Универмаг Хэрродз
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Презентация рассказывает прот один из крупнейших универмагов мира, который расположен в Лондоне.


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Слайд 1

Zhabin Egor , 6 class

Слайд 2

“ Harrods” is considered the world’s best department store. It is located in Knightsbridge, London, theUK.

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The shop’s motto is “All things for All People, Everywhere”. You can see these words on the top of the building, they are in Latin.

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The history of “Harrods” began with a small food shop which was opened by Charles Henry Harrod in 1849.

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Now it is the largest department store in Europe.

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This department store is worth visiting just for architecture and interior design.

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The first escalator in England was opened in “Harrods” in 1898.

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Memorials of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Al-Fayed

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“ Harrods” is a very expensive place to shop.

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It has 330 different deparments on seven floors.

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You can buy everything in this luxury shop…

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… tasty food…

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… and drinks…

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… shoes and clothes.

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In case you are tired you can enjoy a meal in one of the 30 eateries.

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There are also 8 doormen known as “Green men” because of their uniform. They open the door for people when they come and leave the store.

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January and July are the busiest months for “Harrods” because they are sales times.

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Black Friday opens Christmas sale

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Over 300 000 customers visit the store on the first day.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация к уроку СБО, 7 класс по теме Универмаги. Специализированные магазины, их отделы"

Данная презентация используется при ознакомлении учащихся с назначением универмагов и специализированных магазинов , позволит сформировать у детей с ОВЗ умения приобретать эти товары...