Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему "Пищеварительная система".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
Данная презентация содержит сведения о пищеварительной системе человека на английском языке.
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The food contains high-molecular compounds-proteins, fats, carbohydrates; substances rich in energy.Proteins for the body are the main building blocks, they consist of 20 types of amino acids, from which our body synthesizes its own proteins. Ten amino acids are essential.The main part of carbohydrates and fats is oxidized, providing the body with energy.Together with food, the body should receive sufficient water, mineral salts, vitamins. Mechanical and chemical processing, splitting and absorption of splitting products occurs in the digestive system and is called digestion. The value of food Building material, necessary for plastic metabolism (assimilation, anabolism) – a set of reactions of biosynthesis. Energy material is necessary for energy metabolism (dissimilation, catabolism) – a set of reactions of decay and oxidation.
The value of food
1 . The alimentary canal ( tract) is a length of 8-10 m. Structure of the digestive system . 2.The digestive gland : 3 pairs of salivary glands, liver, pancreas, Stomach isolated per day up to 8 liters of digestive juices.
Structure of the digestive system . In the digestive system, there are several departments: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. The average length of the small intestine of an adult is 3-3.5 m. the Initial part of the small intestine is the duodenum,into which the ducts of the pancreas and liver are opened.In the colon, the length of which is about 1.5 m, distinguish the cecum with the Appendixand a rectum that ends in the anus.
The oral cavity is bounded on top of the hard and soft sky, side-cheek muscles, bottom-maxillofacial muscle.Milk teeth are replaced by 12 years of constant. In an adult, there are 32 teeth in the mouth: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 small indigenous and 6 large indigenous teeth in each jaw. Dental formula: Milk Constants 20122102 32122123 20122102 32122123 — the numerator shows the number of teeth in the upper jaw, in the denominator-in the lower jaw — Digestion in the mouth
Teething begins at 6-7 months and ends at 3 years of life. The child has 20 baby teeth. From 6-7 years to 12-13 milk teeth are replaced by permanent Dental formula: Dairy Permanent 20122102 32122123 20122102 32122123 Digestion in the mouth
Using the tongue moves food while chewing, the numerous dermal papilla are the taste buds.On the tip of the tongue there are receptors for sweet, at the horse — for bitter, on the side surfaces — for sour and salty.Three pairs of large salivary glands open into the mouth. Language is an organ of human speech. Digestion in the mouth
The food is swallowed, gets into the throat and then into the esophagus, whose length is about 25 cm food ball esophagus into the stomach.The volume of the stomach, about 2-3 liters. In the mucosa there are folds that increase the surface and there are three types of glands that form up to 2.5 liters per day of gastric juice. Digestion in the stomach
The major glands form the enzymes, hydrochloric acid, mucus.The acidic medium (HCl concentration 0.5%) activates enzymes and has a bactericidal effect. Under the action of pepsin, the main enzyme of gastric juice, proteins are digested;gastric lipase breaks down milk fats, continue to digest carbohydrates with saliva enzymes, until the food lump is saturated with acidic gastric juice.Chymosin storageway milk.Water, salts, glucose, alcohol are absorbed in the stomach. Digestion in the stomach
To study the juice in the stomach, I. p. Pavlov used the gastric fistula, but the gastric juice was contaminated with food.Pavlov developed a technique of "imaginary feeding", applying fistula on the stomach in combination with cutting the esophagus. Despite the fact that in this case the food did not get into the stomach, there was gastric juice. Digestion in the stomach
For the study of juice production in the irritation of the stomach walls with food, I. p. Pavlov developed an operation in which an isolated "small" stomach was formed from the bottom of the stomach to collect pure gastric juice through the fistula. With this method, it was possible to show that most of the gastric juice is allocated to protein foods, less — on carbohydrate and very little-on fats.Nervous regulation. It was shown unconditional reflex and conditional reflex secretion of gastric juice in the stomach.Humoral regulation is carried out by the hormone gastrin, formed by the glands of the stomach. Digestion in the stomach
From the stomach the food is in small portions into the small intestine, whose length is 5 m. the Medium in the intestine is slightly alkaline.The initial part of the small intestine is 25-30 cm long-the duodenum, into which the ducts of the liver and pancreas are opened. Three digestive juices act on the food slurry: liver bile, pancreatic juice, intestinal gland juice.The liver is the largest human gland, located in the abdomen, to the right, under the diaphragm. The weight of the liver is on average 1.5 kg. Digestion in the duodenum
The liver has two lobes, a larger right and smaller left.Liver cells (hepatocytes) are collected into lobules, which are the structural and functional unit of the liver. There are about 500,000 such shares. The formation of bile occurs continuously, and it accumulates in the gallbladder.Functions. Bile does not contain enzymes, it enhances the work of the pancreas, activates its enzymes, emulsifies fats (increasing their surface by 40,000 times). The most important function of the liver-the barrier, harmful and toxic substances that have got into the blood from the intestine are neutralized. Digestion in the duodenum
The storage function of the liver. The liver stores excess glucose in the form of glycogen, vitamins, iron, released during the destruction of hemoglobin.The liver is involved in all types of metabolism: carbohydrate, participating in the regulation of blood sugar, protein, turning ammonia into urea, fat, participating in the breakdown of fats.Excretory. Bile displays in the lumen of the intestines the breakdown products of hemoglobin (bilirubin and biliverdin).In the liver, plasma proteins are synthesized, in particular prothrombin, involved in blood clotting. Digestion in the duodenum
Pancreas. Distinguish between head, body and tail. Producesinsulin. Pancreatic juice, (up to 2 l/day) contains enzymes that break down proteins carbohydrates ,fats, nucleic acids. Digestion in the duodenum
From the duodenum, food gruel enters the jejunum and then the ileum. Due to the fact that the intestinal mucosa has numerous folds, villi and microvilli on the cells of the villi, the surface of the membrane digestion and absorption is very large.The villus is composed of nerves, capillaries and lymphatic vessels. Digestion in the small intestine
Amino acids and glucose are absorbed into the capillaries of the blood system, glycerin and fatty acids — in the epithelium of the villi, where fats are synthesized, then entering the lymph capillaries. Digestion in the small intestine
The large intestine is divided into a cecum with an Appendix and a straight line. Digestion in the large intestine
In the colon there are no villi, glands form juice, poor in enzymes, but there is a large number of bacteria: some hydrolyze fiber;others cause protein decay, toxic substances formed in this case, are neutralized by the liver;third synthesize vitamins K and b vitamins: - B1, B6, B12.Water is absorbed (up to 4 l / day), formed feces. Digestion in the large intestine
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