Союзы в придаточных предложениях
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7, 8, 9, 10 класс) на тему

Материал представляет собой систематизацию употребеления союзов в английском языке. Предлагается перевод союзов.


Предварительный просмотр:

Союзы в придаточных предложениях цели (purpose)


so that/in order that

She  drives her car to work so that/in order that she can be on time.

на случай если

in case

I take some cash with me in case I need it.

с тем, чтобы

with a view to + -ing

They started saving up with a view to buying a car.

чтобы не

prevent smb (from) + -ing, avoid + -ing

They put up notices to prevent people (from) walking on the grass.

He bought a GPS to avoid getting lost.

Союзы в придаточных предложениях причины (cause)

потому что


We can’t visit Stella because she’s away on holiday.

так как


We can’t visit Stella as she’s away on holiday.



We can’t visit Stella since she’s away on holiday.

ибо (офиц. стиль)


We can’t visit Stella for she’s away on holiday.

причина того, что / почему …

the reason for/why 

The accident on the motorway was the reason why he was late.

из-за того что

Because of the fact that

They couldn’t concentrate because of the fact that there was a lot of noise.

по причине того что

on account of the fact that

They couldn’t concentrate on account of the fact that there was a lot of noise.

благодаря тому что

due to the fact that

They couldn’t concentrate due to the fact that there was a lot of noise.

теперь когда

now (that) 

Now (that) we have graduated, we can get a job.

Союзы в придаточных предложениях следствия (результата) (consequence, result)

такой …, что …

so/such ... that

The book was so boring that I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

It was such a nice day that we decided to have a picnic.

в результате,

As a result 

As a result, he didn’t go to work.

поэтому …


Therefore, he didn’t go to work.

следовательно, …


Consequently, he didn’t go to work.

и как следствие, …

As a consequence

As a consequence, he didn’t go to work.

Союзы в придаточных предложениях образа действия (manner)

таким способом, что / как …


Try to do it as I’ve showed you.

как будто

as if/as, though 

She sounds as if/as though she’s really happy.

He behaves as if/as though he were a child. (но не является таковым)

таким образом, что … / так, что…

(in) the way (that) 

I try to do it in the way that everybody likes.=

I try to do it the way everybody likes.

точно так же, как

(in) the same way (as)

He sings in the same way as his sister.

He sings the same way as his sister.

He sings the same way as his sister does.

Союзы в придаточных предложениях уступки и вводные слова, обозначающие уступку (concession)



She failed the exam though she studied hard.

и всё же

though (в конце предложения)

She studied hard. She failed the exam, though.



Although she studied hard, she failed the exam.

хоть/пусть даже

even though

Even though it was snowing, we went for a walk. We went for a walk, even though it was snowing.

несмотря на (что-то)

despite/in spite of

Despite working hard/his hard work, he wasn’t promoted.

несмотря на то, что происходит

despite the fact that /in spite of the fact (that)

In spite of the fact that it was raining, they continued the football game.

и всё же


They did their best, yet they lost the match.

однако, в то время как


He drives to work while I come on foot.

однако, в то время как


He drives to work whereas I come on foot.

как бы сильно ни …

however/no matter how (hard, clever…)

However hard he tried, he didn’t finish the race.

No matter how hard he tried, he didn’t finish the race.



He has lots of experience; however, he didn’t get the job.

тем не менее


He has lots of experience; nevertheless, he didn’t get the job.

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