Разноуровневая контрольная работа для учащихся 6 класса. Предмет: английский язык
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Разноуровневая контрольная работа для учащихся 6 класса. Задания составлены в соответствии с ФГОС и разделены на три уровня сложности.
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Final test for the 6th form
- Task for Listening
Listen to the story ‘A clever answer’ and do tasks. Choose the level of task.
- Level – mark «3»
Finish the sentences.
- A rich American travelled…
- One day the family came to…
- On Sunday they visited…
- In the Zoo the children…
- In the evening the sons told their father to…
- Level – mark «4»
Choose - True or False
- A rich American travelled to different countries with his family.
- One day he went with his children to the UK.
- The American loved his daughters and bought them something they asked for.
- His children didn’t feed animals in the ZOO.
- The children asked their father to buy animals from the ZOO.
- Level – mark «5»
Answer the questions.
- Where did the American go with his family?
- What did he always do for his children?
- How did his children spend time in the ZOO?
- What did the American wanted to buy?
- Why is the story called “The clever answer”?
- Task for reading
Read the text and do the task. Choose the level of task.
The members of this family (the six grown-ups and little Charlie Bucket) live together in a small wooden house on the edge (на окраине) of a big town.
The house wasn’t large enough for so many people, and life was extremely uncomfortable for them all. There were only two rooms in the place, and there was only one bed. They gave the bed to the four grandparents because they were old and tired. Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine were on the one side, and Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina were on the other side.
Mr. Bucket and Mrs. Bucket and Charlie Bucket slept in the other room, upon mattresses on the floor. In the summertime, this wasn’t too bad, but in the winter, freezing cold draughts (сквозняки) blew across the floor all night long, and it was terrible. They could not buy a better house or even one more bed. They were very poor for that.
Mr. Bucket was the only person in the family with a job. He worked in a toothpaste factory, where he screwed (прикручивал) the little caps (крышки) on the tops of the tubes of the toothpaste all day long. But a toothpaste cap screwer never gets very much money. Poor Mr. Bucket worked hard, but he didn’t make much money to buy the things that the large family needed.
There wasn’t even enough money to buy good food for all of them. The only meals they could have were bread and margarine for breakfast, potatoes and cabbage for lunch and cabbage soup for supper. Sundays were a bit better. They all looked forward to Sundays because then everyone got a second helping (добавка).
- Level – mark «3»
1.) Write names of the members of Charlie’s family. -----------
2.) Match parts of the sentences.
1. The house wasn’t | a) because they were old and tired. |
2. They gave the bed to the grandparents | b) one bed. |
3. Mr. Bucket worked | c) large. |
4. There were only two rooms and | d) bread and margarine. |
5. For breakfast they ate | e) in a toothpaste factory. |
- Level – mark «4»
1.) Entitle the text. -----------
2.) Answer the questions.
a) Was the house large enough for so many people?
b) Where did they sleep?
c) Mr. Bucket worked in the factory, didn’t he?
d) Did he get much money for his job?
e) What did they cook?
- Level – mark «5»
2.) Put these sentences in the right order.
- They had only one bed and it was given to the four old grandparents.
- The Bucket family had six grown-ups and little Charlie.
- Their house wasn’t large enough for so many people.
- They couldn’t have proper food for all of them.
- He never got much money for his work.
- The family was very poor.
- Mr. Bucket was the only person in the family with a job.
2.) Prove that the Buckets were very poor. Write out 3 sentences from the text.
- Task for grammar.
- level – mark «3»
Choose the correct answer.
1)There are a lot of … stars in …sky.
(a) ×,the (b) the,×
2) She …already … that book.
(a) have read (b) has read
3) You really like wild animals, ….?
(a) do you (b) don’t you
4) We …. …. London next month.
(a) will visit (b) will visited
5) My best friend is walking along …. Pushkin street.
(a) the (b) ×
- level – mark «4»
Choose the correct answer.
1)We can take this dog with us, …?
(a) can you (b) don’t we (c) can’t we (d) could you
2) It … …now.
(a) are raining (b) is rain (c) rains (d) is raining
3) Ann … never … to Madrid.
(a) have be (b) has been (c) has be (d) does been
4) Leon … new friends in his new school
(a) meet (b) met (c) have met (d) meted
5) … Sun is … big star.
(a) the, a (b) ×, a (c) a, a (d) the, ×
- level – mark «5»
Write the verb in a correct form.
1) My parents (just, to return) home.
2) Eliza (to want) to visit America one month before, …?
3) Nick (already, to write) the letter for his granny.
4) My puppy (to play) in the garden at the moment.
5) We (not, to listen) to music radio tomorrow.
- Материал с сайта Pedsovet.su; Учебник В.П. Кузовлева «English 6»,
- Контрольные задания к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева «English 5,6».
- Власова ЕБ «Английский язык. Школьные олимпиады», Москва. Айрис – пресс, 2008.
- Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English»учебник для 6кл., Москва.
- Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English» рабочая тетрадь для учебника 6кл., Москва
- Барашкова «Сборник упражнений по грамматике часть вторая» для учебника Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English» 6кл., Москва
Audio script
A rich American travelled all over the world with his family. One day he came with his children to Great Britain. They visited different places and the American always bought for his children something they liked and asked for. On Sunday they went to the English ZOO. His sons were bad children. They ran, jumped and cried loudly and frightened the animals all day. They also gave food to animals. In the evening they told their father, “We like the ZOO. Buy it for us”. The American asked the ZOO keeper, “How much does the ZOO cost? My children like it very much. I want to buy the ZOO”. “We are not going to sell it, but we can buy children for the ZOO”, was the answer.
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