Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть 8 класс (по О. В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Контроль навыков чтения, словообразования и социокультурных знаний


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ТЕСТ (8 th form)

Задание 1 Max- 5 баллов

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–5 соответствуют

содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не

сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного

ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру

правильного ответа.

Sir Christopher Wren

Sir Christopher Wren was a designer, astronomer, geometer, and one of the greatest English

architects of his time.

Christopher Wren was born into a rich family in 1632. He was a weak and sickly child and

was taught at home by private tutors and his father. Wren’s schooling is a mystery: there are no

documents about whether he attended school or not. However, there is a written evidence that he

entered Oxford University in 1650 to study science and mathematics.

On graduating from university, Wren was appointed Professor of Astronomy at Gresham

College, London. He was required to give weekly lectures in both Latin and English to all who

wished to attend; admission was free. The lectures aroused great interest of the general and

professional audience. Wren's lectures and the following discussions led to establishing the Royal Society, England’s first scientific organization. Later, Christopher Wren taught at Oxford University. His scientific work included

astronomy, optics, mechanics, medicine and meteorology. He invented and improved lots of things.He experimented with submarine design, road paving, and design of telescopes. It was also around these times that his attention turned to architecture.

In Wren's time, the profession of an architect did not exist. In the past, buildings had been

constructed to the requirements of the patron and the suggestions of building professionals, such as master carpenters or master bricklayers. Since the early years of the 17th century, it was not unusual for the well-educated gentleman to take up architecture as a hobby. Wren designed 51 London churches, including St Paul's Cathedral, and several buildings after the Great Fire in 1666. Each church was different, though all were classical in style. He insisted on the finest materials and only skillful workers were hired for the job.

Actually, St. Paul’s Cathedral is still Wren's masterpiece. The architectural style of St. Paul's

Cathedral is a beautiful mix of the Medieval, Classical, and Baroque. The inside of St. Paul's

Cathedral is gorgeous. Nowadays, St. Paul’s Cathedral is the largest working Protestant church in England.

Wren died on 25th February 1723. His gravestone in St Paul's Cathedral features a Latin

inscription which translates as: 'If you seek his memorial, look about you.'

1) Christopher Wren was named after his father.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


2) There is NO proof that Christopher Wren studied at Oxford University.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated          


3) Christopher Wren’s lectures were very popular.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


4) Christopher Wren’s scientific interests were in different spheres.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


5) Christopher Wren was demanding when choosing materials and builders.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Задание 2 Max- 5 баллов

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова,  напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 8-12 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 8 -12.

St. Paul’s Cathedral








St. Paul’s Cathedral is the work of the ___________                          architect Sir Christopher Wren.

It is one of the _______________                              architecture buildings in Europe.

The interior of the Cathedral is very ___ _____________                              

It is full of _________                                        ______________

 But ___________                                          Sir Christopher Wren, who is known as “ the architect of London” found his fame only after his death.






Задание 3

Установите соответсвие между частями высказываний. Используйте кажде окончание только один раз. Max- 4 балла

A William Shakespeare wrote   1the play “The  

                                           important of being  Earnest”                                  

B Bernard Show is the author of   2. Science fiction                                              


C Oscar Wilde wrote                3.the play “Pygmalion”
D J.K. Rowling is the author of  4. Harry Potter novels

                                                    5. The twelfth Night

11 ) A______ B-______  C-_______    D-______




Test 8th form Keys:

Время выполнения – 45 минут

Задание 1  






Задание 2

6- famous




10- unfortunately

Задание 3

11) A-5




Критерии оценивания:

«5»- 14-13 баллов;

«4»- 12-10 баллов

«3»- 9-7баллов

«2»-6 и менее баллов

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