William Shakespear
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Материал для 6 класса по теме "Знаменитые люди Англии" на примере У. Шекспира.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Group the words according to their parts of speech. Earn, law, bank, thief, deer, wicked, wickedly, exactly, stupid, top, twin, company, teenager, poetry, punish, well-known, Royal, British, seat, box, balcony.
Thief, wicked, pleased, stupid, criminal, happy, touching, defeat, tragedy, lovely, nasty, warm, beautiful, admire, exciting, attractive, tasty. Positive negative ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________
1. twin a. thief 2. as like b. loudly 3. pleased c. on the stage 4.scream d. for a while 5. the exact e. with the news 6. act f. of the page 7. earn g. as two peas 8. at the top h. brothers 9. think i . time 10. a car j. his living
Look through the sentences and find mistakes. 1. All the students of the faculty wanted the teachers give them excellent grades. 2.My new dog would like my to give him some meat. 3. We were all told to coming at five sharp. 4. My granny usually advises me only tell the truth. 5. Their father always taught his children to proud of their country. 6. I have always expected friends to being loyal to each other. 7. You may ask him do that again if you don’t like his work. 8. Would you like they to come to our party?
Мы не ожидали, что родятся близнецы. 2. Родители ожидали, что дети порадуют их своими достижениями в школе. 3. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы прочитали стихотворение на английском языке. 4. Подростки совсем не хотят, чтобы родители давали им советы. 5. Мы предполагали , что он увидит нас с берега . 6. Все хотят , чтобы они могли больше зарабатывать на жизнь . 7. Мать велела сыну, чтобы он не разговаривал так злобно со своими одноклассниками. 8. Преступники не хотели, чтобы соблюдался закон.
1. We were all pleased … the latest news … his family. 2. We knew my granny’s house was situated … the bank of the Volga. 3.You can easily find this information … the top … the page. 4. Could you tell me what your twin brother did to earn … his living? 5.Who is screaming … help outside? Can you hear … that? 6. All criminal are always … the law. 7. I’m afraid but Mr. Cob cannot speak … you … the moment. 8. If you don’t know the answer you can think … a while.
London, world, poetry, Thames, farmer, three, glove-maker, education, plays, grammar, older, Globe, writing, Stratford. 1. Shakespeare’s mother was the daughter of a ____________. His father had a profession of a ___________. 2. William was sent to a ____________ school where he managed to receive a rather good ______________. 3. William married a woman __________ than his age. 4. After the birth of his ________ children Shakespeare had to go to ___________ to find a good job there. 5. In the capital Shakespeare started to create ___________ and _________. 6. Shakespeare became a well-known dramatist in the _________ Theatre at the River ___________. 7. Shakespeare moved from the capital to a small town of ___________ where he stopped __________. 8. Shakespeare’s plays are still staged all over the ___________.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Презентация William Shakespeare
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Презентация William Shakespeare
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William Shakespeare
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