Customs and traditions in Great Britain
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему


Teachers words

Students words


2-3 min











2-3 min













2-3 min




4-5 min




























8 min











1-2 min


Организационный момент

  • Good morning, boys and girls! Today I will be your teacher, my name is Любовь Алексеевна. Lets get acquainted. I  give you sheets and you please write down you names.
  • How are you?
  • I am fine too, thank you! Sit down please, be ready for the lesson.
  • Who is on duty today? Tell me,what is the weather like today? Who is absent today?

Основная часть

Today we are going to summarize our knowledge about the customs and traditions. You have a wonderful chance to get good marks. The most active pupils will get specials cards and in the end of the lesson you count your results. The upper limit is 10 cards. Let’s start our lesson. Please don’t open your books and look at the blackboard. You can see 2 columns with words. Some letters miss, so you should complete the words using right letters. Is everything clear? Okay, let’s do it right now. Who wants to be the first?


Well done! I see, that you know these words and  please tell me, do you know any songs or poems about traditions? Lets sing  it all together.


You are all an excellent singers. Last lessons we learn English, Americans or Russian holidays. And now we will do a very interesting task. I will show you some pictures and you should try to guess, what holiday it is. The first picture is…,the second is….

Please remember that the most active pupil will have a card.



Do you like to see films?

Next  task, I think is the most interesting for you. We are going to see a short video. You should be very attentive; because we will see it only one time and we will do some exercise after seeing a film. Are you ready?

Look at the first work sheet .your task is to answer the question, then match and write here. Is the task clear? Do you have any questions? I  will give one minute to do this task.

The second task is to find and write them into “the wizards world pot”

The next task is to order the words in the right structure.

Let’s check!







Excellent! So lets continue talking about traditions. I will give again a worksheet. Match holidays with the right date. I will give you 4 minutes. If you have questions about the task,ask me  please.  Well  done, it was very difficult task.




As a conclusion of our lesson. I want to listen your retells.

Who can say about British traditions.




Подведение итогов урока.

You home task is HOME READING LESSON 6.

Thank you for a nice lesson. See  you  next lesson, goodbye.

  • Good morning, teacher!
  • We are fine, thanks, and you?







The weather is….



Yes, everything  is clear.










We wish you a Merry Christmas

Happy birthday



(Easter, New Year, Mothers day ….etc)





Yes we do.







No, we don’t.

























Goodbye  teacher.



Файл obychai_i_traditsii.docx16.81 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Ход урока

  1. Практическая цель  
  • Повторить ранее изученную лексику по теме «традиции и  обычаи»
  • Закрепить полученные ранее знания

  1. Образовательная  цель
  • Расширение кругозора
  • Расширение лексического запаса
  • Формирование речевой культурой
  • Овладение культурой чтения и аудирования

  1. Развивающая  цель
  • Способствовать развитию памяти, речи, воображению, тренировки речевого аппарата, формирование умений аудирования.

  1. Воспитательная цель
  • Формирование умений общения
  • Интернациональное воспитание

Оборудование и наглядность

  • Доска
  • Проектор
  • Видеокассета
  • Карточки
  • Учебник
  • Раздаточный материал


Teachers words

Students words


2-3 min


2-3 min


2-3 min


4-5 min




8 min




1-2 min

Организационный момент

  • Good morning, boys and girls! Today I will be your teacher, my name is Любовь Алексеевна. Lets get acquainted. I  give you sheets and you please write down you names.
  • How are you?
  • I am fine too, thank you! Sit down please, be ready for the lesson.
  • Who is on duty today? Tell me,what is the weather like today? Who is absent today?

Основная часть

Today we are going to summarize our knowledge about the customs and traditions. You have a wonderful chance to get good marks. The most active pupils will get specials cards and in the end of the lesson you count your results. The upper limit is 10 cards. Let’s start our lesson. Please don’t open your books and look at the blackboard. You can see 2 columns with words. Some letters miss, so you should complete the words using right letters. Is everything clear? Okay, let’s do it right now. Who wants to be the first?

Well done! I see, that you know these words and  please tell me, do you know any songs or poems about traditions? Lets sing  it all together.

You are all an excellent singers. Last lessons we learn English, Americans or Russian holidays. And now we will do a very interesting task. I will show you some pictures and you should try to guess, what holiday it is. The first picture is…,the second is….

Please remember that the most active pupil will have a card.

Do you like to see films?

Next  task, I think is the most interesting for you. We are going to see a short video. You should be very attentive; because we will see it only one time and we will do some exercise after seeing a film. Are you ready?

Look at the first work sheet .your task is to answer the question, then match and write here. Is the task clear? Do you have any questions? I  will give one minute to do this task.

The second task is to find and write them into “the wizards world pot”

The next task is to order the words in the right structure.

Let’s check!

Excellent! So lets continue talking about traditions. I will give again a worksheet. Match holidays with the right date. I will give you 4 minutes. If you have questions about the task,ask me  please.  Well  done, it was very difficult task.

As a conclusion of our lesson. I want to listen your retells.

Who can say about British traditions.

Подведение итогов урока.

You home task is HOME READING LESSON 6.

Thank you for a nice lesson. See  you  next lesson, goodbye.

  • Good morning, teacher!
  • We are fine, thanks, and you?

The weather is….

Yes, everything  is clear.

We wish you a Merry Christmas

Happy birthday

(Easter, New Year, Mothers day ….etc)

Yes we do.

No, we don’t.

Goodbye  teacher.

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