Тест на употребление времен
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Употребление Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect


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Предварительный просмотр:

Simple Past, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous?

  1. My brother _______ (write) his first novel when he was 20 years old. Now he _______ (work) on his second book for two years and nearly _______ (finish) it.
  2. I not _______ (see) him for ages. I wonder where he might be.
  3. «I _______ (do) housework all morning and not _______ (finish) yet.» «I _______ (do) mine already. I _______ (start) at as soon I got up at 6.»
  4. I _______ (work) for this company for ten years. I _______ (start) to look for a better job last month but _______ (find) anything yet.
  5. « You _______ (be) here before?» «Yes we _______ (spend) our holidays here last year.» «You _______ (have) a good time?» «No, it never _______ (stop) raining.»
  6. « You _______ (have) breakfast yet?» «Yes I _______ (have) it at 9.»
  7. We _______ (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk."
  8. I _______ (ask) you repeatedly not to smoke in the car!
  9. They _______ (live) in Brussels for a few years but they _______ (divorce) now and she _______ (returne) home last week.
  10. Somebody _______ (take) my keys. I cannot leave home now.
  11. He is out. I think he _______ (go) to the bank.
  12. How long is it since they _______ (get) married?
  13. 1: wrote; has been working; has nearly finished; 2: have not seen; 3: have been doing; have not finished; have done; started; 4: have been working; started; have not found; 5: Have you been; spent; did you have; stopped;
  14. 6: Have you had; had; 7: have missed; 8: have asked; 9: lived; have divorced; returned; 10: has taken; 11: has gone; 12: got married.

Simple Past, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous?

  1. My brother _______ (write) his first novel when he was 20 years old. Now he _______ (work) on his second book for two years and nearly _______ (finish) it.
  2. I not _______ (see) him for ages. I wonder where he might be.
  3. «I _______ (do) housework all morning and not _______ (finish) yet.» «I _______ (do) mine already. I _______ (start) at as soon I got up at 6.»
  4. I _______ (work) for this company for ten years. I _______ (start) to look for a better job last month but _______ (find) anything yet.
  5. « You _______ (be) here before?» «Yes we _______ (spend) our holidays here last year.» «You _______ (have) a good time?» «No, it never _______ (stop) raining.»
  6. « You _______ (have) breakfast yet?» «Yes I _______ (have) it at 9.»
  7. We _______ (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk."
  8. I _______ (ask) you repeatedly not to smoke in the car!
  9. They _______ (live) in Brussels for a few years but they _______ (divorce) now and she _______ (returne) home last week.
  10. Somebody _______ (take) my keys. I cannot leave home now.
  11. He is out. I think he _______ (go) to the bank.
  12. How long is it since they _______ (get) married?

Simple Past, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous?

  1. My brother _______ (write) his first novel when he was 20 years old. Now he _______ (work) on his second book for two years and nearly _______ (finish) it.
  2. I not _______ (see) him for ages. I wonder where he might be.
  3. «I _______ (do) housework all morning and not _______ (finish) yet.» «I _______ (do) mine already. I _______ (start) at as soon I got up at 6.»
  4. I _______ (work) for this company for ten years. I _______ (start) to look for a better job last month but _______ (find) anything yet.
  5. « You _______ (be) here before?» «Yes we _______ (spend) our holidays here last year.» «You _______ (have) a good time?» «No, it never _______ (stop) raining.»
  6. « You _______ (have) breakfast yet?» «Yes I _______ (have) it at 9.»
  7. We _______ (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk."
  8. I _______ (ask) you repeatedly not to smoke in the car!
  9. They _______ (live) in Brussels for a few years but they _______ (divorce) now and she _______ (returne) home last week.
  10. Somebody _______ (take) my keys. I cannot leave home now.
  11. He is out. I think he _______ (go) to the bank.
  12. How long is it since they _______ (get) married?

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