урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме "День дружбы", учебник Enjoy English
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме "День дружбы", учебник Enjoy English
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Предварительный просмотр:
Технологическая карта урока
Ф. И. О. педагога: Размахнина Ольга Борисовна
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 7а
Дата проведения: 16.03.2015
Тема урока: “Friendship Day” / «День дружбы»
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель урока:
развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся в области чтения и аудирования
Задачи урока: познакомить с культурными реалиями англоговорящих стран, активизировать и закрепить лексику по теме, закрепить грамматические навыки по теме «Сложное дополнение»
Используемые педагогические технологии: ИКТ, обучение в сотрудничестве
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая
Методическое обеспечение: мультимедийная презентация, учебник, аудиозапись, тексты с заданием по вариантам, карточки с разрозненными словами, рисунок «Дом Дружбы», цветные стикеры, маркеры
Используемые ресурсы: Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н УМК «Английский с удовольствием» / “Enjoy English”
Дидактическая структура урока | Деятельность учеников | Деятельность учителя | Задания для учащихся, выполнение которых приведет к достижению планируемых результатов | Планируемые результаты | |
Предметные | УУД | ||||
Организацион но-мотивацион ный этап | знакомятся с планом урока, в процессе беседы формулируют тему, цели и задачи | задает проблемные вопросы учащимся | учащиеся выполняют задания в формате "Мозговой штурм" | совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков | Формирование коммуникативной компетенции, умение адекватно, осознанно и произвольно строить краткое речевое высказывание в устной форме |
Основной этап Изучение нового материала (чтение) | Учащиеся читают текст в учебнике и отвечают на вопросы учителя по общему содержанию текста, выполняют лексико-грамматические задания из учебника и со слайда презентации | организует изучение лексического материала через чтение, высказывание своего отношения к прочитанному организует повторение и закрепление грамматического материала | перед учащимися текст, они находят в тексте необходимую информацию, отвечают на вопросы по содержанию, выполняют задание на установление соответствий, выбор правильного слова, нахождение информации по образцу, перевод с английского на русский язык составляют предложения по содержанию текста с помощью опорной схемы | развиваются навыки просмотрового и поискового чтения, умение аргументирован но отвечать на вопросы активизируется грамматический материал по теме «Сложное дополнение» | познавательные регулятивные, просмотровое и поисковое чтение, извлечение информации из прочитанного, построение речевого высказывания |
Изучение нового материала (комбинированное аудирование и чтение) | Учащиеся слушают аутентичный текст и выполняют задания по аудиотексту | организует изучение лексического материала через комбинированное аудирование и чтение | перед учащимися текст с пропущенными словами, во время аудирования они заполняют пропуски (по вариантам) | Развиваются аудитивные навыки | Компенсаторные умения, извлечение необходимой информации из услышанного |
Включение изученного материала в систему знаний | 1. Повторно слушают аудиозапись и осуществляют взаимопроверку 2. смотрят на скрипт текста на слайде и самостоятельно осуществляют коррекцию 3. в группе составляют вопросы по тексту и отвечают на вопросы, задаваемые другими группами | организует закрепление изученного материала и взаимоконтроль через повторное прослушивание Позволяет учащимся осуществить самокоррекцию по эталону Организует групповую работу учащихся | слушают аудиозапись и осуществляют взаимопроверку (по вариантам) самостоятельно осуществляют коррекцию Составляют вопросы, восстанавливая грамматическую структуру вопросительного предложения из разрозненных слов Отвечают на вопросы | учатся осуществлять взаимоконтроль и самоконтроль учатся осуществлять взаимоконтроль, самоконтроль и самокоррекцию активизируют грамматические навыки, навыки чтения и аудирования с полным пониманием | Критическое мышление познавательные, коммуникативные, регулятивные, разрешение проблемных ситуаций учатся работать в команде |
Актуализация знаний | учащиеся выполняют задание на основе домашнего, демонстрируют знание лексико- грамматических конструкций, изученных ранее | Организует индивидуальную работу учащихся | учащиеся выполняют лексико-грамматическое задание | учащиеся демонстрируют умение применять знания на практике | коммуникативные регулятивные |
Рефлексия | Учащиеся подводят итог урока, высказывают своё мнение Выбирают домашнее задание из предложенных учителем | помогает осуществить анализ деятельности, создает условия для осознания каждого учащегося своей роли в достижении результата предлагает учащимся домашние задания с учетом их индивидуальных возможностей | составляют небольшие высказывания о друзьях и дружбе достраивают «Дом дружбы» Выбирают домашнее задание | научатся строить спонтанные монологические высказывания аргументационного характера. Учатся планированию своей деятельности | коммуникативные регулятивные |
Предварительный просмотр:
Stage | Purpose | Classroom management | |
1 | Lead-in | to introduce Ss to the issue | whole class |
2 | Reading | to practice reading for gist and detail | whole class individual |
3 | Grammar | to practice Complex Object | individual whole class |
4 | Vocabulary | to present response vocabulary | individual whole class |
5 | Reading and Listening 1 | to practice listening for gist and specific information | whole class individual |
6 | Reading and Listening 2 | to practice mutual evaluation | work in pairs |
7 | Reading | to practice self evaluation | individual |
8 | Communicative Grammar | to practice asking and answering questions | work in groups |
9 | Reflection | to express students’ mood during the lesson | individual |
10 | Selective Homework | to motivate students for work on the topic | individual |
Lead-in (a picture of a house on the board)
Slide 1
T: Good morning, everybody! I am glad to see you.
