сценарий "Кошкин дом"
проект по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Рассказчик
Тили-тили-тили- бом!
The cat had a new house
Shutter are carved
Windows are painted
There was a wide yard around house
There was a fence around 4-th sides
In front of cat’s house, by the gates
An old tom-cat lived there
He served by yard - keeper a whole age
He served a hostess house
He basted on the walks
In front of cat’s house
He was standing by the gates with broom
He turned out outsiders
About rich cat’s house
We told a ferry tail you.
2 nephews – orphans came to their aunt
They knocked the windows of her
To let in them into the house
2 Котята
Cat you’re our aunt
Look out the window
We want eating very much
You are living richly
Hearting our cat us
Feeding us a little!
3 Кот Василий
Who is knocking by the gates?
I’m cat’s yard keeper, old tom-cat
4 Котята
We are nephews of the cat.
5 Кот Василий
Go away from here, beggars
6 Кошка
Whom was you talking
The old tom-cat Vasilii?
7 Кот Василий
The kittens were by our gates-
They asked to eat a little
8 Кошка
There is no life of nephews
It’s needed ruin them in river
Welcome, my friends
I hearty glad of you!
I have the dining room is here
The whole furniture in it is oaken
And that’s the chair – each can sit down here
And that’s the table – each can eat by it
9 Свинья
And that’s the table – each can sit down here
10 Коза
And that’s the chair – each is ate its
11 Свинья
And when the pig is set at table –
I lay my legs on it.
Vasilii, tom-cat cover window,
Already darkness is becoming
And make a fire in our stove
12 Козел
Respectable you’re our hostess
You sing and play for us!
13 Курица
Let cock will sing with you.
14 Кошка
Miaul-miaul! The night have sank
The first star is shining.
15 Петух
Ah, where did you go away. Crow-crow! Where..?
16 Козел
Sing for us again, please!.
17 Кошка
No, let’s dancing…
18 Козел
There is darkness in the street. We have to go home
The hostess should to have a rest.
19 Свинья
Good-bye, my hostess grun-grun!
I ask you to come on Sunday
To me, the birthday party.
20 Курица
And I ask you to come on Wednesday the dinner-party
21 Коза
And we ask you to come on Tuesday by the 6 p.m.
And don’t forget! I will be waiting
22 Кошка
I’ll come without fail!
23 Кот Василий и Кошка
- Fire ! We are on fire! We are on fire!
24 Грачи
Тили-тили-тили-тили тили-бом!
The cat’s house conflagrates!
The cat’s house conflagrates!
25 Рассказчик
The black smoke is spreading by the wind,
The cat is crying. She is burnt down person
There is no neither house, nor a yard,
Neither pillow, nor a carpet
26 Кошка (курице)
We have no a house.
Where will tom-cat and I live in our town?!
27 Курица
I’d glad let you in our house.
But husband trembles from the anger.
When guests arrive at our house
28 Кошка (козе)
You’re my hostess, let us in..This is me and tom-cat Vasay. You called us on Tuesday.
29 Коза
Good evening! I glad of you.
But there is no bed in our house.
30 Кошка (свинье)
Let us in your house, pig,
We’ve remained without dwelling.
31 Свинья
I can’t let you in our house
We have not enough the space,
32 Поросята
I am pig and you are pig. All of us are simply pigs
Nowadays we’re given, friends whole vat of leaves.
We are sitting by benches and are eating from tubs
Ай люли, ай люли, we are eating from the tubs.
33 Кошка (котятам)
Forgive us, please, if we were guilty in face of you
34 Кот Василий
We live small in four of us -
We are needed build new house.
35 Все вместе (кошка, кот и котята)
We invite you to new house