Report Kalmyk Cuisine
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 В материале представлены короткие тексты о калмыцких национальных блюдах.


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Kalmyk Cuisine


  1. Djomba

Pressed tea is flooded up cold water, taken it until boiling and boil 5 or 10 minutes, the milk or cream is added, then to boil for 5 minutes. During cooking tea is mixed, strained butter, salt, nutmeg are added. Djomba is served into Kalmyk cups whuch are called piala.

  1. Khursan tea

Pressed tea is flooded up cold water, taken until boiling and boil 5 minutes, milk is added, boiled 5 minutes again. Flour is fried on lamb fat until yellow color. Flour, salt, butter and nutmeg are added into tea.

Milk dishes

  1. Targ

Fresh milk is boiled and steamed then cooled until 35-37 degree. Then sour cream is added, then put in into warm place for 2-3 hours to go off.

  1.  Urak

Milk of the second and third milking is used for preparing it. Milk is strained, salt, some flour are added. Everything is mixed and poured into pan and put it into oven. In 10-15 minutes dish readly.

  1. Chygan  

Culture is added into fresh milk, mix for 2-3 minutes and put it for 12 hours into warm place to go off. It is used as a freshing.


The pastry is mixed and put into fridge. The form of  bortsok is different: figures of animals, flat bread, hard bread rings, bread ropes.


Gut, tripes, lung, liver are cleaned, washed. Everything is put into pot, flooded up cold water and cook until readiness. Fresh blood is picked, strained and col water or milk is added, lard, salt, pepper, and onion are put into sychug, tied it and cooked during an hour. Cooked dotur is cut into small pieces, onion, pepper, garlic, a bay leaf are added then stock is flooded and cooked during five minutes. In the time of serving up dotur is put as hill on a plate.

Khursan mkhan guertagan

Meat of lamb or beef is cut into thin pieces, tenderized, poured salt, pepper, fried on burning hot frying pan in addition the butter and onion and cooked until readiness. Dongh is mixed with eggs, rolled, cut it as homenoodle soup and cook it. Ready noodle soup is put into colander, mix with meat and fried in addition. In the time of serving up it  is poured with green dill and parsley.

Meat dishes

  1. Cooked lamb head

Lamb head is fired, cleaned, washed and cooked in great quantity of  water, salt and spices are added at the end of cooking. Head is decorated greens and served as a whole in tradition to the most honorable quest or to the eldest member of the family.

  1. Budan

Meat is washed, cut into pieces and flooded with cold water and cooked until middle ready, then add some potatoes, an onion and cooked until be ready. Soup is fueled up flour and boil. Sour cream is added to it, when the table is set.

  1. Soup kinder

Meat-bone soup is cooked. The washed rice or millet is added into boiled soup and cooked. Stirred eggs are added into soup until 10 minutes soup will be ready and iy is well mix. Soup is fueled up lard and onion.

  1. Steppe soup

Pieces of meat with bones are washed, flooded up with cold water, cooked, picking the froth. When meat is half ready potatoes are added into pot, and at the end of cooking mix is added. Soup is flueded up with onions and carrots, nutmeg and during serving up soup is poured with greens.

Makhan sheltaygan

Pieces of breast of lamb or brisket are washed and put into pot, flooded with cold water and cooked until it all get ready picking the froth. Baked carrots, onions are added into soup, a bay leaf, black pepper and salt are added at the end cooking.

In the time of serving up pieces of meat are put into the plate, pouring an onion. Stock is served up in cups separately.


Meat off the bone, pork, lard green onion are cut into pieces and let through mincer, added some salt, pepper and well mixed. Mix the flour, eggs, salt, water and roll out the pastry. From ready pastry cut into rounds and put the mince in the middle of it and pluck the rounds. Bereky are cooked in the bolied water and served up with butter.