Is anybody absent? What date is it today?
Today we are going to learn about some special day.
Do you want to know how it is called?
Slide 2
T: Look at the pictures and say what they have in common. What links them?
Ss: Possible answers. (They are friends. These famous movie and cartoon characters are good friends. It is friendship that unites them. )
T: Have you seen a cartoon “Gena the Crocodile and Cheburashka”? Do you remember that they built a house? How did they call it? That was Friendship House. I believe today we’ll build our Friendship House.
(T puts the words OUR FRIENDSHIP HOUSE on the board)
T: So, what will be our topic? What day?
Ss: Friendship Day/ the Day of Friends/ Friends Day
Slide 3
T: Right. The theme of our lesson is Friendship Day.
Do you know anything about it? Would you like to know?
Ss: Possible answers.
Slide 4
T: The purpose of the lesson is learning about Friendship Day. How can we do that?
Ss: Possible answers.
Slide 5
T: We are going to read and to listen to some texts.
The Main part of the lesson
Slide 6
T: OK. Let’s begin. Open your books on p. 88 ex. 120. Look through the text. What kind of text is it?
Ss: A proposal.
Slide 7
T: We need some language support to read for detail. Find the words in your vocabulary.
to declare –
to recognize –
perhaps –
beyond –
beyond perhaps – возможно, кроме; может быть, кроме
Our next task is ex. 121. Find in the text the sentences with the following word combinations… Will you translate? (ex. 121 p. 88)
Slide 8
T: In our last lesson we spoke about Complex Object. Find some examples of Complex Object in the text.
Slide 9
T: Match the word combinations and make up sentences with Complex Object.
Would you like Jeff’s proposal? / Do you support the idea? You can use ex.123 p.88
Slide 10
T: There is such a day. Here are some texts with the gaps. Before we listen to it to fill in the gaps, let us find the words in the vocabulary.
spread –
celebrate –
include –
the United Nations – ООН (Организация Объединённых Наций)
Ambassador – посол, посланник
strike up friendship – завязать дружеские отношения
the Web = the Internet
Slide 11
T: Listen to the text and fill in the gaps.
Slide 12
T: Take your green pens. Exchange the texts, listen again and correct the mistakes if there are any.
Slide 13
T: Swap the texts again. Look at the screen and check.
Slide 14
T: Look at the screen and check.
Slide 15
T: Now work in groups. Rearrange the words to make up questions about Friendship Day. Listen to the groups and answer the questions.
Slide 16
Additional time (Open your workbooks p. 64 ex. 2 and say what you would do in the following situations. ……. Answer the questions ex.3 p.65.)
T: You’ve worked great today.
Which group was the quickest/ the most correct? ………Who has made no mistakes in filling in the gaps? …. Whose answers did you like more?....
Who was the best?
Your marks for today are …..
Slide 17
You can choose what to do at home.
Slide 18
I need your help with our Friendship House. Share your emotions about the lesson. If you like it, draw a smiling face. If you don’t like it, draw a sad face. If you are not sure, draw a neutral face.
Attach the stickers to the windows of the house.
Slide 19
Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Put the words into the gaps in the text.
