Фразовые глаголы
тренажёр по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Субботина Александра Александровна

Задания и упражнения на отработку фразовых глаголов


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Предварительный просмотр:


To shout/smile (кричать/улыбаться на..)


To look (смотреть на..)

Be good (быть хорошим в чем-то)

Be bad (быть плохим в чем-то)

To laugh (смеяться над..)

Be late (опаздывать)


Be famous (быть знаменитым чем-то)

To wait (ждать)

To look (искать)

To leave (оставлять)

Be proud (гордиться)


At the age (в возрасте..)

To be afraid (бояться)

To take care (заботиться)

To be fond (увлекаться)

To put (надевать)


To take (снимать одежду)


To be interested (интересоваться)


To be angry (сердиться)


1. Поставьте предлог, где необходимо:

1. Put ____________

8. Go _______home

2. ________summer

9. Go________ cinema

3. _______the age _________

10. Laugh ________me

4. Take __________

11. Wait _______my sister

5. Look _______this picture! It’s very nice.

12. Be late ______the lesson

6. ________last week

13. Leave Moscow _______Madrid

7. Be proud ______

14. Be famous __________

2. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

1. You should put _________your coat, because it is cold today.

2. What are you afraid  ________?

3. Mum, I want a pet dog. I will be able to take care _______it. I am not young!

4. He is good ______ Maths.

5. What is she bad ______?

6. They are interested ______ cars.

3. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

1. ___________Christmas people are very kind.

2. What are you afraid ________? – My scissors.

3. We must take care _______our pets.

4. Don’t laugh _______him! It’s not funny.

5. His wife always shouts _________him.

6. She comes back ________ 4 o’clock _________the evening.

7. What is his famous _________?

8. _______the age______25, he was late __________work all the time.

9. They left the city _________the country.

10. May I take _______my sweater?

4. Поставьте необходимые предлоги:

1. Wait _______ me, please! I will go _______home________ a minute.

2. _________the age_______10 the child can put ______his clothes himself.

3. He was fond ______ the Black sea, and he wants to leave the city ______the sea again.

4. He was famous _________ his compositions, because_______ last week he took the first prize for the best one, and his parents were proud _____him.

5. _______Christmas people take care ____ poor people, homeless animals.

6. What are you doing? I’m looking _____ my sweater, it’s very cold that’s why I want to put it _______.

7. I get up ______ 10 o’clock _______the morning.

8. Mr Scott comes ____home______6.30 ______Monday.

9. The pupils don’t go ____school ______ Saturday.

10. You’ve spoilt your dress! Take it _____!

11. _________ night people must sleep, but you are looking _____your costume.

12. My parents come _______ home_____ 8 o’clock______ the evening.

13. Who is the worst _____ Biology?

14. ______ next summer they will be proud _______ me when I take the first place.

5. Вставьте предлоги там, где они нужны:

1. He is famous ______his works.

2. She doesn’t like looking _______her little sister.

3. ______ the age ____ 4 a child can’t read or write.

4. You can take ______ your coat, it’s warm here.

5. ______ last Monday we left Russia ______ Spain.

6. Don’t laugh ____ me!

7. I am not late ____ school.

6. Вставьте предлоги там, где они нужны:

1. ________ summer I will leave my comfortable flat______ a country.

2. We usually get up ______ 8 o’clock ______ the morning.

3. My mother is proud _______ my marks.

4. What are you famous _____?

5. Who is the best ______ swimming?

6. Take care _____ your health, please.

7. Wait _____ me, I’ll be ready for a minute.

7. Вставьте предлоги там, где они нужны:

1. _____ the age ____ 17 we’ll finish the school.

2. Siberia is famous ______ its frosts.

3. She has never been late _______ the lessons.

4. Can you help me in looking  ______ my passport.

5. Don’t shout _____him!

6. They were proud _____ his works.

7. She left the flat ______ a room.

8. May I take _____ my coat.

9. She is good at _______ listening English songs.

10. _____ Saturday I don’t get up _____ 7 a.m.

11. _____ night they like watching TV.

12. _____Christmas we take care _____ our family.

13. _____ next year we won’t come _____ home in time.

8. Поставьте предлоги:

1. _____night I didn’t sleep.