History  of the Kalmyks

Kalmyks ( and their oyrat ancestors) made an entrance to the historical arena as independent nation in the first half of the 15-th centuty after Mongolia had split in two parts( Eastern and Western). Before this they used to be a part of the Mongol’s state created by Chenghis –khan in the 13-th century. In the second half of the 16-th century a considerable part of the oyrats, who were nomading mostly in the steppes of Jungaria, left for them Russia where they appeared at the end of the century. That is there we start the new chronicle of the Kalmykis  a mongolian – speaking nation in the European part of Russia. Since the first decades of the 17-th century the interests of Russia and the Kalmyks migrating within its territories had started to become similar to each other and already in the middle of this century the Kalmyks gave an oath of allegiance to the Russian tsar. This was a political act: the motives for this were the willingness to preserve the territories and awareness of the common outer dangers for the Kalmyks and the southern Russian borders. We can consider the mutually adopted and confirmed terms and conditions for the status of Kalmykia within the Russian state to be of a federative type. During the period of the Kalmyk khanate (state)  - 1664-1771 –the Kalmyks had been especially free and  independent in the management of their domestic affairs. After the departure of many Kalmyks to Jungaria( China) Kalmykia temporarily lose its status, which was returned at the very end of the 18-th century. But before the socialist revolution of 1017 Kalmyks as a nation were separated on a territorial principle and nearly lost its independence. That is why Kalmyks followed the Bolsheviks’ ( Communists) national policy.

1920 – Kalmyk autonomous oblast (region) was formed. 1935 – it was transformed into an autonomous republic. In fact, the RSFSR was not a fede- ration of national republics, but an unitarian state. During the 20s and 30s Kalmykia made a considerable improvement in the economic and cultural spheres. But still the development of the Republic was very slow. In the meantime, the Soviet government turned Kalmykia into its raw materials base with the only livestock breeding specialization.

In December of 1943 Kalmyk ASSR due to erroneous accusations was abolished and the Kalmyks repressed and exiled to Syberia.In 1957 they were permitted to come back and the status of the republic was restablished.

During World War II the kalmyks faught against fascists with soviet people. 22 kalmyks became “Heroes of Soviet Union”

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Kalmykia is one of the member republics of the Russian Federation enjoying the same rights as the others. As a subject(national) state of the federative state it has its own basic law, legislation, the head of the state – President. And Parliament as its legislative and representa tive body, its own government, the symbols of the Republic – a banner, a coat of arms, an anthem.The Russian Constitution, Federative  Agreement and the legal status and the relations of Kalmykia with the federal bodies of the state power. Republic of Kalmykia is situated between the Volga and Don rivers and territory is spread from the Volga and lowland to the Don steppes. In the south it borders the Kuma-Manychskaya depression and occupies Sarpinskaya lowland in the north.The Ergeninskaya plateau separates this territory making a smooth translation to the Caspian Sea, in the south the Chograiskoye reservoir borders the Stavropol territory. The total area of Kalmykia is 76.1 thousand square km, the population is 330,6 thousand people, the average population density is 4,2 person per square km. The shares of urban and rural inhabitants in the total population are correspondingly 37,3 % and 62,7%. The main ethnicgroups of the Republic are Kalmyks (45%) of the Buddhist confession and Russians (38%).The Republic’s territory is crossed by a highway, connecting in the hortest way possible the Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasus with the central Russia and the Volga region. You can also reach the Republic by air and railroad. The favorable climate and conditions are present in the Republic for the development of such elements of spiritual life as culture., education, health care, religion. The political situation in the Republic is stable. The capital of Kalmykia – Elista has become the centre for some large international and Russian forums. We are hosted several Russian Chess Championships, and in 1996 Elista was a venue for the World Chess Championship A.Karpov – G. Kamsky match. 


  1. There are steppes and steppes and steppes

Feather grass around you.

There are eagles, eagles, eagles

In the sky blue and blue.

Refrain:  Elista, Elista

Kalmyk daughter of steppes

Elista, Elista

City youth of my dreams.

  1. There honour fishers, farmers.

Honour working people too.

Elista, you are my city

Glorify the country you!

Refrain:  Elista, Elista

Kalmyk daughter of steppes

Elista, Elista

City youth of my dreams

  1. Above you the sun shines brightly

Golden rays play very gay

Everything the songs sound

About you, my Kalmyk land.

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