методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
6«б» классУМК - Spotlight 6.
Учитель – Хадыева Г.Р.
тип урока: Комплексное применение знаний и способов деятельности.
Цель урока:Формирование коммуникативной компетенции (Актуализация знаний и умений устной речи по теме «Досуг»)
Задачи урока:
· развитие коммуникативных умений в монологической и диалогической речи,
· активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых образцов;
· развитие фонетических навыков
· дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуляции речевого творчества каждого ученика.
· развитие познавательной и интеллектуальной деятельности у учащихся,
· умения систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания
· развитие самостоятельной деятельности у учащихся.
3. Воспитательные:
· формирование лингвистической, тематической, социокультурной компетенции,
· воспитание культуры общения учащихся средствами иностранного языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Темаурока: «LeisureActivities»
6«б» классУМК - Spotlight 6.
Учитель – Хадыева Г.Р.
тип урока: Комплексное применение знаний и способов деятельности.
Цель урока:Формирование коммуникативной компетенции (Актуализация знаний и умений устной речи по теме «Досуг»)
Задачи урока:
- развитие коммуникативных умений в монологической и диалогической речи,
- активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых образцов;
- развитие фонетических навыков
- дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуляции речевого творчества каждого ученика.
- развитие познавательной и интеллектуальной деятельности у учащихся,
- умения систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания
- развитие самостоятельной деятельности у учащихся.
3. Воспитательные:
- формирование лингвистической, тематической, социокультурной компетенции,
- воспитание культуры общения учащихся средствами иностранного языка.
Оборудование:компьютер, презентация, раздаточный материал (карточки с заданием), тематические картинки, аудиозапись.
Ожидаемый результат: ученики должны поделиться накопленными знаниями по теме «Досуг »; получить новые сведения; проверить уровень своих знаний в ходе выполнения различных заданий; развить навыки диалогического общения.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
Введение в тему урока:
1. Ценностно-смысловые компетенции.
2. Учебно-познавательные компетенции(целеполагание, анализ)
УУД: 1. Регулятивные (-целеполагание, планирование)
2. Личностные (самоопределение(мотивация), смыслообразование)
Good morning, boys and girls.
I am glad to see you. I hope everybody is ready to work. Let’s start our lesson.
Целевая установка: и Активизация лексических навыков говорения.
Компетенции: 1. Ценностно-смысловые
- 2. Учебно-познавательные(-целеполагание, анализ)
УУД: 1.Личностные( нравственно-этического оценивания, исходя из социальных и личностных ценностей)
2. Познавательные (-Общеучебные, -логические(синтез как составление целого из частей),- поиск и выделение информации )
T: Children, look at the screen and try to guess the topic of our lesson. What are we going to talk about?
P: We are going to talk about hobby.
P: We will talk about free time or pastime.
T: Yes, you are right. Today at the lesson we are going to speak about our free-time activities. I’d like you to compare Russian and British traditional leisure activities. You’ll make up and act some dialogues. (Слайд3)
As we know we can do different activities in our free time. Let’s what they are:
- Listen to music/dance
- Play computer games/surf the net
- Play board games
- Read books
- Watch video
- Go snowboarding
- Ski
- Skate
- Meet friends
- Go swimming
- Do crosswords
- Paint
- Go fishing
- Go cycling
These activities can be divided in to large groups. There are outdoor activities and indoor activities.
Girls and boys, will you come to the blackboard and divide them.
When the weather is good we stay at home and we canWhen the weather is bad we stay at home and we can
Outdoor activities | Indoor activities |
T: Do you like reading? P:Yes, I, do.
T: Are you keen on swimming?
P: Yes, I am.
So as I can see you are fond of doing different activities.
2. Проверкадомашнегозадания.
Компетенции: 1. Учебно-познавательная
- 2. Информационная
- 3. Коммуникативная (написать свое мнение)
УУД: 1. Познавательные(Общеучебные, поиск и выделение информации, моделирование сообщения.)
2. Коммуникативные (планирование, разрешениеконфликта)
At home you have to answer two questions.
Which are the Russianteen’s favourite leisure activities and What do you do in your free time? I'd like to listen to you. Who is ready to be the first?
Let's listen to your answers.
(1. The Russians love reading. This hobby is very interesting and popular with people of different ages. It is useful and helps you to learn the information about people and countries. People can take the books from the library or have the library at home. Sometimes books can help us to decide the problems of life and to plan our life and time.They also like going to the cinema and the theatre.
In the winter Russian teens are keen on Skiing, ice-skating and ice hockey are also popular.
In the summer, the Russians love gardening and playing different games. It is useful because you can develop your mind and body. And it is interesting because you can meet different people take part in competitions and make friends. Some people go in for swimming or running, other prefer different games. This hobby helps us to be strong and healthy.