Friendship Day takes ____________ on the first Sunday of August every year. It is one day of the year we can say thank you to our friends. The ____________ began in the USA in 1935 and has slowly spread around the world. The U.S. Congress ____________ Friendship Day as a national celebration. It still has a way to go before it is as ____________ as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. On Friendship Day people spend time with their friends and ____________ presents. Some people send cards, write special songs or bake friendship cakes. One ____________ way to celebrate is to make a poster or create an album about your friend or friends. Perhaps ____________ Winnie the Pooh on it ____________ the United Nations made Pooh the world’s Ambassador of Friendship in 1997.
| popular | |
Friends are ____________ important to us. They are often like members of our own family. In ____________, many people spend more time with their friends than with their ____________. People also tell their friends more secrets. We start friendships almost from the time we can walk. Everyone has ____________ childhood friends, and some of these become ____________ friends. We usually meet out best friends early on in our life. Best friends usually stay best friends ____________. Nowadays the Internet has changed the way we make friends. Many people strike up friendships ____________. The Web is also useful to find long-____________ friends. There are many sites to find old friends. | relatives |
Put the words into the gaps in the text.
Friendship Day takes place on the ____________ Sunday of August every year. It is one day of the year we can say ____________ you to our friends. The tradition began in the USA in 1935 and has slowly spread around the world. The U.S. Congress declared Friendship Day as a _____________ celebration. It still has a way to go before it is as popular as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. On Friendship Day people spend __________ with their friends and exchange _____________. Some people send cards, write ______________ songs or bake friendship cakes. One great way to __________________ is to make a poster or create an ___________ about your friend or friends. Perhaps include Winnie the Pooh on it because the United Nations made Pooh the world’s Ambassador of Friendship in 1997.
| time | |
Friends are extremely ______________ to us. They are often like members of our own ______________. In fact, many people spend more time with their _____________ than with their family. People also tell their friends more secrets. We start friendships almost from the time we can walk. Everyone has special ______________ friends, and some of these become lifelong friends. We usually ________________ out best friends early on in our life. Best friends_______________ stay best friends forever. Nowadays the _________________ has changed the way we make friends. Many people strike up friendships online. The Web is also _________________ to find long-lost friends. There are many sites to find old friends. | relatives important meet |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
TO REACH THE AIM WE ARE GOING To read some texts To listen to some texts
Pre-listening Language support spread – celebrate – celebration include – the United Nations – ООН (Организация Объединённых Наций) Ambassador – посол, посланник strike up friendship – завязать дружеские отношения the Web = the Internet
Listen to the text and fill in the gaps
Swap the texts. Listen again and check your partner’s answers
Friendship Day takes place on the first Sunday of August every year. It is one day of the year we can say thank you to our friends. The tradition began in the USA in 1935 and has slowly spread around the world. The U.S. Congress declared Friendship Day as a national celebration. It still has a way to go before it is as popular as Mother ’ s Day and Father ’ s Day. On Friendship Day people spend time with their friends and exchange presents. Some people send cards, write special songs or bake friendship cakes. One great way to celebrate is to make a poster or create an album about your friend or friends. Perhaps include Winnie the Pooh on it because the United Nations made Pooh the world ’ s Ambassador of Friendship in 1997.
Friends are extremely important to us. They are often like members of our own family. In fact, many people spend more time with their friends than with their relatives. People also tell their friends more secrets. We start friendships almost from the time we can walk. Everyone has special childhood friends, and some of these become lifelong friends. We usually meet out best friends early on in our life. Best friends usually stay best friends forever. Nowadays the Internet has changed the way we make friends. Many people strike up friendships online. The Web is also useful to find long-lost friends. There are many sites to find old friends.
Home task INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information about Friendship Day. Talk about what you discover in the next lesson. MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Write a magazine article about Friendship Day. Write about what happens around the world. POSTER: Make a poster about Friendship Day. POSTCARD: Make your own postcard to congratulate your best friend.
Предварительный просмотр:
Some proverbs about friendship.
- Better an open enemy than a false friend.
- They are rich who have true friends.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
- Lend your money and lose your friend.
- A faithful friend is a medicine of life.
- Friendship cannot stand always on one side.
- A friend to all is a friend to none.
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- Friendship, the older it grows, the stronger it is.
- Short reckonings make long friends.
- Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him.
- Books and friends should be few but good.
- Life without a friend is like death without a witness.
- Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him.
- The best mirror is an old friend.
