Урок "Невероятный О.Генри" + Power Point презентация для 11 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Работаю в 11 классе . Для повышения мотивации и интереса учащихся старших классов к предмету , для привлечения их к чтению классической литературы, провожу уроки вгеклассного чтения. Одним из таких уроков хочу поделиться.
Предоставляю план урока и презентацию к нему.
С уважением Н.Кожанова, учитель английского языка МАОУ "Гимназия №1" г. Советск Калининградской области
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: Incredible O’Henry. The Cop and the Anthem.
Урок включает 2 урока дополнительного чтения.
Тип урока: урок дополнительного чтения.
Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции на основе чтения классического текста, создание условий для развития умений и навыков устной речи и чтения ; повышение мотивации и интереса к предмету посредством чтения классического текста .
Развитие личности учащихся на основе усвоения предметных знаний и УУД. Формирование языковых компетенций (чтение, говорение).
Задачи урока:
– продолжать формировать навыки УУД в развитии умений решения языковой задачи с различной степенью сложности.
– активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас обучающихся.
- познакомить учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами,
– развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели;
– активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.
– содействовать установлению в сознании ученика устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности;
– формировать и развивать учебно-организационные умения и навыки (самостоятельная работа, анализ текста);
- способствовать дальнейшему формированию навыков работы с незнакомым текстом;
- развивать языковую догадку, умения анализировать и предугадать события.
– развивать способность к рефлексии, как важнейшей составляющей умения учиться.
Тип урока: урок дополнительного чтения
– формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;
– Регулятивные:
– владение навыками самоанализа и самооценки своей деятельности.
– продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи,
-формировать навыки краткого монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного текста.
– импровизация, высказывание предположений,
– самостоятельные способы решения проблем поискового характера;
Форма урока: урок решения практических задач, а именно неподготовленное чтение.
Фронтальная, индивидуальная формы работы
Средства обучения : компьютер, мультимедийный проектор и экран, мультимедийная презентация, оригинальный текст рассказа
Этапы учебного занятия
- Организационный момент
Good morning, dear friends! I’m happy to see you and I hope that everybody is OK now. Nevertheless it’s an early morning I believe that we ‘ll continue the lesson devoted to O’Henry, a famous American writer. (slide 1)
- Well, your ideas about the aim of our lesson. (The students give their ideas and we make a conclusion that we shall work with the story written by the author.)
Before reading the story I ‘d like to ask you some questions about O’Henry’s biography.
11. Повторение биографии О.Генри
- What do you remember of his life?
- When did he begin writing stories?
- Why didn’t he become rich though his stories brought him not bad money?
- Where did he take the prototypes of his stories?
- Thank you for your answers. Today we ‘ll start one of his most famous stories “The Cop and the Anthem”. ( slide 2) It’s not easy to read but you will use all your fantasy, skills of reading and analysis, prediction to understand the story.
Let’s start.
(Students begin reading the passage.)
The task for students:
While reading be attentive to notice the words describing the weather, season, inner state of the hero.
“On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild geese honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand.
A dead leaf fell in Soapy's lap. That was Jack Frost's card. Jack is kind to the regular denizens of Madison Square, and gives fair warning of his annual call. At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants thereof may make ready.
Soapy's mind became cognisant (aware) – Teacher’s remark of the fact that the time had come for him to resolve himself into a singular Committee of Ways and Means to provide against the coming rigour. And therefore he moved uneasily on his bench.
The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them there were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies drifting in the Vesuvian Bay. Three months on the Island was what his soul craved. Three months of assured board and bed and congenial company, safe from Boreas and bluecoats, seemed to Soapy the essence of things desirable.”
1 rigour строгость
Let’s check your understanding of the passage. You , please, answer the questions:
- What season was coming? How do you understand?-( Students name the words which characterize coming winter.)
Teacher: Yes, you were right. Winter was coming. (slide 3)
2. What is Jack Frost?
3.How do you understand the word uneasily? - Students try to explain. The teacher helps.(slide 4)
4. “Three months on the Island…” What do you think what Soapy means using this word Island ? – Students give their ideas, but intrigue is left.
5.Now you will listen to the part of the story. Try to find the answer to the questions.
b) hegira - how do you understand the word?
a) What fact says about Soapy’s awful situation this winter?
b)Did Soapy want to have any charity help? Why? Find this place in the text.
Auding of this part. This passage is listened to. (https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/the-cop-and-the-anthem-o-henry/3919540.html)
“For years the hospitable Blackwell's had been his winter quarters. Just as his more fortunate fellow New Yorkers had bought their tickets to Palm Beach and the Riviera each winter, so Soapy had made his humble arrangements for his annual hegira to the Island. And now the time was come. On the previous night three Sabbath newspapers, distributed beneath his coat, about his ankles and over his lap, had failed to repulse the cold as he slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the ancient square. So the Island loomed big and timely in Soapy's mind. He scorned the provisions made in the name of charity for the city's dependents. In Soapy's opinion the Law was more benign than Philanthropy. There was an endless round of institutions, municipal and eleemosynary, on which he might set out and receive lodging and food accordant with the simple life. But to one of Soapy's proud spirit the gifts of charity are encumbered. If not in coin you must pay in humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. As Caesar had his Brutus, every bed of charity must have its toll of a bath, every loaf of bread its compensation of a private and personal inquisition. Wherefore it is better to be a guest of the law, which though conducted by rules, does not meddle unduly with a gentleman's private affairs.”
