презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Сагеева Алия Рустемовна

Презентация содержит материал по теме омонимия,а именно: этимология и определение термина, классификацию и примеры


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Etymology The word homonym comes from the Greek ὁμώνυμος ( homonumos ), meaning "having the same name", which is the conjunction of ὁμός ( homos ), "common, same" and ὄνομα ( onoma ) meaning "name". Thus, it refers to two or more distinct concepts sharing the "same name" or signifier. Note: for the h sound, see rough breathing and smooth breathing .

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Defenition Two or more words identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning, distribution and in many cases origin are called homonyms . The term is derived from Greek “homonymous” (homos – “the same” and onoma – “name”) and thus expresses very well the sameness of name combined with the difference in meaning.

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Classifications of Homonyms The most widely accepted classification is that recognizing homonyms proper, homophones and homographs. Thus homonyms are simultaneously homographs (words that share the same spelling, regardless of their pronunciation) and homophones (words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of their spelling)