Школьный этап всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку (9-11 класс)
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Школьный этап всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку (9-11 класс) с ключами
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Предварительный просмотр:
Комплект заданий для учащихся 9-11 классов
Time: 10 minutes
You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman called Rachel Reed, who works in a commercial art gallery, a shop which sells works of art.
For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C). You will hear the text twice.
You have 1 minute to look through the items.
- What does Rachel say about her job title?
A It makes her feel more important than she is.
B It gives people the wrong idea about her work.
C It is appropriate for most of the work she does.
- What is the most common reason for the gallery not exhibiting an artist’s work?
A The subject matter is unsuitable.
B It is not of a high enough quality.
C The gallery manager doesn’t like it.
- When can phone calls from artists be difficult for Rachel?
A when their work doesn’t sell
B when they don’t receive payments
C when their work is not accepted
- Why does Rachel include a commentary in the catalogue?
A It gives background information about the artist.
B It encourages people to buy paintings over the phone.
C It tells people what experts think of the work.
- What does Rachel say about administrative work?
A She is able to leave a lot of it to others.
B She would like to have an assistant to help with it.
C She finds it hard to get it all organised.
- What is Rachel’s role in the service the gallery offers to large companies?
A making initial contacts
B responding to enquiries
C promoting a certain type of art
- What does Rachel find most enjoyable about her job?
A meeting interesting people
B the fact that it’s unpredictable
C being close to works of art
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
Time: 30 minutes
Task 1. Read the text My Job at a Summer Camp, by Charlie Rose. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the children do things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids know how to swim and play table-tennis before they come, but things like rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous, but after a bit of encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in the end, which makes them feel great.
The kids stay several weeks and some do miss home. You might expect it to be the really young ones who feel like that the most but it’s actually the ten- to thirteen-year-olds. We don’t let them use their mobile phones all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thank us because they have had a great time.
It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on, which is quite unnecessary. Often their son or daughter will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we have to tell parents to ring back another time.
Some kids arrive dressed in smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they realise what we mean.
- What is the writer trying to do in this text?
A describe how children make friends at a summer camp
B suggest how parents should choose a summer camp for children
C explain what it is like for children at a summer camp
D advise children how to behave at a summer camp
- What does the writer say about rock climbing at the camp?
A Some children already know how to do it.
B Some children prefer to swim or play table-tennis.
C Some children refuse to take part.
D Some children find it more enjoyable than they expected to.
- What surprises the writer about the children who stay at the camp?
A The youngest ones find it hard to be away from home.
B They complain if they cannot phone their parents.
C They miss meal times with their parents.
D They seem grateful for their experience here.
- What does the writer think about some parents?
A They should visit their children instead of phoning them.
B They don't need to keep on phoning the camp.
C They shouldn't allow their children to bring phones to camp.
D They need to be reminded to phone their children.
5. Which postcard might a child at the camp send home?
A I was annoyed when they suggested I put on old jeans, but I guess they were right.
B It's so unfair that everyone else can use their mobile phone, but they won't let me use mine.
C I've made some good friends but we're all bored because there isn’t much to do here.
D I was really frightened every time we went rock climbing, so they let me do something else instead.
Task 2. For items 6-12, read an extract about the history of cinema and decide which country (A-J) is being referred to in the statements below.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
Although French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited with the invention of cinema, the British and the Germans played a relatively small role in its worldwide exploitation. It was above all the French, followed closely by the Americans, who were the most passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in China, Japan, Latin America and Russia. In terms of artistic development it was again the French and the Americans who took the lead, though in the years before the First World War, Italy, Denmark and Russia also played a part.
In the end it was the United States that was to become, and remain, the largest single market for films. By protecting their own market and pursuing a vigorous export policy, the Americans achieved a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First World War. The centre of filmmaking had moved westwards, to Hollywood, and it was films from these new Hollywood studios that flooded onto the world’s film markets in the years after the First World War, and have done so ever since. Faced with total Hollywood domination, few film industries proved competitive. The Italian industry, which had pioneered the feature film with spectacular films like “Quo Vadis?” (1913) and “Cabiria” (1914), almost collapsed. In Scandinavia, the Swedish cinema had a brief period of glory, notably with powerful epic films and comedies. Even the French cinema found itself in a difficult position. In Europe,only Germany proved industrially capable, while in the new Soviet Union and in Japan, the development of the cinema took place in conditions of commercial isolation.
Hollywood took the lead artistically as well as industrially. Hollywood films appealed because they had better constructed narratives, their special effects were more impressive, and the star system added a new dimension to screen acting. If Hollywood did not have enough of its own resources, it had a great deal of money to buy up artists and technical innovations from Europe to ensure its continued dominance over present or future competition.
From early cinema, it was only American slapstick comedy that successfully developed in both short and feature format. However, during this ‘Silent Film’ era, animation, comedy, serials and dramatic features continued to thrive, along with factual films or documentaries, which acquired an increasing distinctiveness as the period progressed. It was also at this time that the avant-garde film first achieved commercial success, this time thanks almost exclusively to the French and the occasional German film. Of the countries which developed and maintained distinctive national cinemas in the silent period, the most important were France, Germany and the Soviet Union. Of these, the French displayed the most continuity, in spite of the war and post-war economic uncertainties. The German cinema, relatively insignificant in the pre-war years, exploded on to the world scene after 1919. Yet even they were both overshadowed by the Soviets after the 1917 Revolution. They turned their back on the past, leaving the style of the pre-war Russian cinema to the émigrés who fled westwards to escape the Revolution.
