Презентация к уроку "Быстрее, выше, сильнее!"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему

Автандилян Амалия Михайловна

Students will be able to use words and expressions related to sport and Olympic Games to describe their sporting habits,Also they will be able to use words and expressions while speaking about Olympic Movement in the world and in Russia.



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Lesson Plan


Amaliya Avtandilyan


№ 2 Schelkovo








15 - 16


11.00 – 11.40


40-45 min.


Main Aim: Students will be able to use the words and expressions related to sport and Olympic Games to describe their sporting habits.

Skills Aims: Students will be able to read short texts for gist, for specific information and analyze the language in the text. Students will be able to speak accurately and fluently about sports and Olympic Movement.

Functional Aims: Students will be able answer simple questions about sports and Olympic Movement.

Lexical Aims: Students will be able to use the lexical set of the words connected with Sport in a variety of contexts.

Structural Aims (receptive): Students will be able to analyze and differentiate between the words and expressions describing Olympic Movement.

Structural Aims (productive): Students will be able to use the words and expressions while speaking about Olympic Movement in the world and in Russia.


  1. Spotlight – textbook
  2. Internet resources
  3. How to teach English by J. Harmer

Anticipated Problems

  1. Students may be unfamiliar with some words.
  2. SS may be familiar with lexis.

  1. SS may have certain difficulties with pronunciation of Sport words.

  1. SS may be reluctant to work in pairs.

  1. SS may have difficulties with understanding the rules of the games.

  1. One student is a certain fast finisher who prefers to work alone.

Planned Solutions

  1. Elicit them.

  1. Elicit the words fast or skip the stage of reading.
  2. Drill the words in various contexts, come back to the most difficult ones at the end of the class.
  3. Change interaction patterns. Allow SS to work individually due to their personal learning styles. Be sensitive with pairing.
  4. Demonstrate by an example. Ask instructions checking questions.

  1. Provide the student with a set of extra printables.

Stages and Aim


Interaction and Time



To warm the SS up and guess the topic of the lesson

Problem solving.

SS are encouraged to guess the topic and the name of the lesson using some clues around the classroom.  


7  February  20:14

Appendix 1

SS answer the following questions:

Do you know what the Latin words mean? -  “Citius, Altius, Fortius”    

This is the credo of all sportsmen.

So, the credo of today’s lesson is “Quicker, Higher, Stronger”

I would like you to be like sportsmen today: answer quicker, do your best to get higher marks and be stronger not only physically but mentally too.


1 min

Lead- in.

To activate SS’ schemata for the topic of the lesson


A question-based discussion.

Why do people do sports?

What kind of sport do you do?

Do you like to watch sport programmes on TV?  

Do you take part in the sports competition at school?

Do you like winter sports?

Will you watch Winter Olympic Games in 2014?  

What symbols of Olympic movement do you know?


2 min


To elicit/revise and practise the words and expressions of

Olympic movement

The Olympic movement symbols

To promote the ideals of the Olympic Movement throughout the world, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) uses the Olympic symbols and attributes. They are:


The credo of sportsmen, the main idea of Olympic movement.


A white silk cloth with the Olympic rings embroidered on it.  


This piece of music is played  when raising of the Olympic

flag during the Opening ceremony and during competitions -


Small pictures of animals bringing good luck to athletes and fans.


They are awarded to three athletes, who showed the best results in competitions.

TORCH (show the picture)

FLAME – is the Olympic fire.

CCQs: match the symbols to their explanation

           Sochi Olympics‘ symbols


5 min

Skills. Reading.

and speaking.

To provide SS with a text then a picture and initiate a discussion on the topic of the lesson.

The  Olympic Flame lighting

The Olympic Flame is lit in the Greek city of Olympia, at the foot of Mount Kronos, through a special parabolic mirror and with the help of a torch relay race passes from athlete to athlete.

Thus, the fire crosses all five inhabited continents of the Earth and arrives to the site of the Games.