How do you rate as a friend?
To discover what kind of friend you are to the others, mark the answers that best describe you.
| Never | Sometimes | Always |
1. I keep the promises I make to my friends. |
2. I let my friends know how much they mean to me. |
3. I am a good listener. |
4. I talk over misunderstanding. |
5. I apologize when I am wrong. |
6. I stick by my friends when they are going through rough periods. |
7. I make new students at school feel welcome. |
8. I return the things I borrow in good condition. |
9. I talk behind my friends’ back. |
10. I embarrass my friends in front of others. |
11. I brag about myself to my friends. |
12. I criticize my friends in front of others. |
13. I pick on other kids. |
14. I do everything in my way. |
15. I am always bossy. |
To stick by – находиться рядом; to embarrass – приводить в замешательство, ставить в неловкое положение; to brag – хвастать; to pick on (smb.) – приставать, дразнить; to be bossy – командовать.
Ex.3. On a separate sheet of paper, write a two-paragraph description of yourself. In the first paragraph, describe your strengths and some of other qualities you are proud of and glad to possess. In the second paragraph, describe your faults and some characteristics that may make you hard to have as a friend.
Ask a friend to write a brief description of you in which he (she) mentions both strengths and weaknesses. Compare your friend’s description of you with your own.
Are they similar?
Does your friend see you as you see yourself?
In what way are they different?
Friends come in all ages and sizes. They can be human or animals. They can live close by or far away.
Ex.1. Name and describe a friend who:
-is your age
-is a member of your family
-is older than you are
-is not a member of your family
-is younger than you are
-lives close by
-lives far away
-is a teacher
-is an animal or pet
-does not fall into any of these categories, but is important to you
Ex.2. Complete each sentence that tell us what your feeling about friends is.
1. Friends are important to me because…
2. I need a friend when…
3. Friends think that I am…
4. Friends like me because…
5. I feel happy when a friend…
6. I feel unhappy when a friend…
7. My friends make me angry when…
8. When a friend teases me, I usually…
9. I like being with people who…
10. I would rather not waste time with people who…
11. I enjoy talking with my friends about…
12. Some things I enjoy doing with my friends are…
13. A special quality that I admire in friends is…
14. Something I could do to become a better friend is…
15. Someone I would like to know better is…
Examine yourself. What kind of person would you like to have as a friend?
Do you know someone who needs your friendship?
What kind of friends are you? You want people to like you the way you are. Don’t pretend to be something you aren’t. Instead, be natural, honest, and sincere.
Consider the other person’s interests when you are making plans and the other person’s feelings when you are talking or listening.
Express your opinions carefully. Don’t confront, criticize, or make unflattering comparisons.
Try something new. Don’t let fear or failure keep you from signing up for a new activity or accepting a new responsibility. Join a band, club, or team. In groups of this kind, each person is an important part of the whole. Group members depend on one another. By and by, this mutual trust produces lasting friendship.
Often it is easier to get to know someone on a one-to-one basis than it is in a group. Pick a person you would like to know better. Invite this person to spend time with you doing something you would both enjoy, such as watching a movie, playing a game, or just taking a walk. Find time to talk. When you do so, ask about likes and dislikes, interests and experiences. The way to build a friendship is to share feelings, ideas, and experiences.
Ex. 4. What would you advise?
Respond to the problems described below.
1. When my friend Steve and I get together, it seems that we are always end up doing what he wants to do never do what I want to do. How can I get Steve to do what I want?
2. I have a good friend named Helen. We have fun together, but she acts hurt, when I ask someone else to sit with us when we are having our lunch during the break. Although I like Helen very much, I don’t enjoy being alone with her all the time. What should I do?
3. My friend Ann is good at math. She brags about her math grades all the time. Math is my worst subject. When I ask Linda for help with my assignment, she belittles me and makes me feel dumb. How can I get her realize that no one is smart in everything?
4. Alex and I get along well when it’s just the two of us; but as soon as someone else joins us, it never works out. Alex and the other guy always take sides against me, and that hurts. What should I do when this happens?
5. My friend does not always tell the truth. AS a result, I don’t know when to believe him and when not to. I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but this bad habit of his is ruining our friendship. What can I do?
