Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Данная контрольная работа составлена мной на основе всего изученного материала в 7 классе по УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева углубленное изучение английского языка.
В работе проверяются грамматические и лексические навыки учащихся, в конце каждого задания стоит максимальный балл, что облегчает процедуру оценивания.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Final Test. Grammar and Vocabulary. 7th form.
- Write the correct form.
- Japanese culture have an enormous impact on the rest of the world, especially in the areas of film, music and fashion.
- The streets of Tokyo are the city’s popular area for youth culture.
- Teenagers here are hip kids with all the late gadgets.
- Japanese teenage girls spend their money on the hot trends in clothes and music and teenage boys invest in the latest computer games.
- It is easy to believe that rich and fame people are happy, but if you do, think again. Both money and fame can cause serious problems.
- To start with, when you are success you never know who your real friends are.
- Another problem is the lack of private.
- When you are famous, the public wants to know everything about your person life.
max = 8 points
- Fill in the right preposition
1) If you look …. your shoes they will last long.
2) I’ll take these apples …. to the shop. They are not fresh.
3) The doctor told Jim to give …. sweets to lose weight.
4) The police looked …. the missing child everywhere.
5) The two children are getting …. very well.
6) He has a great influence …. me.
max = 6 points
- Choose the right answers.
- She usually …. to the office at 8.30
a) is going b) goes c) has gone d) went
2) I …. my Granny last week.
a) visited b) visits c) was visiting d) visited
3) Look! It …. heavily.
a) is raining b)rains c)is going to rain d) has rained
4) When I left home the sun ….
a) shone b) shines c) was shining d) is shining
5) He …. lunch at school yesterday
a) was having b) had c) has d) wasn’t doing
6) I …. my music lesson yet.
a) didn’t do b) hadn’t done c) haven’t done d) wasn’t doing
7) She …. since 5 o’clock.
a) works b) has been working c) was working d) worked
8) They always buy all the necessary things ….
a) themselfes b) theyselves c) theirselves d) themselves
max = 8 points
mark | points |
5 | 22-19 |
4 | 18-15 |
3 | 14-12 |
2 | 11-… |
I. Match the words with their definitions.
1. light
2. cheerful
3. pull
4. push
5. struggle
6. share
8. bowl
9. close
10. repair
- related to directly, for example by being your parent, brother, child, sister
- to move someone or something towards you, using your hands
- to use or have something at the same time as someone else.
- To make something start to burn
- Behaving in a happy friendly way
- To move something or someone away from you
- Sad or sorry
- A round container used for eating, serving or preparing food
- To use your strength to fight against someone or something
- To fix something that is broken or damage
max = 10 points
II. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word in the correct form.
path, enter, effect, poison, measure, anxious, destroy, admire, only, curious, tongue, weight.
- How can we ……. the temperature of the water? measure
- As soon as I ……. the room I knew something was wrong. entered
- A narrow ……. led down to the lake. path
- She was the ……. child in the family. only
- Jane is so ……. . She wants to know everything. curious
- Everybody who comes here …….. the scenery. admires
- The house was completely …….. by the fire. destroyed
- Why does he speak French so fluently? Because it’s his mother …… . tongue
- She’s on a diet. She’s trying to lose …… . weight
- Parents are naturally ……. for their children. anxious
max = 10 points
mark | points |
5 | 20-18 |
4 | 17-15 |
3 | 14-11 |
2 | 10-… |
a) has
b) most popular
c) latest
d) hottest
e) famous
f) successful
g) privacy
h) personal
- after
- in
- up
- for
- along
- on
1) b
2) a
3) d
4) c
5) b
6) c
7) b
8) d
1) d
2) e
3) b
4) f
5) i
6) c
7) g
8) h
9) a
10) j
II. 1) measure
2) entered
3) path
4) only
5) curious
6) admires
7) destroyed
8) tongue
9) weight
10) anxious
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