Bloody Oranges
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
“Bloody Oranges”
Pupil 1: Once upon a time there was a family. There were four of them: a mother, a father, a son and a daughter. They were having dinner on the 31-st of October. They had already eaten their dinner but suddenly mother realized that she had forgotten to put oranges on the table.
Mother: Oh, dear! Where are the oranges? I think they are in the cellar. Jane, go to the cellar and bring the oranges.
Pupil 2: Jane goes to the cellar, opens the door and has the feeling that there is somebody in the room, but she does not see anybody. On the shelf she sees the oranges.
Jane: Ah! Here are the oranges!
Pupil 1: But when she wants to take the oranges she hears a strange voice.
Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!
Pupil 2: Jane is frightened and she runs up to the dining room.
Jane: I could not find the oranges. Ask Max to bring them!
Mother: Max, go to the cellar and bring the oranges, please.
Max: Of course, Mum. Only those silly girls cannot find the oranges!
Pupil 1: He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them.
Pupil 2: But he hears the same strange voice.
Voice: Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!
Pupil 1: Max is scared too and he runs upstairs out of the cellar.
Max: I have not brought the oranges. Let father go there!
Mother: My darling, will you go to the cellar and bring those oranges, please?
Father: OK
Pupil 1 He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them. But he hears the same strange voice.
Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!
Father: I am not afraid of you! I need these oranges and I will take them!
Pupil 2: Fifteen minutes passed but nobody came back. Mother, Jane and Max went to the cellar together. They opened the door and on the floor they saw their dead father with bloody oranges around him.
Voice: Ha! Ha! Ha!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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