The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: Britain, which had an interesting but undistinguished history in the silent period; Italy, which had a brief moment of international fame just before the war; the Scandinavian countries, particularly Denmark, which played a role in the development of silent cinema quite out of proportion to their small population; and Japan, where a cinema developed based primarily on traditional theatrical and, to a lesser extent, other art forms and only gradually adapted to western influence.
List of Countries A France B Germany C USA D Denmark E Sweden F Japan G Russia H Italy I Britain J China |
6. It helped other countries develop their own film industry.
7. It was the biggest producer of films.
8. It was first to develop the 'feature' film.
9. It was responsible for creating stars.
10. It made the most money from 'avantgarde' films.
11. It made movies based more on its own culture than outside influences.
12. It had a great influence on silent movies, despite its size.
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
Time: 10 minutes
Task 1. For questions 1-9, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
A History of Surfing
The history of surfing undoubtedly goes (1) .......... a long way. It seems to (2) .......... formed a central part of the culture of the Polynesian people, who were inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean (3) .......... as Samoa, Tonga and Hawaii. These people did not regard surfing (4).......... a mere recreational activity. For them, it was much (5) .......... of an art.
Although surfing disappeared from many parts of Polynesia in (6) .......... early twentieth century, a small number of people in Hawaii kept the tradition alive. In 1912, it spread to the east coast of the United States, and in particular to Virginia Beach, (7) .......... became an important surfing centre. Surfing developed quite rapidly from then on, and the design of surfboards became more sophisticated. However, (8) .......... was not until the 1960s that surfing came to be a truly global phenomenon, boosted not only by the success of surfing films (9).......... also by pop songs about surfing culture.
- A in B back C on D up
- A be B make C have D become
- A such B as C like D since
- A during B it C as D like
- A more B many C far D some
- A a B an C - D the
- A who B when C which D if
- A its B they C them D it
- A but B however C since D like
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
Time: 40 minutes
Write a story of 150-200 words based on the picture given.
Your story should consist of:
- an introduction which sets the scene and/or begins dramatically to capture the reader's attention
- a main body which develops the events clearly, gives vivid descriptions of the events/people involved
- a conclusion which completes the story and may describe people's feelings, reactions or the consequences of what happened
Your story should contain direct speech and should be written in the past.
Предварительный просмотр:
Критерии оценивания и подсчет баллов
Listening –максимальное количество баллов 7. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый
правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа
выставляется 0 баллов.
Reading - максимальное количество баллов 12. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый
правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа
выставляется 0 баллов.
Use of English - максимальное количество баллов 9. Задание проверяется по ключам. Учитывается орфография. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Writing - максимальное количество баллов 12. Задание оценивается по Критериям оценивания.
Необходимые аспекты:
• соответствие описания изображенному на картинке сюжету
• соответствие достаточному для полного раскрытия темы уровню лексики
• соответствие нормам грамматики английского языка
• соответствие нормам сочетаемости английского языка
• соответствие указанному количеству слов
• соблюдение одного стиля на протяжении всего ответа
• отсутствие повторов и тавтологии
• присутствие логических связок и структурных элементов связного текста
Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "Содержание" выставляется общая оценка 0.
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 5 баллов)
ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ (максимум 2 балла)
ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 5 баллов), из них
Лексика (максимум 2 балла)
Грамматика (максимум 2 балла)
Орфография и пунктуация (максимум 1балл)
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 5 баллов) | организация (максимум 2 балла) | ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 5 баллов) | ||
Лексика (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматика (максимум 2 балла) | Орфогра фия и пунктуация (максимум 1 балл) | ||
5 баллов Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена – написан рассказ по заданным параметрам. 1.Рассказ соответствует изображённому на картинке сюжету. 2.Участник соблюдает особенности жанра короткого рассказа, единый стиль повествования на протяжении всего рассказа; 3. Участник не допускает повторов и тавтологии; 4. Рассказ написан в прошедшем времени; 5. Участник использует прямую речь. Объем работы либо соответствует заданному, либо отклоняется от заданного не более чем на 10% (в сторону увеличения – не больше 220 слов) или на 10 % в сторону уменьшения (не меньше 135 слов). | 2 балла Текст правильно разделен на абзацы. Логика построения текста не нарушена. Присутствуют логические связки и структурные элементы связного текста. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует лексический запас, необходимый для написания короткого рассказа. Работа имеет 1 – 2 незначительные ошибки с точки зрения лексического оформления | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. Работа имеет 1 – 2 незначительные ошибки с точки зрения грамматического оформления. | |
4-1балл Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично – составленный текст является рассказом с заданными параметрами. Однако в работе не соблюдены 1 или несколько из перечисленных выше параметров. За несоблюдение каждого параметра снимается по 1 баллу за содержание. Или: Объем превышает заданный более, чем на 20%. (больше 240 слов) или объем меньше заданного более, чем на 10% (от 134 до 76 слов) – за нарушение объема снимается 1 балл за содержание. | 1 балл Имеются отдельные нарушения логики или абзацного членения текста. | 1 балл Участник демонстрирует лексический запас, необходимый для написания короткого рассказа. В работе имеются 3 - 4 незначительные лексические ошибки | 1 балл Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. В работе имеются 3 - 4 незначительные грамматические ошибки | 1 балл В работе имеются незначительные (не более 4) орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки. |
0 баллов Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание текста не отвечает заданным параметрам. Или: Объем менее 50% от заданного (менее 75 слов) | 0 баллов Абзацное членение текста отсутствует. | 0 баллов Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики (5 и более). | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют многочисленные грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание (5 и более). | 0 баллов В тексте В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание (5 и более). |
При подведении итогов баллы за все конкурсы суммируются.
Максимальное количество баллов за все конкурсы – 40 баллов.
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