Своя игра
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6, 7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
London The UK Riddles The Idioms Holidays Grammar
London , 100 the Thames The name of the river in London is …
The UK , 100 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland What is the official name of the UK?
Riddles , 100 Letters There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town. What are we?
The Idioms , 100 a bee As busy as …
Holidays around the world , 100 on the 7th of January When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?
Grammar and Tenses , 100 Present Simple V 1
London , 2 00 The stature of Nelson What can you see in the middle of Trafalgar Square?
The UK , 2 00 Belfast What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
Which month has 28 days? Riddles , 2 00 They all have 28 days
The Idioms , 2 00 a king As happy as …
Holidays around the world , 2 00 summer What season is in Australia when they celebrate Christmas?
Grammar and Tenses , 2 00 Past Simple V 2
London , 3 00 in 1666 When was the great fire of London?
The UK , 3 00 the Union Jack The flag of the UK is known as ….
Riddles , 3 00 a map I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees, rivers but without water. What am I?
The Idioms , 3 00 two peas As like as …
Holidays around the world , 3 00 Guy Fawkes Night What holiday do English people celebrate on the 5th of November?
Grammar and Tenses , 3 00 Present Continuous am/is/are + Ving
London , 4 00 in Westminster Abbey Where are the tombs of many kings and queens and other famous people?
The UK , 4 00 an island What is Great Britain?
Riddles , 4 00 a shoe What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue?
The Idioms , 4 00 a church mouse As poor as …
Holidays around the world , 4 00 Maslenitsa The holiday in Russia when people eat pan-cakes?
Grammar and Tenses , 4 00 be + V 3 Passive Voice
London , 5 00 in Hyde park Where in London can you say everything you want?
The UK , 5 00 A queen or a king Who is the head of England?
Riddles , 5 00 on the 22nd of December because it’s the shortest day of the year On what day of the year do children talk the least?
The Idioms , 5 00 chalk from cheese As different as …
Holidays around the world , 5 00 Thanksgiving day What holiday is celebrated in the USA on the fourth Thursday in November?
Grammar and Tenses , 5 00 Past Perfect had + V 3
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