Olympic Torch Relay

The Olympic flame has reached Sochi, following   a 65 000 km route, the longest in the history of  the Games.

It started in Moscow and stopped at more than 130 cities and towns across Russia.

During the journey, the torch relay reached the North Pole, went to the top of Europe's highest mountain, plunged into the world's deepest lake and was even taken into space by Russian cosmonauts.

Sochi Torch Relay

Picture-based speaking.

Look at the picture and give as many details as you can.

Teacher: Now you are going to be torchbearers. To pass the Olympic torch you have to do certain tasks.                              Ready, steady, go!





10 min


Reading. Speaking.

To provide SS with picture and texts and initiate a discussion on the topic of the lesson.

Jigsaw Reading

1. Predicting

Focus on the photo of Pierre de Coubertin. Ask Sts who he is and to predict how he is connected with the titles of the texts.

Divide SS into 3 groups

2. Reading for gist.

SS read the text to check their guesses and answer the question “Which symbol wasn’t created by P. de Coubertin?”

3. Reading for details

SS read the texts in groups and complete the table.

4. Post-reading discussion.

SS share information about Olympic symbols in different groups. SS speak about Olympic Symbols using the table.


In 1921, Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games, borrowed a Latin phrase from his friend, Father Henri Didon: Citius, Altius, Fortius ("Quicker, Higher, and Stronger").

The Olympic motto is the credo of those who are ready to strive for setting new records. This idea embraces the spirit of competition. However, it is not just about the victory over the others, but above all about the victory over oneself: to set the goal and surpass it.


It was created by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914.  It contains five interconnected rings on a white background - silk cloth. The five rings symbolize the five significant continents and are interconnected to symbolize the friendship to be gained from these international competitions. The rings, from left to right, are blue, yellow, black, green, and red.  


The tradition to create a special mascot of the Olympic Games, bringing good luck to athletes and fans, first appeared in 1968 in Mexico City.  New Olympic tradition all at once fell on the soul, and thereafter every Olympic Games had their character. It shows the geographical features, history and culture of the host city. It is designed especially for each individual Olympic Games by the host city's organizing committee.  

The Olympic symbol

What is it?

When did it appear?

What does it symbolize?




Appendix 3





10-12 min



To activate SS’ schemata for the topic of the lesson

A Game: 10 seconds. CCQs.

SS answer the given questions in 10 seconds.

Look at the statements or questions and choose the correct answer. 

1.The tradition of the Olympic Games goes back to…

a) Great Britain  b) Rome  c) Ancient Greece

2.The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in …

a) 1232     b) 1878      c) 1896

3.Olympic Games took place every … years

a) Four      b) Five       c) Six

4.  The first Olympic Games took place in … .

a) Olympus mountain     b) London      c) Olympia

5.Summer and winter Olympic Games are held …

a) Separately      b) At the same time

6. In 1980, Moscow hosted … Olympic Games.

a) Summer         b) Winter            c) Paralympic

7. Russia will host the … Olympic Games in Sochi.

a) XII          b) XXII        c) XIV

8. Paralympic games are held … the Olympic Games.

a) before     b) after        c)with

9. Were there wars during the Olympic Games?

10. Can the Olympic Games take place in autumn?

11. What’s the credo of Olympic Games?

12. Give a synonym  to “Credo”.

Appendix 2




2 min



To provide SS with texts and video and initiate a writing on the topic of the lesson.


“As in daytime there is no star in the sky warmer and brighter than sun, likewise there is no competition greater than Olympic games.

Top news

Russia had been going to this moment for seven years. This became a major national project," Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the Russian Black Sea resort on Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin also wishes “good luck" to all sportsmen:



Our Games

Watching a video about Russia-Sochi.

Wishes for Olympian

Make a book of wishes to support the Russian Olympic team. Be creative!




5-7 min

Follow up



Design your own Olympic flag, choose a motto and a mascot. Introduce it to the class.

Be creative!

3-5 min

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