Презентации к учебнику "Spotlight"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Смирнова Татьяна Аркадьевна


Презентации к учебнику "Spotlight"


Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Презентация к учебнику Spotlight “ My animals” ( form 2) Учитель английского языка Смирнова Т.А. МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

My animals

Слайд 3

swim a fish

Слайд 4

sing a bird

Слайд 5

jump a frog

Слайд 6

run a horse

Слайд 7

dance a chimp

Слайд 8

I can … like a …

Слайд 9

a f ish a bird a chimp a frog a horse run jump dance swim sing

Слайд 10

f sh b rd fro ho se c i p s im si g j mp r n d n e

Слайд 11

Мы идем … школу. в

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

School days Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Days of the week

Слайд 3

School subjects Russian English Drama Literature Maths Science Geography History Art Music Information Physical Technology (IT) Education (PE)

Слайд 4

School objects a pen an atlas a ruler a pencil a student`s book a sharpener a pencil case a school bag an eraser paints a dictionary

Слайд 5

We go to school … … a week. We relax on …

Слайд 6

We study many subjects: …. I like … I don`t like … My favourite subject is ….

Слайд 7

Tomorrow will be …. We have … lessons. I need … student`s books : …. In Maths I need …. In … I`m ready.

Слайд 8

Maths do experiments English learn how to use computer History draw and paint pictures Science study past events IT translate new words Art recite poems by heart Literature run , jump and play PE solve problems In Maths we …

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

That`s me Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

I`m from … I`m … the UK British Britain British the USA American America American Russia Russian

Слайд 3

I`m from … I`m …. Canada Canad ian France Fren ch Italy Ital ian Australia Austral ian Greece Gree k Japan Japan ese China Chin ese

Слайд 4

Canada France Italy Australia Greece Japan China Russia the UK Canadian French Italian Australian Greek Japanese Chinese Russian British

Слайд 5

He is America|American . Betty is from Britain|British . They are from Italian| Italy. We are from Chinese| China. She is Greece| Greek. I`m from Russian| Russia.

Слайд 6

to have got - иметь I, you, we, they - have got haven`t he, she, it - ha s got hasn`t

Слайд 7

We … He … I … have got has got have got has got

Слайд 8

Amazing Spidey Peter Parker - quiet te е nager , New York aunt Mary, friend Mary Jane a spider, bites, special power, strong and fast, climb walls, his enemy

Слайд 9

My things bicycle helmet gloves trainers skateboard basketball

Слайд 10

cap digital camera handbag teddy bear watch scarf guitar (p.38 ex.2)

Слайд 11

The plural Cap – cap s child –children Bu s – bus es foot – feet Gla ss – glass es tooth – teeth Bru sh – brush es man – men Wat ch – watch es woman – women Potat o – potato es mouse – mice Cit y – cit ie s But: bo y –bo ys , to y - to ys Shel f – shel v es ( p.39 ex.5)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Презентацию подготовила: у читель англ. языка Смирнова Т.А. Владимирская СШ Family ties

Слайд 2

mother father sister brother daughter son grandmother grandfather grandma granddad granddaughter grandson aunt uncle cousin nephew niece husband wife

Слайд 3

Who is who? 1.Facial features 2.Height 3.Hair 4.Build big, fat, plump, slim ,thin eyes, ears, mouth, nose, moustashe fair, dark, long, short, straight, curly small, tall H` is … with… He has … . His … is| are …

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Road safety Spotlight Module3 Form 6 Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

t raffic sign p arking zone t raffic lights z ebra crossing pavement pedestrian t raffic warden

Слайд 3

Wear Walk straight Look Run onto Talk to Walk on Lean out of a seat belt b oth ways t he driver t he window a cross the road t he road t he pavement

Слайд 4

Don`t cross between parked cars. Don`t block the rear view mirror. Don`t play with the car door handles. Don`t push others in the bus. Wear a bicycle helmet. Ride with the flow of traffic. Use bike lanes. Use the door on the pavement side to get out of the car.

Слайд 5

Go by on

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Hello! Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

Sea Tree Hand sand Rose Head Snow Night

Слайд 3

I can play …

Слайд 4

football basketball

Слайд 5

Can you play … ? + Yes, I can. - No, I can’t.

Слайд 7

W w s w im w hat w hite X x fo x si x bo x [ w ] [ ks ]

Слайд 8

Thank you for the lesson!

