of the species.
Tasks To achieve this aim it was necessary to solve the following problems: 1. Read some books and search the internet to find information about the most interesting species of the Moscow Region; 2. Choose the similar and distinct features; 3. Carry out a comparison and make a conclusion; 4. Make up a text of the project; 5. Make up a multimedia presentation and an album.
Content Introduction . Peculiarities of Moscow Region wild nature and its problems. Comparison of Moscow Region species. Rare species of the region. Conclusion
In the process of our research we learned The area of the Moscow Region is about 46 000 square kilometres . According to the census of 201 7 , the population of the region is 7.5 million people, while 12.5 millions live in the city of Moscow. The Red Book of Moscow Region was maintained according to the Decree of the Regional Government from February 13, 1997. The species included are banned from economic use, and their habitats are protected. Included in the book are nine mammal species, 62 bird species, five reptile species, three amphibian species and 10 fish species, etc.
Specific threats to the environment are Habitat destruction; Environmental pollution; Poaching; Forest fires;
What the government does to protect the animals of the region There are Natural protected areas in the Moscow Region Prioksko-Terrasny State Nature Biosphere Zapovednik ; Losiny Ostrov National Park; Zavidovo Natural Complex; 156 zakazniks ; 80 nature monuments; 54 reserved forest areas.
We researched the resources and found information about some rare species a bear, a lynx, a stork, a hedgehog, a golden eagle, a green woodpecker, a forest ferret, a viper, a speckled ground squirrel, a desman, a fox, a squirrel, a lesser noctule .
We spoke about them in class, made multimedia presentations and a booklet. We can present this information to younger children. We want them to know about these animals and be careful to them when they meet them in the forest and fields.
Conclusion After working on the project I learned a lot of interesting things about the region nature wild life, broadened my horizon about the activities to protect nature in the Moscow region. We developed our skills how to design a research, search for information on the Internet. We learned that there are some special places in our region where people protect rare animals and where they can breed. We have to behave well when we are in these parks and areas. We understand that it is very important to save our wild nature of the region so that we and our children could see the wonders of the wild nature and value it.
To sum it up we can say There are some problems in the Moscow region and there are more species which are becoming rare and endangered. The Moscow region wild life is interesting. People should know more about the wild nature life and take care of it.
Online Resources http://education.rec.org/ru/en/biodiversity/in_russia/04-04-08-02.shtml http://www.animalsprotectiontribune.ru/nnnn688.html https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Зелёный _ дятел
Thanks for your attention !
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