2. I am going to Brazil. Can you look ______ my pet cat?

3. His father comes home from work _____8 p.m.

4. Wait ______me, please. I am almost ready.

5. She was angry _____him because he didn’t post the cards.

6. Look ______ the picture. It’s very beautiful!

7. Children like getting chocolate eggs _______Easter.

8. We don’t go to school _______Saturday.

9. Where will you go _______the evening?

10. What are you doing? – I’m looking ______my keys, I can’t see them.

9. Поставьте предлог, где это необходимо:

1. We should take care __________ our parents.

2. What are you looking _________? – My shoes!

3. What is Moscow famous _________?

4. Why are you always late _________ the first lesson?

5. Put _________ your sweater, please. It is cold today.

6. Why did you laugh ________ her, when she told the story?

7. Are your parents proud _______ you?

8. Mum, may I take _______ my scarf? It’s warm.

9. I am interested ________ painting.

10. We are waiting _________ a bus.

10. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

1. ________ Christmas we bought many presents.

2. Could you look _______ my flowers, I will be absent for three weeks.

3. You should sleep _________ night.

4. We met _______ 7 o’clock _________ the afternoon.

5. Wait ________ me! I will be ready in a minute.

6. ________ a minute later he came back.

11. Поставьте предлог, где это необходимо:

1. We didn’t wait ________ them after school.

2. My parents are very proud ________me.

3. The children looked __________ small kittens very carefully.

4. I went to school ________  the age _______6.

5. My brother is very good ________ swimming.

6. She is never late _______ school discos.

7. What are you looking _______?

8. My dad comes ________ home very late.

9. The children are laughing __________ the monkey in the Zoo.

10. What is Moscow famous __________?

12. Поставьте предлог, где это необходимо:

1. __________ Christmas people wait ________the clock-striking.

2. My mother came __________ home _________ 10 o’clock ________ the evening.

3. Put _________ your jacket. It’s cold today. You should take care ______ your health.

4. _________ summer we are fond ________ lying on the sea beach.

5. Moscow is famous _________ museums.

6. St. Petersburg is proud ________ its sights.

7. ___________ Saturday and Sunday we don’t go _______school.

8. Look _______ this picture! Pete gave it to us _______ the age ________56.

9. I’m late _________ the lesson again.

10. I must look ________ my little brother, because our parents were absent.

11. My sister was good __________ painting.

12. ________ next year our family will be on holidays.

13. What are you doing? – I’m looking _______ shoes. I don’t know where they are.

14. May I take _________ my pullover? It’s too hot.

15. I left America _________ Canada.

16. Don’t laugh __________me!

17. ________ night all people sleep, only my wife is shouting ________ me now.

13. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

1. May I take ________ my sweater?

2. Wait _______ me, please. I’ll be in a minute.

3. ________ Christmas we must take care _______ other people.

4. We’ll come back ________10 p.m.

5. _________ the afternoon he has his lunch.

6. Can you look ________ my flowers while I’ll be on holidays?

7. Put _________ your scarf, it’s very windy.

8. Don’t laugh _______ her!

9. Moscow is famous _________ its museums.

10. You were late _________ the meeting.

11. What are you good _______?

12. ________ night we should sleep.

14. Поставьте предлоги, где необходимо:

________ night

I am fond _______ the sea.

Wait _______your sister.

He was interested ________sport.

Go ________home after work.

She is the best ________ English.

________ meal time

_______ 6 p.m.

________ the evening

_______ last week

Go _________ the cinema.

Put _______ your coat.

15. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

________ Christmas

_________ Sunday

________ 18th of April

_________ the afternoon

________ last week

_________ noon

________ Monday

_________ Easter

________ next summer

_________ winter

________ 7 a.m.

_________ the morning

________ 2005

_________ Saturday morning

________ the evening

_________ five o’clock

16. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

1. ______ next year we want to leave the city for the country.

2. ______ 2004 ______ summer Greece will be famous for the Olympic Games.

3. ______ Christmas English eat very delicious food.

4. He waited _______ you ______ last month.

5. _______ 7 a.m. we go to school and ______ 15.30 _______ the afternoon we go home.

6. _______ night you mustn’t shout _______ me.

17. Поставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:

1. _______ night I like reading my favourite book.

2. We go to the swimming pool _______ Sunday.

3. My father gets up _____ 6 o’clock _____ the morning and comes home _____ 8 o’clock _____ the evening.

4. People like give present to their friends and relatives _______ Christmas.

5. My grandpa was born ______ 16th of May _______1951.

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