6. Maria is my best friend. The other day I told her some very personal things. I asked her not to tell anyone else, and she promised that she wouldn’t. I just found out that she had shared everything I told her with some other girls. I am so mad at her! How shall I handle this?
to get together - собираться вместе
to get along - ладить
to have fun - хорошо проводить время
to work out - (зд.) получаться
to act hurt - обижаться
to belittle - унижать
to be good at smth. - преуспевать в чём-то
a dumb - идиот, глупый
to brag - хвастать
smart - умный
assignment - задание
to take sides agans smb. – объединяться против кого-либо
to be mad at smb. - злиться на к-л
Ex. 5. Friendships have their ups and downs. Even best friends sometimes have misunderstandings and disagree. When things do not go smoothly between you and a close friend, it does not mean that your friendship is over. It simply means that you both need to talk things over and to express your feelings.
Please write some sentences about a time when you and your close friend had a serious disagreement. Tell what you disagreed about and how you resolved your disagreement.
How well do you know your friend?
My best friend’s
name is ________________________________________________
nickname is _____________________________________________
age is __________________________________________________
birthday is ______________________________________________
birthplace is _____________________________________________
My best friend’s favorite
food is _____________________________________________________
hobby or interest is ___________________________________________
sport or game is ______________________________________________
type of book is _______________________________________________
kind of music is ______________________________________________
movie is ____________________________________________________
subject at school is ____________________________________________
television program is __________________________________________
My best friend
likes to _____________________________________________________
is afraid of __________________________________________________
gets mad when _______________________________________________
worries about ________________________________________________
is happy when ________________________________________________
Complete each sentence that tell us what your feeling about friends is.
1. Friends are important to me because…
2. I need a friend when…
3. Friends think that I am…
4. Friends like me because…
5. I feel happy when a friend…
6. I feel unhappy when a friend…
7. My friends make me angry when…
8. When a friend teases me, I usually…
9. I like being with people who…
10. I would rather not waste time with people who…
11. I enjoy talking with my friends about…
12. Some things I enjoy doing with my friends are…
13. A special quality that I admire in friends is…
14. Something I could do to become a better friend is…
15. Someone I would like to know better is…
Предварительный просмотр:
Yes | No | |
1. Do you often agree with your friend? | ||
2. Can you keep your friend’s secrets? | ||
3. Do you let yourself laugh at your friend? | ||
4. Do you lend money to your friend? | ||
5. Do you always tell the truth to your friend? | ||
6. Do your friend’s troubles trouble you? | ||
7. Are you always ready to admit your mistake? |
7 points – you’re an ideal friend
6 points – you’re a very good friend
5 points – you’re a good friend
less than 5 points – you aren’t a good friend.
Are you a good friend?
1. I can keep up a conversation only when its theme is interesting to me.
2. I would rather speak to my friend else than listen.
3. I don’t care whether I am listened to.
4. I like to argue.
5. I don`t care what my friend thinks of me.
6. I keep on insisting of my view even if I am wrong.
7. It is not important to me whether the theme of the conversation is interesting to my friend or not.
8. I can never imagine myself in my friend`s place.
9. If the conversation is not interesting to me, I can interrupt my friend .
If you have more “No” answers , you are a good friend.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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"Enjoy English" Разработка урока английского языка 5 класс (УМК К. И. Кауфман "Happy English.ru")
Разработки к уроку английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Enjoy English". Представлен подробный план урока, алгоритм проведения урока, рекламный проспект, опоры к уроку, таблица МХК учащихся данного кл...

конспект урока по английскому языку для 3 класса по теме FOOD, (учебник Enjoy English 3, Биболетова М.З.)
Тема урока: “Food” .Тип урока: Урок закрепления полученных знаний.УМК: «Enjoy English 3» (Биболетова М.З.)Цель:1.Образовательная:- тренировать и закреплять лексические и грамматические навыки по...

План-конспект урока английского языка 6 класс "Одежда и аксессуары" учебник Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Макбет.
Данный урок дает полное представление о структуре урока в рамках требования ФГОС....

Конспект урока английского языка 5 класс Weather Report УМК New Millenium English
Конспект урока английского языка 5 класс Weather Report УМК New Millenium English...
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класс III четверть по учебнику Enjoy English.
Данная работа подойдет для итоговой аттестации в 7 классе в 3 четверти? c приложением к рабочей программе....

План-конспект урока английского языка 7 класс по теме Travelling. Учебник Rainbow English.
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме: «The language of the world. Travelling. The Present Perfect Tense”Класс: 7 &l...