Контрольная работа для 8 класса по Кузовлеву
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа по Кузовлеву


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Put the necessary preposition.

1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland is situated … the Northwest coast of Europe.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

2) The UK lies … the British Isles.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

3) The UK  consists … four parts.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

4) The area … the UK is some 244,100 km2.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

5) Great Britain and  Ireland  are separated … the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

2. Write a tag for each sentence.

1.     Bill was in the country, .................................... ?

2.     Bill went to the country, ........................................... ?

3.     Helen didn't go to the country, ...................................... ?

4.     Helen wasn't in the country, ....................................... ?

5.     His parents were on holiday, ...................................... ?

3. What is the holiday?

1.  People decorate firtrees with tinsels, baubles and fairy lights on…

a) Guy Fawkes’ Night        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

2. People give gifts to their relatives and friends on...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

3. People knock at the door and shout: “Trick or treat” on...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

4.  People send sentimental and heartfelt greetings cards for their loving people on...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

5. People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them on….

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

4. Write down true sentences and translate them.

1) The Chinese New Year is celebrated in early March.

2) The First Foot is an important person for British people.

3)  The symbols of Christmas are a Christmas tree and Santa Claus.

4)  Midsummer’s day , June 24th, is the most important day for Druids.

5)  Guy Fawkes’ Night  is a bank holiday.

 5. Make sentences.

1.     suit, me, it, does?

2. is, what, the purpose, your, of, visit, in, Japan?

3. me, a dress, give, please.

6. Write down 8-10 sentences about the following topics:

1) My favourite holiday

2) My favourite country

3)An  ideal country for travelling

                                        Variant 2

1. Put the necessary preposition.

1) The west coast of the country is washed … the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

2)The largest cities … Great Britain besides London are Birmingham, Glasgo, Liverpool.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

3) The UK consists … counties.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

4)The United Kingdom  is situated … the Northwest coast of Europe.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

5) The UK  consists … four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

2. Write a tag for each sentence.

1.     Her friends went to the park yesterday, ............................. ?

2.     Her friends like to go to the country, ............................ ?

3.     It was cold yesterday, ..................................... ?

4.     It is cold today, .................................................. ?

5.   The boys went to the Zoo with  Mr Smith on Sunday, ...................................?

3. What is the holiday?

1. People set  off firecrackers on  ...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Guy Fawkes’ Night        d)Easter

2. People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them on….

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

3.  People make fancy costumes and put them on ...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

4. People go to church and attend the service on….

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Guy Fawkes’ Night         d)Easter

5.  People write and send beautiful postcards on…

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

4. Write down true sentences and translate them.

1) The Chinese New Year is celebrated in early February.

2) In Britain the New Year is more popular then Christmas.

3)  Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

4)  Midsummer’s day , June 24th, is the longest day of the year.

5) Easter is a bank holiday.

5. Make sentences.

1. I, help, could, you?

2. looks, good, it.

3. travelling, along, are, you?

6. Write down 8-10 sentences about the following topics:

1) My favourite holiday

2) My favourite country

3)An  ideal country for travelling

                                Variant 3

1. Put the necessary preposition.

1) The east coast is washed … the North Sea.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

2) The United Kingdom … Great Britain and Northern  Ireland is situated on the Northwest coast of Europe.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

3) The UK lies … the British Isles.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

4) They are separated … the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

5) The United Kingdom  consists … four parts.

a) by                b) of                c)on                 d)from

2. Write a tag for each sentence.

1.     Mr Adams doesn't work on Monday, .................................?

2.     Mr Adams works on Tuesday, ....................................... ?

3.     Mr Adams didn't work last Friday, .....................................?

4.     Mr Adams worked last Saturday.........................................?

5.     You want to buy a present for John, ....................................... ?

3. What is the holiday?

1. People set  off firecrackers on  ...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Guy Fawkes’ Night        d)Easter

2. People dye eggs and present their relatives and friends with them on….

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

3.  People make fancy costumes and put them on ...

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter

4. People go to church and attend the service on….

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Guy Fawkes’ Night         d)Easter

5.  People write and send beautiful postcards on…

a) St. Valentine’s day        b) Halloween        c) Xmas                d)Easter 

4. Write down true sentences and translate them.

1) The Chinese New Year is celebrated in winter.

2) In Russia people like Christmas more than New Year.

3)  The symbol of Easter is a hare in Britain.

4)  The symbol of New Year is a New Year tree.

5)  Guy Fawkes’ Night  isn’t  a bank holiday.

5. Make sentences.

1.     much, how, they, are?

2.   size, is, what, your?

3. it, is, much, how?

6. Write down 8-10 sentences about the following topics:

1) My favourite holiday

2) My favourite country

3)An  ideal country for travelling


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