The teacher works with the questions given before.
The teacher: So, we don’t know the word “Island” exactly, but we understand that he wants to get there. Now his actions will help you to understand this word.
Students read the passage.
“There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant; and then, after declaring insolvency, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. An accommodating magistrate would do the rest.
He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, ready-tied four-in-hand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day. If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected (без подозрений)success would be his. A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing--with a bottle of Chablis, and then Camembert, a demi-tasse and a cigar. One dollar for the cigar would be enough. The total would not be so high ….
A question: Was his visit to the cafe a success? – Students suggest
Teacher: Look at the screen and you’ll see the answer. – Slide 7.
Let’s read.
“But as Soapy set foot inside the restaurant door the head waiter's eye fell upon his frayed trousers and decadent shoes. Strong and ready hands turned him about and conveyed him in silence and haste to the sidewalk and averted the ignoble fate of the menaced mallard.”
Teacher: Well, the first attempt failed. Then he “took a cobblestone and dashed it through the glass. People came running around the corner, a policeman in the lead. Soapy stood still, with his hands in his pockets, and smiled….”
But the police man didn’t want to even to pay attention to Soapy.
Let’s continue reading:
“On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions. It catered to large appetites and modest purses. Its crockery and atmosphere were thick; its soup and napery thin. Into this place Soapy took his accusive shoes and telltale trousers without challenge. At a table he sat and consumed beefsteak, flapjacks, doughnuts and pie. And then to the waiter be betrayed the fact that the minutest coin and himself were strangers.
"Now, get busy and call a cop," said Soapy. "And don't keep a gentleman waiting."
"No cop for youse," said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. "Hey, Con!"
Neatly upon his left ear on the callous pavement two waiters pitched Soapy. He arose, joint by joint, as a carpenter's rule opens, and beat the dust from his clothes. Arrest seemed but a rosy dream. The Island seemed very far away. A policeman who stood before a drug store two doors away laughed and walked down the street.
What phrase seems to you funny?
What happened in the second place where he wanted to eat?
What feelings did Soapy have after being thrown from the second café?
Students answer.
Now I have to ask you. It’s time to do it. To what place was he going to get?
Slide 5,6 will tell you.
Yes, he was eager to get to the prison.
Why? The students answer.
Then Soapy had some more tries, he behaved himself very bad, he decided to steal an umbrella but it didn’t help. (slides 8, 9) Everything was in vain. He was in despair.
And now we are going to read the last events of the story.
He set off to the Madison Square, to the park bench which was his home . He felt himself really alone and unhappy.
“But on an unusually quiet corner Soapy came to a standstill. Here was an old church…Through one violet-stained window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist loitered over the keys, making sure of his mastery of the coming Sabbath anthem. For there drifted out to Soapy's ears sweet music that caught and held him…. .
The moon was above, lustrous and serene; vehicles and pedestrians were few; sparrows twittered sleepily in the eaves--for a little while the scene might have been a country churchyard. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence, for he had known it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends ….
The conjunction of Soapy's receptive state of mind and the influences about the old church brought a sudden and wonderful change in his soul. He viewed with swift horror the pit into which he had tumbled, the degraded days, unworthy desires, dead hopes, wrecked faculties and base motives that made up his existence.
Slides 10,11
And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood. An instantaneous and strong impulse moved him to battle with his desperate fate. He would pull himself out of the mire; he would make a man of himself again; he would conquer the evil that had taken possession of him. There was time; he was comparatively young yet; he would resurrect his old eager ambitions and pursue them without faltering. Those solemn but sweet organ notes had set up a revolution in him. To-morrow he would go into the roaring downtown district and find work. A fur importer had once offered him a place as driver. He would find him to-morrow and ask for the position. He would be somebody in the world. He would—
So, do you feel the situation? Soapy decided to change, he didn’t want to have life like this any more.
And in this moment…. What do you think what happened?
Soapy felt a hand laid on his arm. He looked quickly around into the broad face of a policeman.
"What are you doin' here?" asked the officer.
"Nothin'," said Soapy.
"Then come along," said the policeman. (slide12)
"Three months on the Island," said the Magistrate in the Police Court the next morning.
This is the end of the story. O’Henry’s favorite device was called ‘the effect of unexpected ending’
Was the end of the story unexpected for you?
Did you like the story?
Was it very difficult for you to understand?
Do you feel sorry for Soapy?
Can such things happen in real life?
What words were very difficult for you to read?
And my last question for you is
How do you appreciate your work at the lesson?
Thank you for the participation in the lesson, I hope that you will remember the story of Soapy and you will be interested in O’Henry’s books.
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