Слайд 9

Touch your heard, touch your nose, Touch your ears, touch your toes. Jump and run! Let’s have fun! Wash your face! Wash your hands! Clean your teeth! Stay healthy, please!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Daily routine Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

Clean the house clean the room

Слайд 3

Make a bed

Слайд 4

Go shopping

Слайд 5

Cook meal

Слайд 6

Lay the table

Слайд 7

do the washing up

Слайд 8

Feed pets

Слайд 9

Take a pet for a walk

Слайд 10

Water the flowers

Слайд 11

Do homework

Слайд 12

Answer phone calls

Слайд 13

Repair the bike

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Environmental problems ‘ To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself’ Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

Match the names of the problems with the symbols and with their descriptions.

Слайд 3

Air pollution B. Our factories throw a lot of dirt into the air. We are polluting the atmosphere.

Слайд 4

Water pollution C. Our drinking water is full of chemicals. The seas are dirty because we continue to put chemicals and litter into them.

Слайд 5

Paper comes from trees. If we use a lot of paper we kill a lot of trees. Three hundred thousand square kilometers of forests disappear every year. Deforestation

Слайд 6

Recycling A. We throw away so much glass, paper, metal and plastic. We mustn't do that. We can recycle or reuse these things.

Слайд 7

Endangered animals Animals are in danger. We pollute the atmosphere and disturb the wildlife. A lot of animals are disappearing.

Слайд 8

The ozone layer E . The gases from aerosol cans and refrigerators can destroy the ozone layer. We can find alternatives to such gases .

Слайд 9

Simple Present Passive = to be + V 3 ‘ To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself ’

Слайд 10

O The countryside is cared for O The place isn't cleaned up. O Animals are hurt O Baby trees are damaged.. O Trees are painted. O Litter is thrown away. O The air is polluted. O Birds are disturbed. O The water is polluted. O The fire is left. ‘ To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself’

Слайд 11

We must … We mustn’t … care for protect spoil help kill feed reduce

Слайд 12

‘ To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself ’

Слайд 13

Homework: p. 79, ex. 5 (1) to write

Слайд 14

Thank you for the lesson!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Start travelling! Учитель английского языка Т.А. Смирнова МОУ Владимирская СШ

Слайд 2

Travel by

Слайд 3

Travel on foot horseback camelback

Слайд 4

Travel across the ocean the desert

Слайд 5

Travel … car, … ocean, … foot, … air, … horseback, … desert, … train

Слайд 6

To change the life To make a fortune To explore the world To discover new places To develop trade and economic relationships To meet new people To learn new traditions Because of curiosity Because of sense of adventure

Слайд 7

чтобы изменить жизнь чтобы исследовать мир чтобы развивать торговые и экономические связи чтобы познакомиться с новыми людьми чтобы познакомиться с новыми традициями из люботыпства из-за жажды приключений чтобы заработать состояние

Слайд 8

Explora tion ,equip ment ,revi sion , detect ive ,arrange ment , entertain ment , protec tion ,preven tion ,crash - sion - tion - ment - ive explore entertain equip protect revise prevent detect crash arrange

Слайд 9

Названия мест имеют разное происхождение. Иногда эти названия являются описанием данной местности ( Big Canyon ). Иногда люди используют имена знаменитых людей или исторических событий. Многие названия имеют латинское происхождение, в Британии это – port,- street,-hill.

Слайд 10

1. I saw … in the mirror. 2. Don`t be lazy and make your bed … . 3.We enjoyed … at the disco. 4.Her brother has made this model … . 5.Are you hungry? Please, help … ! 6.Has Olga read this fairy tale in English … . 7.My dog goes for a walk by … . 8.My cousin`s students can do this work …

Слайд 11

1 . ... Europe and ... America are separated by ... Atlantic Ocean. 2. ... Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 3. There are many small islands in ... Pacific Ocean. 4. ... North Sea separates …British Isles from ... Europe. 5. ... Balkans are old mountains. 6. ... Nile flows across... north -eastern part of ... Africa to ... Mediterranean Sea. 7. Which are ... highest mountains in Russia.

Слайд 12

1. Nick played golf yesterday, he has never played golf before 2.It’s raining heavily now . 3. Tomorrow at this time they’ll be broadcasting this programme again. 4. He had finished his essay by 7 p. m. yesterday. 5. They have been living in this city for 6 years already. 6. She was cleaning the park with other volunteers all day long. 7. Tornadoes usually occur in the spring.

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