Презентация "Australia"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Ахмедзянова Лилия Шайхиевна

Презентация на английском языке для уроков страноведения. 


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Australia is an independent country within the Commonwealth . Formally the British monarch is the head of state and has royal representatives in the country and in each of the six states.

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According to the Australian Constitution, the legislative branch is represented by the Federal Parliament. The Parliament is made up of two houses: the Senate with 76 senators and the House of Representatives with 146 members.

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Australians are proud of the fact that secret ballot was first introduced in Australia.

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The party of a coalition of parties with the majority of seats in the House of Representatives forms the Cabinet and its leader becomes Prime Minister. So,the executive branch in Australia includes the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Like in Great Britain they come from the Federal Parliament and are responsible to it for government decisions.

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Now there is a question whether Australia should become a republic with an Australian head of state. In February 1998, Australia began the process of severing its constitutional link to the Queen.

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