конспект урока "Великобритания"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 6 классе
Тема урока: «Великобритания»
Цели урока:
- образовательные:
- продолжить знакомство учащихся с материалом по теме «Великобритания»
- знакомство с культурой страны изучаемого языка
- развивающие:
- развивать учебно – коммуникативные умения
- развивать интерес к языку и стране изучаемого языка
- воспитательные:
- воспитывать социокультурную личность на основе использования культурологического материала.
- научить употреблять лексический материал по теме в речи
- учить читать текст с извлечением основной информации
- учить воспринимать монологическую речь на слух.
Оснащение урока:
Доска, карта, компьютер, проектор, мультимедийные презентации, видеомагнитофон и видеокассета, раздаточный материал, учебники.
План урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Целеполагание
- Речевая зарядка.
- Развитие навыков аудирования
- Физкультминутка
- Развитие навыков чтения
- Проверка домашнего задания
- Игра-викторина
- Итог урока и домашнее задание.
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
- Good morning, children. Sit down, please. At the beginning of our lesson let’s watch a fragment of a film and then you’ll try to guess what the theme of our lesson is.
II. Целеполагание
- So, what is the theme of our lesson? …
- Right you are, we have spoken much about Great Britain and today we shall summarize our knowledge about its main parts, geographical position, political system and way of life.
- Now look at the plan of our lesson, it’s on your desks. Today we are going to work with a map, have some listening, reading and speaking practice. And at the end of the lesson we’ll enjoy ourselves and play.
III. Речевая разминка
- Look at the map of the UK. Let’s remember how many countries are there in the UK? What are they? Will you show them on the map? …, will you show England (Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland)?
Name the capital of England (Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland) and show it on the map.
- Name the nationality and the language of the country. (- English people speak English. Scottish people speak Scottish and English. Welsh people speak Welsh and English. Irish people speak Irish and English.)
- Well done! I think that was an easy task for you. Now I want to give you a more difficult task. Look at the screen, match the national symbol with the country.
(- A red rose is the national symbol of England. A thistle is the national symbol of Scotland. A daffodil is the national symbol of Wales. A shamrock is the national symbol of Northern Ireland.)
- Thank you. And who knows the flags of these countries? Look at the screen. What country does this flag belong to? (- This is a flag of England…)
- Describe it, please. (-It is white with a red cross. It is blue with a white cross. It is green and white, you can see a red dragon on the Welsh flag. It is red and white.)
IV. Развитие навыков аудирования
- I see you remember a lot about the UK. And I am sure you will easily cope with the next task. You will hear a text about the geographical position of Great Britain.
- But first let’s learn some new words from the text. Look at the screen and read the words after me.
Total area
Arctic Circle
One sixth
-Now translate some sentences with the new words
- Russia is a very populated country.
- There are not many cities behind the Arctic Circle.
- One sixth of the territory of the country is covered with forests.
- What is the total area of your country?
Here are some sentences with missing words. Fill in the new words and complete the sentences.
- China is a more …. country than Russia.
- …. of thirty is five.
- The … of the UK is more than two hundred square kilometers.
- The North of our country is behind the ….
Let’s get down to listening. Take the papers with true or false exercise.
Listen to the text and decide whether the following statements are true or false. You have some time to look through statements 1 to 7…
Now we shall begin…
You have some time to do the task. …
Now you will hear the text again. Listen carefully and check your answers.
You have some more time to finish the task.
Collect papers.
“True” or “False”:
T | F | |
1. The UK is the biggest country in the world. | ||
2. The population of the UK is over 60 million people. | ||
3. The countries that make up the UK are England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. | ||
4. England is the most important part of the country. | ||
5. Scotland is the northern part of Great Britain. | ||
6. Wales is situated in the eastern part of the island. | ||
7. Northern Ireland is the biggest part of the UK. |
V. Физкультминутка
- Are you tired? So it’s time to have a rest and do exercises. Stand up, please.
VI. Развитие навыков чтения
T.: Thank you. Sit down. Let’s go on with our work. Now you will read the text about some interesting facts in British culture and find the answers to the questions given after it. Work in pairs.
It’s interesting to know…
The UK changed a lot nowadays, but there are still many interesting traditions and customs1 in British culture. Most British live in towns and cities, but they love their countryside. The countryside means peace and quiet, beauty and no crime2 for the British people. People in Britain are fond of gardening. They like to plant and grow different flowers. And they like to keep pets. One of the symbols of England is the bulldog.
The British are the sport loving nation. The most popular sports are soccer, rugby and cricket. Horse-racing3, “the sport of Kings” is very popular too. Traditionally, the favourite sports of British upper class4 are hunting (especially fox-hunting), shooting5 and fishing.
People in the UK like to spend their free time in pubs. It is a place where people talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and have competitions in darts. Pubs are so popular in the UK that there are over 60,000 pubs there.
British police is unarmed6. The policemen are called “Bobbies”. In Britain drivers must drive on the left.
The British are considered7 to be reserved and rather haughty8 people. They rarely shake hands and seldom embrace9 one another. Their reserved10 character is usually described with the help of expression11 “to keep a stiff upper lip” (проявлять твердость характера).
T: Ok. I believe you are ready to answer the questions now. Let’s start.
- What does the countryside mean for the British?
- British people like pets, don’t they?
- What pet is one of the symbols of England?
- What is the name of the sport of Kings?
- What are popular English sports?
- How many pubs are there in the UK?
- What is the name for the British policemen?
- How can you describe British character?
T.: Well done! I hope you will remember the new information about the UK.
VII. Проверка домашнего задания
- Your homework was to retell the text about the Queen and the Parliament of the UK.
- What do you know about the Queen of the UK?
- Well done. And now speak about the British Empire and the Commonwealth, please.
-Good, and what about the British Parliament? Who can tell us about it?
VIII. Игра-викторина
- Thank you, and now we shall enjoy ourselves and play a champion game. It’s a team game. You are the first team and you are the second team. There are 4 categories, each category has 5 questions. The price of each question is from 100 points up to 500 points. You should choose a category and a question. Your aim is to get more points.
- That’ll do, count your points. Your team has … points and your team has… points. So, you have won. And here are small presents for you.
IX. Завершение урока
- That’ll do for today. We have read, listened and spoken about Great Britain. I hope, you enjoyed your lesson. I give all of you good marks. And your home task will be to write a letter to your friend about Great Britain. Thank you for your work, good bye.
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