Конспект открытого урока по теме sport and games
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Конспект открытого урока по теме sport and games
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
гимназии № 159 «Бестужевская» Калининского района Санкт-Петербурга
План-конспект урока
Тема: «Sport and Games»
Автор: Пагаева М.С.
Класс 11 А
Цель урока: Закрепление умения устной речи по теме «Sport and Games».
Задачи: 1. Активизация лексики по теме «Sport and Games».
2. Закрепление умения аудирования.
3. Закрепление умения говорения.
4. Развитие творческого мышления у учащихся посредством ролевой игры.
5. Закрепление умения письменной речи.
План урока:
- Организационный момент (Приветствие).
- Вводная беседа (Постановка цели урока).
- Речевая зарядка.
- Проверка домашнего задания.
- Развитие умений разговорной речи
- Активизация лексики по теме.
- Закрепление лексического материала посредством игровой деятельности.
- Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока.
- Greeting
- Teacher’s speech.
1) discussion of the points on agenda.
III. “Language training”
- Revision of the linking words and sports vocabulary.
- Answer the questions (connected with the pictures on the blackboard) trying to pay attention to the linking words.
- Checking up pupils’ home task.
- Presentation of the projects.
- Estimation of the jury according to their scale.
- Concluding the results.
V. Making up mini dialogues on the topic.
- Checking up pupils’ knowledge in sports vocabulary.
- Are you appropriate in this sphere? And to what extent? (“The first is the best”).
- Creation of adverts (Sport equipment is given to each group).
- Making up ads
- Acting them out
- Conclusion.
- Presenting pupils with their prizes
- Sum up the competition
1. Hello my dear pupils, Glad to see you sit down, please. As you perfectly know our lesson today is devoted to sports and games. So we are going to conclude all our knowledge about this topic with the help of the role-play. I’ll tell you about it detail a bit later. But first of all let’s revise the general knowledge about sport in our memory. Could you pull your attention to the blackboard and answer my questions. Don’t forget to use linking words while answering.
- Are there any games or sports on blackboard that you would like to try?
- Are there any that you’re good at?
- Are there any that you hate?
- Which game is the most dangerous in your opinion and why?
- Which is the most unusual one?
2. Thank you very much. And now we are facing the main part of our lesson. As I’ve told you the main point on our agenda is the role play that will help us to systemize our attainments. The idea of it is the following. The International Sports Committee has decided to organize competitions in our city among fitness clubs in order to reveal the best one. The winner will get one million rubles. Among severe competitors only two fitness clubs have been chosen, that have met all the international standards:. So today you are going to compete for having the first prize. To achieve it you should pass four stages. The first stage is presentation of your fitness clubs (max 3 points) the second one is called “Defeat your opponent” (max 2 points) the third is “the best is the first and the first is the best” and the fourth stage is creation of ads (max 3 points). The team that will get more points is the winner.
As for me I’m the chairman of the International Sports Committee. I’ve got assistants who are going to estimate your project presentations and one independent expert, who is going to keep an eye on the contest procedure.
We are ready to start with the first stage. So welcome you opponents and don’t forget to make notes and write some questions that spring up in your mind.
3. So we turn to the second stage that is called “Defeat your opponent”. I hope that you have listened to your rivals rather carefully. Well, now your teams could you think of 3 questions that you are eager to ask? Two minutes to discuss it. Ask your questions.
4. As you know every professional must be educated in his or her own sphere of activity. Let’s check your knowledge. You can see 3 columns: people, location and do you know. So you are going to choose the column you like and the team that answer the first gets one point for the correct answer.
5. you perfectly understand that today in our country there are a lot of fitness clubs. To survive on this market you should be able to persuade customers to attend your fitness club and not your opponent’s.
I’ll give each team a bag with special equipment. You’ve got 3 minutes to create an advert of you fitness club with the help of the thing that is in bag.
- According to the opinion of our jury every team gets 3 points.
Let’s conclude the results of our contest. You have done the great work. You are brilliant at making adverts, presentations, you knowledge of vocabulary is amazing. But the winner is ________________________
This club gets the first prize a cheque for one million rubles.
On the other hand everybody will agree that the other group was also perfect and so they get a consolation prize a cheque for 500.000 rubles for their development.
And now, our role-play is over and I would like you to tell me your impressions towards the work done.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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