Контрольная работа за 1 четверть 8 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку (базовый курс)
для обучающихся 8 класса за II четверть.
- Match the words (and phrases) which have opposite meanings.
1 | to prohibit | a | to enjoy doing something |
2 | to pollute | b | to allow |
3 | to drop litter | c | to clean |
4 | to avoid doing something | d | to clear rubbish away |
- Choose the correct form (with or without «the»):
The official name of the country is (1)……… United Kingdom of (2)......... Great Britain and (3)….... Northern Ireland.
The country is situated in (4)……... British Isles. The two main islands are: (5)….... Great Britain (in which are (6)……England, Wales and Scotland) and (7) …… Ireland. (8) …… United Kingdom is not far from (9) ………..Europe.
(10) ........ UK is washed by (11) …..... Atlantic Ocean in the east and by (12)…….. North Sea in the west.
The highest mountains are in (13) ……. Scotland and (14)….... Wales: (15) ….... Ben Nevis (1,343 metres) and (16) …... Snowdon (1,085 metres).
The longest rivers are (17)…..... Severn (345 kilometres) and (18) …..... Thames (346 kilometres).
(19)…... UK is one of the world's smallest countries (it is half the size of (20) ….... France or (21)….... Spain). The largest cities of (22)…….. Great Britain are (23) ……London, (24)….... Birmingham and (25)…….. Glasgow.
- Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, using Conditional II and Conditional III.
- If we planted more new forests, we …….. wild animals.
a) save b) would save c) saved d) would have saved
2. If you had read these books, you ………… more about this environmental problem.
a) would know b) know c) would have known d) knew
3. If people had avoided damaging nature, many species of animals ………….
a) don’t disappear b) wouldn’t have disappeared c) disappeared c) would disappear
- If she finished her research, she … …. in the conference.
a) would have taken b) take c) would take d) took
IV. Match the words and word combinations in the two columns.
1. to protect from pollution | a) химические отходы |
2. chemical waste | b) выбрасывать мусор |
3. antipollution laws | c) защита от загрязнения |
4. to be out of danger | d) законы против загрязнения окруж.среды |
5. to clear the litter away | e) быть вне опасности |
- Writing.
You are on holidays in the country. You are writing a postcard to an English-speaking friend.
Tell your friend:
- Where you are;
- What is the weather like there;
- What did you do yesterday and if you like it;
- What are your plans for tomorrow.
Write about 40-65 words. Remember the rules of writing greeting postcards.
Jessica Feeler, 265 Green Lane, USA, New York, HP 6593264.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку (базовый курс)
для обучающихся 8 класса за II четверть.
- Match the words (and phrases) which have opposite meanings.
1 | to protect | a | to be out of danger |
2 | to throw | b | to create |
3 | to be in danger | c | to damage |
4 | to destroy | d | to catch |
- Choose the correct form (with or without «the»):
Felix is a great traveller. He is only 14, and he lives in (1) ……….USA. Felix has already been to many places in his own country and has visited many other countries, such as (2) ……..Canada, (3) ……..Mexico.
He travels with his father, who is a famous scientist and ecologist. The father often gives lectures in different Universities to overseas students.
Felix has already been to (4) ……France, (5) …….Germany, (6) …….Italy, (7) ………Spain, (8)……….United Kingdom, and some other European countries.
He has seen (9) ………Asia - two years ago he was in (10) ……China, (11) ……India and (12)…….Korea.
He has skied in (13) ………..Alps, climbed in (14) ………Caucasus and (15) ……….Pamirs.
Felix has swum in all the oceans (except (16) ………Arctic Ocean).
Next year Felix's father is going to (17) ………Russia, and Felix hopes he'll go too. He has read a lot about the country. He wants to see (18) ………Moscow and (19) …………St Petersburg, and then he wants to go to some unspoiled areas, to see what Russian nature is like.
Felix's father plans to travel to (20) …….Lake Baikal, (21) ……Onega, (22) …….Caspian Sea and (23)…… Baltic Sea. He plans to climb to (24) ……. Urals, (25) …….Altai and Felix is happy about it. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and protect the environment.
- Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form, using Conditional II and Conditional III.
1.If I were you, I ………. the old man.
a) would visit b) visit c) would have visited d) visited
2. If we had protected the environment seriously, our planet ………. out of danger.
a) be b) would have been c) were d) would be
- If I were you, I ……… Greenpeace.
a) join b) joined c) would have joined d) would join
4. If she had heard the conversation, she ……… there.
a) doesn’t come b) wouldn’t have come c) came d) would come
IV. Match the words and word combinations in the two columns.
1. air pollution | a) защищать окружающую среду |
2. to protect the environment | b) центр переработки |
3. a recycling centre | c) запретить |
4. to prohibit | d) загрязнение воздуха |
5. to throw away | e) выбросить |
- Writing.
You are on holidays at the seaside. You are writing a postcard to an English-speaking friend.
Tell your friend:
- Where you are;
- What is the weather like there;
- What did you do yesterday and if you like it;
- What are your plans for tomorrow.
Write about 40-65 words. Remember the rules of writing greeting postcards.
Patrick Phooler, 457 Apple Street, Canada, Ottawa, HP 875943.
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа: тематическое монологическое высказывание, беседа по данной теме с учителем. | |
Задание для обучающегося: | |
Student Card Give a talk on the general information about the Earth You have to talk for 1.5 – 3 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she will ask you some questions. |
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа: тематическое монологическое высказывание, беседа по данной теме с учителем. | |
Задание для обучающегося: | |
Student Card Give a talk on the general information about environment and ecology You have to talk for 1.5 – 3 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she will ask you some questions. |
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа: тематическое монологическое высказывание, беседа по данной теме с учителем. | |
Задание для обучающегося: | |
Student Card Give a talk on the general information about the Earth You have to talk for 1.5 – 3 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she will ask you some questions. |
Вы получите карточку, на которой представлено задание для устного ответа: тематическое монологическое высказывание, беседа по данной теме с учителем. | |
Задание для обучающегося: | |
Student Card Give a talk on the general information about environment and ecology You have to talk for 1.5 – 3 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she will ask you some questions. |
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