TEST "Inventors" (8th form)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Деменева Татьяна Александровна
Тест к Модулю 3 (Spotlight, 8th form) по теме "Изобретатели". 


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST “INVENTORS”                                        8th form

  1. Which of the inventors was born in Scotland?
  1.  Brothers Wright  
  2.  Rudolf Diesel  
  3. Alexander Bell
  1. Igor Kurchatov created
  1. The radium  
  2. The electric bulb  
  3. The uranium – graphite reactor
  1. Which of the inventors was/were bachelor (s) (холостяк/-и)?
  1. Sergey Korolev
  2. Brothers Wright
  3. Dmitry Mendeleev
  1. Which of the inventors studied in the Crimea?
  1. Igor Kurchatov
  2. Alexander Lodygin
  3. Dmitry Mendeleev
  1. One of the founders of the magazine “National Geographic” (USA)
  1. Alexander Lodygin  
  2. Alexander Bell
  3. Blaise Pascal  
  1. The inventor who was born in the Ukraine.
  1.  Alexander Lodygin
  2.  Dmitry Mendeleev
  3.  Sergey Korolev  

  1. A. Lodygin created:
  1. The printing machine
  2. The electric incandenscent lamp
  3. The atom bomb
  1. Blaise Pascal invented
  1. The summing machine
  2. The printing machine  
  3.  The telephone  
  1. The father of printing is
  1. Blaise Pascal  
  2. Alexander Popov  
  3. Joannes Gutenberg

  1.  How many children were there in Mendeleev’s family?
  1. 3
  2. 13
  3. 17
  1.  Who lost his hearing at the age of ten and studied at home?
  1. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
  2. Sergey Korolev  
  3. Alexander Popov  
  1.  Which of the inventors disappeared and wasn’t buried (похоронен)?
  1. Alexander Popov  
  2. Blaise Pascal  
  3. Rudolf Diesel
  1.  Who invented the radio?
  1. D. Mendeleev
  2. A. Popov
  3. A. Lodygin
  1.   Who was a goldsmith?
  1. Blaise Pascal 
  2. Joannes Gutenberg
  3.  Rudolf Diesel


  1.  Who invented the periodic table of elements?


  1.  Konstantin Tsiolkovsky  built:
  1. The engine  
  2. The radio  
  3. A wind tunnel  
  1.  S. P. Korolev launched the first man-made sputnik into space in
  1. 1961
  2. 1957
  3. 1953
  1.  Blaise Pascal was born in
  1. Germany
  2. Russia
  3. France
  1.  Rudolf Diesel invented
  1. The first functioning engine
  2.  The summing  machine
  3.  The printing machine

  1. They invented the first controlled plane


  1.  Auguste Piccard was born in
  1. France
  2. Switzerland
  3. Belgium
  1.  The Montgolfier brothers invented
  1. The airplane  
  2.  The paraglider
  3.  The hot-air balloon
  1.   Whose son immersed in a bathyscaphe “Trieste” to the bottom of the  Mariana Trench?
  1. Rudolf Diesel
  2. Blaise Pascal    
  3. Auguste Piccard
  1.  Which of the inventors was born in Ekaterinburg?
  1. S. P. Korolev  
  2. I. I. Polzunov
  3. A. Lodygin    
  1.   The first woman who got the Nobel Prize is


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