2. I do a lot of things in my free time. On weekdays, I like reading and listening to music. At the weekends, I am fond of going to the cinema. I фlove watching adventure and science fiction films. I am keen on playing tennis too. In the winter, I also like ice-skating. In the summer, I am fond of hiking or walking in the forest with my friends. )
Welldone, thanks.
4.Физкультминутка. Stand up, girls and boys. Let’s do our active exercises.
Hands up, hands down, hands on the hips 1,2,3, 4 Clap your hands! (2times)
3.Развитие навыков аудирования.
Компетенции: 1. Общекультурные
2. Учебно-познавательные
3. Коммуникативные
УУД: 1. Познавательные(-поиск и выделение информации)
2. Коммуникативные (-управление поведением партнера точностью выражения мысли,- коррекция, -контроль)
How do you think British teens spend their free time?
We are listening to the dialogue about preference of British teenagers. You have to take your work sheet and complete the dialogue with the words
Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the words below.
About, don’t like, don’t mind, hate, into (x2), like (x3), love, ok
What things do you 1 like, Mick?
I really 2 ____love____ reading.
I 3 __like___ playing computer games.
What 4 ______about__ you?
I’m really 5 _____into____sport.
I 6 _____don’t mind___ tennis but I really 7________hate____ basketball.
What are you 8____into___?
Do you 9__like__ photography?
I 10 ____don’t like___ art at school.
I think maths is 11 ____ok__ .
Answer to these questions.
- What are Mick’s hobbies?
- What are Terry’s hobbies?
- What school subjects does Terry like?
- What subjects does Mick like?
- Do Mick and Terry like the same things?
- Nick’s hobbies are reading, playing computer games and taking photos.
- Terry is good at sport(basketball and tennis) and playing computer games.
- He is fond of Maths, Geography and sport.
- Mick likes Art and computer studies.
- No, they don’t like the same things (except for computer games)
4. Активизация лексических навыков в говорении.
Компетенции: 1. Общекультурные
- 2. Учебно-познавательные
- 3. Коммуникативные
- 4. Личностного самосовершенствования
УУД: 1. Личностные (-нравственно-этического оценивания)
2. Познавательные (- логические(анализ)
- построение логической цепи рассуждений, - действие постановки и решения проблемы)
Look at the list of leisure activities in Britain and tell what do you like or dislike doing when the weather is good or bad? Work in pairs , please.
When the weather is good | When the weather is nasty |
Now, with the help of these expressions make your own dialogues. You are making dialogues when the weather is good and you are making dialogues when the weather is bad
Ученики обсуждают увлечения из списка.
Let's listen to the dialogue when the weather is good.
( 1 pare: the weather is good)
Р1: I don't like …, but I like listening to music very much.
P2: Oh, really? What kind of music do you prefer?
PI: Sometimes it's classic music, sometimes it's pop music. And what about you?
P2: I'm fond of …. I can spend much time … .
PI:I don't like … . I am fond of … .
2 pare:(the weather is nasty)
P1. I don't like … . It's dull. I'm fond of … .
P2. What kind of sports do you prefer?
P1: I am keen on … . What about you?
P2: I am fond of … . It’s very interesting.
P1. Yes, you are right. Let’s play … today.
P2. Ok, good idea|aɪˈdɪə|!
5. Домашнеезадание.
Your home work will be to learn the dialogues you’ve done. I will send them on the net.
So we’ve come to an end of our lesson. Did you like the lesson or not? You have two smiles on the tables sad and happy ones. Please, show me what you feel.
You have got a letter on your desk. Open it.Read it and answer it.
22 Molodeznaya St.
Dear Sasha,
I want to tell you about my free time.
I go to school six days a week, so I have only one day off, Sunday. On Sunday I get up later than on weekdays. In winter I go skiing after breakfast. I ski in the park which is near my house. I come back home for dinner. After dinner I have a short rest and then I do some of the homework for the next week. In the evening I sometimes go to see my friends. We are fond of listening to music together or seeing a video film.
In spring and in summer I prefer to spend my day off in the open air. On Saturday night I usually go to the country house where my grandparents live. There is a river not far from the house. The water in it is cool and clean and I enjoy swimming in it. I sometimes go fishing and catch some small fish. There are woods on both banks of the river where I like to walk if the weather is fine or look for berries and mushrooms. When the day is rainy I stay indoors reading and watching TV.
Early in autumn my schoolmates and I usually go hiking. We leave on Saturday afternoon and return on Sunday evening. We learn how to make a fire and cook food, how to find fresh water in the woods. At night we sit by the fire, talk, recite poems, sing and dance. We spend the night in the tents and the next morning walk on. When we return home we are so tired that I usually go to bed without supper. I try to read a book, but I go to sleep before I have read half a page.
Write and tell me how you spend your free time.
Bye for now,
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Темаурока: «LeisureActivities»
6«б» классУМК - Spotlight 6.Учитель – Хадыева Г.Р.тип урока: Комплексное применение знаний и способов деятельности. Цель урока:Формирование коммуникативной компетенции (Ак...