Мультимедийная презентация к уроку английского языка на тему "Cinema"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
Материал включает в себя 2 презентации. В первой части можно ознакомитья с историей возникновения кинимотографии. Во второй части вы сможете познакомиться с 10-ой самых популярных мировый киностудий.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Kung Fu Panda - Кунг фу Панда How to Train Your Dragon -Как приручить дракона 2 Shrek - Шрек Megamind - Мегамозг Flushed Away - Смывайся
The Rain Man - Человек дождя Hannibal - Ганнибал Die Another Day - Умри, но не сейчас Rocky IV - Рокки 4
The Weinstein Company
Inglorious Bastards - Бесславные ублюдки Django Unchained - Джанго освобождённыи ̆ Sin City: A Dame To Kill For - Город грехов 2: Женщина, ради которой стоит убивать
Lions Gate Entertainment
The Hunger Games - Голодные игры Saw - Пила: Игра на выживание Twilight Saga - Сумерки
Forrest Gump - Форрест Гамп Saving Private Ryan - Спасти рядового Райана The Godfather: Part III - Крестный отец 3
20th Century Fox
Avatar - Аватар Ice Age –Ледниковый период The Simpson - Симпсоны
Jurassic Park -Парк Юрского периода Despicable Me - Гадкий я The Mummy - Мумия
Walt Disney
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Белоснежка и семь гномов Alice in Wonderland - Алиса в Стране Чудес Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие черной Жемчужины Coco - Коко
Time Warner
Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Властелин колец Blade Trilogy - Блэйд Dark Knight Trilogy - Тёмный рыцарь. Трилогия Harry Potter franchise - Серия романов о Гарри Поттере
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Spider-Man - Человек-паук Men in Black - Люди в чёрном
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Cinema is one of the best types of art and cinematography is considered to be one of the rare wonders. It has appeared in the end of the 19th century. Cinema is a combination of different types of art: music, theater, literature, painting and else. Every decade has brought something new for the cinema.
Cinema is much younger than theatre. It was born at the end of the 19th century. The first people who showed the first movies to a paying public were the Lumiere Btothers of France. They did this on the 20th February 1896 at the Grand Cafe, Boulevard des Capucines , Paris. This was the first cinema show and it was quickly followed by many others in all parts of the world. All the 1996 we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of cinematography.
The first films showed moving people and transport or newsreels of processions and wars, and short comedies. In 1901 France was the first country to produce a dramatic film, The Story of a Crime, which was followed by The Great Train Robbery in the United States in 1903.
At first, films were shown anywhere: in music halls, clubs and shops. By 1908, special film theatres were being built to give regular programmes . At this time cinema rapidly developed in both the New and the Old World. Charlie Chaplin made his first film, Making a living, in 1914 in the USA. At that time the world was crazy about Charlie, that was created by Charlie Spencer Chaplin. His Charlie, small and clumsy yet kind-hearted, generous and brave, has attracted the hearts of simple people in different countries. Sometimes they would stand in long queues to see a film with their favourite actor. The first films in the West were mainly melodramas or comedies
Then, in 1927, Warner Brothers in Hollywood made the first film in which an actor sang and spoke. The film was called Jazz Singer. It opened a new era in films - the era of the “talkies”. The film mostly told its story with titles, but it had three songs and a short dialogue. There were long lines of people in front of the Warner Theatre in New York. The silent film was dead within a year. The first one hundred percent sound film. Lights of New York, appeared in 1928.
The first colour films were made in the 1930s, but the black-and-white films are made even today .
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